Diffusing Made Easy: An Overview of the Different Types of Essential Oil Diffusers

Diffusing Made Easy: An Overview of the Different Types of Essential Oil Diffusers
Essential oils have been used for their health properties for centuries, and they continue to increase in popularity today. Unlike synthetic air fresheners that contain harsh chemicals and artificial fragrances, pure essential oils are derived from natural sources, making them a safer and chemical-free way to promote relaxation, improve mood, and boost mental clarity. When diffused, essential oils can help purify the air and neutralize unpleasant odors, providing a fresh and natural scent. Using an essential oil diffuser is one of the easiest and most convenient ways to enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy. 

There are several types of essential oil diffusers on the market today, each with their own unique features and benefits. In this blog post, we'll explore the most popular types of essential oil diffusers, how they work, how to use them, and how to choose the one that’s right for you.

Unlike other methods of using essential oils, such as topical application or ingestion, diffusing essential oils requires no special knowledge or training. All you need is an essential oil diffuser and your favorite premium and pure essential oil. Diffusing essential oils can be done anywhere, whether in your home, office, or even in your car. Essential oil diffusers come in a variety of styles and sizes, making it easy to find one that fits your needs and preferences. By simply adding a few drops of essential oil to your diffuser, you can create a relaxing and uplifting atmosphere, and enjoy the many benefits of aromatherapy. Using an essential oil diffuser also dilutes the essential and can be a safe way to use essential oils with your dog. For more info on diffusing essential oils specifically for your dog, click HERE

Different Types Of Oil Diffusers

  1. Ultrasonic Diffusers
Ultrasonic diffusers are one of the most popular types of essential oil diffusers on the market today. They work by using ultrasonic vibrations to break down the essential oil into tiny particles and disperse them into a fine mist in the air. Ultrasonic diffusers are easy to use, and they often come with various settings for the amount of mist output and the length of time you want the diffuser to run. These diffusers are also relatively quiet, making them ideal for use in bedrooms and offices.

To use an ultrasonic diffuser, begin by filling the water reservoir with water and adding your preferred essential oil. The amount of essential oil needed will vary based on the size of the diffuser. Manufacturer guidelines usually provide a recommended range, so start on the lower end and adjust to your preference. Once you have added the oil, turn on the diffuser, and it will begin dispersing the essential oil into the air, providing a pleasant aroma to your space.

  1. Nebulizing Diffusers
Nebulizing diffusers are another popular type of essential oil diffuser. They work by using a pressurized air stream to break down the essential oil into small particles, which are then dispersed into the air. Unlike ultrasonic diffusers, nebulizing diffusers do not use water, making them ideal for people who prefer a more potent aroma. Using a nebulizer for essential oils can also be more convenient as it allows you to leave your essential oil hooked up, enabling you to simply turn the nebulizer on or off as needed. This can minimize the daily setup required compared to an ultrasonic diffuser, making it a more efficient option.

Using a nebulizing diffuser is a straightforward process. For most models, all you need to do is connect your essential oil bottle and adjust the flow and time settings based on your desired level of diffusion. The nebulizing diffuser will then create a fine mist of essential oil that quickly disperses throughout the room, delivering the benefits of aromatherapy efficiently and effectively.

  1. Heat diffusers 
Heat diffusers work by using heat to evaporate the essential oil into the air. These diffusers are easy to use and are often more affordable than ultrasonic or nebulizing diffusers. However, heat diffusers can be less effective at dispersing essential oils evenly throughout a room. Heat will also degrade the essential oil lessening its health advantages.

Heat diffusers are available in two types: electric plug-in and candle-based. To use a heat diffuser, add a few drops of your preferred essential oil to the diffuser and turn it on or light the candle, depending on the type of heat diffuser you have. As the diffuser heats up, the essential oil will evaporate into the air, releasing its aroma.

4. Evaporative Diffusers

Evaporative diffusers are another popular type of essential oil diffuser. They work by using a fan to blow air over a pad or filter that has been infused with essential oils. The air then carries the essential oil particles into the room. Evaporative diffusers are easy to use and often come in portable, battery-operated models.

To use an evaporative diffuser, simply add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the pad or filter, and turn on the diffuser. The fan will blow air over the pad or filter, dispersing the essential oil particles into the air.

Choosing the best essential oil diffuser depends on your personal preferences, needs, and budget. Here are a few factors to consider when selecting an essential oil diffuser:

  1. Type of diffuser: Consider which type of diffuser you prefer - ultrasonic, nebulizing, heat, or evaporative. Each has its own benefits and drawbacks.
  2. Room size: Consider the size of the room you want to diffuse oils in. Choose a diffuser that can cover the size of your room effectively. A larger diffuser may be needed for bigger spaces.
  3. Capacity: Consider the water capacity of the diffuser. A larger capacity diffuser will run longer than a smaller one.
  4. Run time: Consider the run time of the diffuser. Some diffusers run for several hours, while others may only run for a few hours.
  5. Noise level: Consider the noise level of the diffuser. Some diffusers operate silently, while others may make noise.
  6. Design: Consider the design of the diffuser. There are many styles and colors to choose from to fit your decor.
  7. Safety features: Consider the safety features of the diffuser, such as automatic shut-off when the water runs out.
  8. Price: Consider your budget. There are many affordable diffusers on the market, as well as more expensive models.
By considering these factors, you can choose the best essential oil diffuser for your needs and preferences. 

In conclusion, using an essential oil diffuser is an excellent way to enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy. With four main types of diffusers available, choosing the one that suits your needs and preferences is easy. Whether you prefer a gentle mist, a strong aroma, or a more affordable option, there is a diffuser that can provide the desired outcome. By selecting the best diffuser for your needs and using it regularly, you can create a relaxing and beneficial environment in your home or office. Ultimately, using an essential oil diffuser is an easy way to benefit from the powerful properties of essential oils and enhance your overall well-being.

My favorite diffuser and essential oils come from Young Living Essential Oils. What sets Young Living apart from other essential oil companies is their Seed to Seal guarantee, which ensures that their oils are pure and safe for use. This is especially important if you have a multiple dog household like me. By choosing Young Living, you can have peace of mind that you are using pure and high-quality essential oils that are safe for both you and your pets. Click HERE to grab my favorite diffuser! (This is an affiliate link and I earn a small commission at no cost to you. Thanks for supporting my small business!) 

Is Cedarwood Oil Safe For Dogs

Is Cedarwood Oil Safe For Dogs
Cedarwood essential oil has been used for centuries for various purposes, including aromatherapy, skincare, and pest control. But did you know that it can be safe for dogs and have several health benefits? In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of cedarwood essential oil for dogs and how you can use it with your pets.

What is Cedarwood Essential Oil?

Cedarwood essential oil is a natural oil derived from the wood of cedar trees. There are several different types of cedar trees and one of the most commonly used cedar trees for essential oil is the Atlas cedarwood (Cedrus atlantica)Atlas cedarwood is believed to be a close relative of the Biblical Cedars Of Lebanon.

Cedarwood essential oil is extracted through a process called steam distillation, which involves heating the wood chips or shavings in water to release the volatile compounds. The steam containing the essential oil is then cooled and collected, and the oil is separated from the water. 

Cedarwood essential oil has a warm, woody, and slightly sweet aroma that is both grounding and calming. Compared to other essential oils, cedarwood has a more earthy and masculine scent than floral or citrus oils like lavender oil or lemon. It's often used in aromatherapy blends for its grounding and balancing effects on the mind and body. Overall, cedarwood essential oil has a unique and distinctive scent that is loved by many for its warm and comforting qualities.

Cedarwood essential oil has a rich history of use dating back thousands of years. The ancient Egyptians used cedarwood oil in the embalming process and believed it had purifying and preserving properties. In ancient Greece, cedarwood oil was used for its calming and grounding effects on the mind and body. Native Americans used cedarwood oil in their spiritual practices and believed it had healing powers. Cedarwood oil was also used in traditional Chinese medicine for its alleged anti-inflammatory properties. Cedar wood oil has also been studied for insect control; specifically fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes. Today, cedarwood oil has even been studied for hair loss

Is cedarwood essential oil safe for dogs?

Yes, cedarwood essential oil is safe for dogs when used correctly. Many dog products on the market for sale today contain cedarwood oil. However, it's essential to use high-quality essential oils and avoid synthetic fragrances that can harm your dog. Always use a pure and premium cedarwood oil and dilute the essential oil before use. You can safely use essential oils with dogs (even tea tree :0) and to learn how to safely get started, grab my guide HERE.

What are the benefits of cedarwood essential oil for dogs?

  1. Can help relieve tension and worry
Cedarwood essential oil has a calming effect that can help soothe your dog's emotions. If your dog gets worried during thunderstorms, car rides, or when left alone, diffusing cedarwood essential oil in the room and car can help them feel more relaxed.

  1. Repels outdoor annoyances
Cedarwood essential oil can help protect your dog from annoyances when outside. You can add a few drops of cedarwood essential oil to your dog's shampoo or dilute it with water and spray it on their fur. For a step by step guide to making a spray, click HERE. You can also make a dry dog shampoo powder and apply it to your dogs coat before going outside. To learn how to do that, click HERE.

  1. Promotes healthy skin
Cedarwood essential oil has skin cleansing and naturally deodorizing properties that can help maintain healthy skin and coat. You can add a few drops of cedarwood essential oil to a carrier oil (to learn more about carrier oils, click HERE.) like coconut oil and massage it into your dog's skin. 

  1. May support the respiratory system
Cedarwood essential oil has properties that can help support breathing. You can diffuse cedarwood essential oil in the room or add a few drops to a carrier oil and massage it into your dog's chest. For easy application, you can make a roller bottle. For a step by step guide to making a roller bottle, click HERE.  

How to use cedarwood essential oil with your dog?

Aromatically (Diffusion)

To easily diffuse essential oils with your dog, you can:

-Be a walking diffuser by wearing the essential oil yourself as a perfume or in diffuser jewelry. 
-Use an electric diffuser, such as an ultrasonic diffuser, by simply adding a few drops of cedarwood essential oil to the diffuser and letting it run in the room where your dog spends most of their time. Always give your dog the option to leave the room and monitor your dog for any signs of discomfort. To learn more about how you can safely use an essential oil diffuser with your dog, click HERE.
-Add a few drops onto a cotton ball or wood clothespin and place in strategic areas around your home.
-If you want to have some fun, you can even make a reed diffuser with cedarwood oil and place it in a strategic area to benefit your dog. Reed diffusers are super easy to make and the aroma output can be much less than other diffusers. This works well if you have a particularly sensitive dog or don't want a strong aroma. Click HERE to view a super quick video I made on Pinterest showing you what you need and how to quickly make one. Reed diffusers are great swaps for candles since you will still have a pleasing decoration and light aroma. 

Topical application

Add a few drops of cedarwood essential oil to a carrier oil like coconut oil or jojoba oil and massage it into your dog's skin. Every dog is different and size, age, and health can factor in to how you dilute cedarwood oil. For my easy dilution guidelines chart, click HERE.

In conclusion, cedarwood essential oil can be safe and can have numerous benefits for dogs. It can help relieve tension, promote healthy skin, help the respiratory system, and help your dog enjoy the outdoors. However, it's essential to use high-quality essential oils and dilute them before use. 

I like and use Young Living™ Essential Oils, the world leader in essential oils. With their Seed To Seal guarantee, you know you're getting pure and premium products for you and your pets health and safety. To grab a bottle of cedarwood oil, click HERE (This is an affiliate link and I earn a small commission from your order at no cost to you. Thanks for supporting my small business! I'm so excited to help you get started, that I'll connect with you once you order and send you something special)

*Essential oils are never a substitute for regular veterinary care and are never intended to treat or cure any illness*

A Beginner's Guide to Diluting Essential Oils with Coconut Oil

A Beginner's Guide to Diluting Essential Oils with Coconut Oil

Psst! Here's a little secret about essential oils: to really harness their wellness-boosting magic for our health, you gotta know the art of dilution! Diluting essential oils is super important, especially when it comes to our fur pals like horses and dogs. And what's the secret sauce to dilute these potions? Drumroll, please... it's carrier oil!

Now, let me introduce you to the superhero of carrier oils: the magnificent coconut oil! It's a powerhouse for diluting essential oils, but not all coconut oils wear the same cape. So, let's embark on a thrilling journey to discover the right coconut oil, and the magic formula to mix it all up for the ultimate wellness experience!

Get ready to be amazed by the wonders of blending essential oils with a carrier like coconut! This magical mix makes using essential oils a breeze, while pampering your skin with extra nourishment and shield.

What Are Carrier Oils?

Before we dive into the world of essential oils and coco-nutty bliss, let's get the 411 on carrier oils! These veggie-based oils, aka base oils, will be your skincare's ultimate ride-or-die. They mix with essential oils to pamper your skin without causing a fuss. Carrier oils help your favorite scents go the distance, making them easier to apply to the body and fabulously long-lasting, all the while minimizing potential skin reactions. 

From sources like seeds and nuts, carrier oil varieties like coconut, almond, grapeseed (great for acne prone skin), apricot, and jojoba oil embrace the spotlight. For more info about other carrier oils and what they can do for your skin, click HERE, otherwise read on as I highlight my fave, the fabulous coconut oil. 

What Is Coconut Oil?     

Coconut oil is one of the most popular carrier oils on the market today - and for good reason! It is rich in vitamins E and K as well as medium chain fatty acids including lauric acid which can help fight bacteria and fungus while moisturizing the skin. In this review published on PubMed, "fatty-acid components of vegetable oils are assumed to play a major role in the wound-healing process". Coconut oil can benefit your skin care without even adding essential oils! You can mix any essential oil you'd like with coconut oil. Frankincense, Eucalyptus, Lavender, Rosemary, even Oregano essential oil, to name just a few.

Lucky for us, in the world of coconut oil – we've got two fabulous variants to pick from.

First up, we have our star, the unrefined (virgin) coconut oil, perfect for creams, salves, and even your horse's hooves! (to read more about that, click HERE)With its minimal processing and delightful coconut aroma, it brings a tropical twist to any recipe as well as skin nourishing benefits. You can even use it to deeply moisturize your hair. 

Now, for those moments when you need a lighter touch, enter the fantastic fractionated coconut oil! This magical liquid is created through steam-distillation of mature coconut oil - no grease, aroma, or stickiness here! It's processed so that it stays liquid 100% of the time. With its quick skin-absorption powers, it's ideal for roller bottles, massage rubs, aromatherapy recipes, and more. 

How To Dilute Essential Oils With Coconut Oil     

Ready for a whirlwind adventure into the world of essential oils? Then grab your trusty sidekick, coconut oil, and let's get mixin'! All you need to do is add your essential oils to your coconut oil. It really is that simple, grab a bowl, add some coconut oil, and add some essential oils. But hold on, don't go crazy – we've got our fur friends to consider. Plus, our noble steeds need some oil love too! Dilution rates can depend on where you're at in your oil journey, who you're applying them to, and the health and well being of the individual. 

When you're just getting started,  add 1-2 drops of essential oil per teaspoon of coconut oil, and if your senses dare for more, crank it up to 3-4 drops. But remember, easy does it, partner! We only want to use the amount of essential oils we need and too much can lead to irritation or sensitivity, so take it slow and enjoy the journey! Since essential oils are absorbed very quickly into the body, it's better to use smaller amounts more frequently. 

Once you're more familiar with essential oils, try making a roller bottle. Making a roller bottle is super easy! Simply grab some 10 ml roller bottles from Amazon, add around 10-20 drops of essential oil, and fill the rest of the way up with fractionated coconut oil. For a step by step guide, click HERE

For our fur kids, grab my easy dilution guide for dogs HERE and for horses HERE

Get ready to be amazed by how easy it is to use essential oils with a carrier oil like coconut! This magical mix makes using essential oils a breeze, while pampering your skin with extra nourishment and shield. So go ahead, dive into the uses of essential oils with coconut oil, and let your senses savor this delightful experience-you'll be hooked!

The Ultimate Guide to Eliminating Pet Odors Naturally

The Ultimate Guide to Eliminating Pet Odors Naturally
Are you struggling to maintain a fresh and clean-smelling home due to persistent pet odors? Don't worry, you're not alone! Every pet owner comes across this issue at some point, but fortunately, there are simple steps you can take and DIY's you can make, to help eliminate pet odor. In this blog post, I'll share a host of quick, natural, and safe tips to eliminate pets odor from your living space. So, let's dive right in and make your home smell amazing once again!

The basics: understanding pet odor

Before we talk about how to eliminate pet odors, it's essential to know what causes them. Pet odors can originate from various sources, including pet fur, dander, saliva, urine, feces, and even poor hygiene. These odors then become a part of your home, settling into carpets, furniture, and other surfaces, making it challenging to remove them completely. If your dog has an excessive odor, check in with your veterinarian as that's not normal. Skin issues and dental issues may need to be addressed. 

Preventing pet odors in carpets and furniture

Being proactive and preventing pet odors from settling into your home is the first step towards maintaining a fresh and clean environment. You'll want to regularly (as in at least once per week):

-wash your pets toys, bowls, collars, and leashes. 

Don't forget about your pets favorite spots, such as stairs or closets.

Use slipcovers on furniture that can be easily removed and washed. Also buy pet beds that have a washable cover. Try adding a pet odor neutralizer to your carpet before vacuuming. 

For an easy DIY pet odor eliminator for carpets, use baking soda. I like to add Lemon essential oil. Simply add 15 drops of essential oil to 1 cup of baking soda. Sprinkle on carpet and let sit at least 10 minutes or even overnight for really tough odors. Then vacuum up. Occasional deep cleaning of carpets and steam cleaning furniture can greatly contribute to maintaining a fresh and pleasant home environment.

Regularly bathing your dog is helpful. For times when you can't bathe, use a pet deodorizer. This DIY dry shampoo is helpful. Grab the recipe HERE 

You can also make easy DIY pet wipes and wipe your dogs coat and paws when they come in from outside, get the recipe HERE 

Ensuring an odor-free litter box for your cat can also help prevent the accumulation of unpleasant smells. Scoop your letterbox daily, completely change out the litter and wash the box weekly, and consider a layer of baking soda underneath the litter. You can also make an essential oil kitty litter deodorizer by adding 5 drops of essential oil to a cup of baking soda and sprinkling in the bottom of the litter box. Use a pure and premium essential oil, I like Lavender. 

DIY pet odor removers

There is a wide range of DIY pet odor removers and cleaners, utilizing everyday household items, including baking soda, vinegar, citrus, and hydrogen peroxide. Head to this blog to find out what needs to be on your shopping list for natural home cleaning. The addition of essential oils can help neutralize pet odor and give your home a fresh and clean aroma. 

For hard surfaces, a mixture of water, hydrogen peroxide, and lemon juice can be used to clean and eliminate odors. Citrus can be a natural enzymatic neutralizer. 

Enzymatic Surface Cleaner
1 cup hydrogen peroxide
2 cups water
1/4 cup lemon juice

For more tips and recipes to clean your home naturally, click HERE

This is my favorite pet urine remover DIY:

Pet Urine Remover
2 cups water
2 tablespoons of liquid Castile soap
15 drops lemongrass essential oil
15 drops cinnamon essential oil

Freshening the air naturally

DIY air fresheners are easy to make and cost effective. They are also safer than chemical laden air fresheners or plug ins that you can buy. All you really need is baking soda and essential oils. And yes, pure essential oils diluted as an air freshener can be safe for your dog and cats! To grab a quick and easy recipe for a DIY air freshener using baking soda, click HERE

To eliminate pet odors in the air naturally, try using essential oils in a diffuser, such as lavender or lemon. These natural fragrances can be beneficial in neutralizing unpleasant smells and promoting a clean environment. 

Investing in an essential oil diffuser is an easy and cost effective way to neutralize odors. Using an ultrasonic diffuser dilutes the essential oil, keeping it safe for your dog. To read more about safely diffusing essential oils with your dogs, click HERE

Diffusing 2 drops of lemongrass essential oil and 2 drops of cinnamon essential oil in a diffuser can be a powerful urine odor eliminator. 

Additional tips for eliminating pet odors

Beyond the standard cleaning methods and DIY solutions, there are a few extra tips to consider. For instance, using an air purifier to filter out pet dander and other airborne particles can significantly reduce pet odors. If the weather permits, open up windows regularly and air out the house. Opening windows to improve airflow and allow fresh air to circulate in your home regularly is a must.

Additionally, placing DIY air fresheners  in common odor hotspots such as the vicinity of litter boxes or near pet beds can work wonders. You can easily make safe air fresheners with baking soda. Adding essential oils gives more odor control and a pleasant aroma to your home. For some quick and easy DIY air freshener recipes and tips, click HERE.  

Pet odors may seem like a permanent problem, but with the right measures, you can keep your home smelling clean and fresh. By understanding what causes pet odors, proactively preventing their accumulation, and using natural and safe DIY remedies, you can maintain an odor-free and inviting home. Remember, the key is consistency in your cleaning routine, and with these tips and tricks, both you and your beloved furry friends can enjoy a comfortable and odor-free living space.

For more essential oil recipes, tips, and tricks...join 'The Weekly Oiler' HERE keepin' the "oily lifestyle' simple and easy for you, your horses, and dogs...

Essential Oils For Horses-Recipes I Love!

Essential Oils For Horses-Recipes I Love!
Essential oils offer an all-natural and cost efficient way to support your horse's health and wellbeing. Why spend a fortune on expensive chemical products for horse care, when you can make your own safe and natural alternatives? Here are two of my favorite recipes using essential oils: a hoof spray to ward off ‘gunk’; and mane detangler that not only helps release knots without damaging hair but also can support hair growth and provide a calming aroma! Try these two popular recipes today; you’ll love them! Download the recipes HERE!

Hoof Spray

I was definitely tired of turning the barn aisle green and having to wear gloves to apply a product to my horses hooves. This essential oil hoof spray recipe helps keep your horses hooves 'gunk' free, without needing gloves or turning your hands different colors. 

You will need:
A spray bottle-glass and stainless steel are ideal as essential oils degrade plastic. You can use plastic as that is a much safer option than glass at a barn, just be sure to use a high quality PET or HDPE chemically resistant plastic for durability and longevity of the bottle.
Essential oil- I definitely have my favorites for this recipe which are Tea Tree Oil, Clove Oil, and Oregano. Other essential oils I have used successfully are Lemongrass, Rosemary, Thyme and Eucalyptus. If you only have one of the essential oils listed, use that one and see how it gos. Essential oils can be very adaptogenic and plants use their essential oils to maintain their viability, so use what you have and see what happens. 

Vodka or apple cider vinegar- I prefer vodka because it has no aroma. It helps to disperse the essential oil into the water and then evaporates quickly leaving the essential oil residue behind. I've seen many recipes using only apple cider vinegar with successful reports but in times when I have used apple cider vinegar instead of vodka, I haven't been able to discern a true difference and since apple cider vinegar has an aroma, I prefer vodka. Use one or the other, no need to use both. 

Water- I always prefer using purified or distilled water in my recipes as the impurities have been removed. However, you can use tap water, especially for a recipe that will be used up quickly. With the addition of the essential oils and vodka, I dont think you have to worry so much about longevity of the mixture. 

Fill your spray bottle up halfway with water and halfway with vodka, leave room at the top to add the essential oils. I like to use a 16 oz. spray bottle, so I add 1 cup vodka and 1 cup water. Then add your essential oils. I add 60 drops of essential oil per 2 cups. So for a 16 oz. spray bottle, I add:

30 drops Tea Tree
20 Drops Oregano
10 drops Clove

Shake well and spray this mixture on the white line, frog, bars, and sole of your horses hooves after picking out. I use daily if my horses hooves seem 'gunky'. If I'm using it as a preventative, I'll maybe spray two or three times a week. 

Mane Detangler
This is very easy to make and the essential oils I like to use give off a very calming aroma, making this a perfect addition to help your horse relax as well as keep the mane tangle free. 

8 oz. spray bottle
2 TBS All Natural Conditioner (I like to use Young Living's Copaiba & Vanilla Conditioner) You can also sub out a carrier oil for this like fractionated coconut oil, olive oil or sweet almond oil. 
6 oz. water
20 drops each Rosemary, Lavender, and Cedarwood
(or 30 drops each Frankincense and Cedarwood)

Add the conditioner to the spray bottle, then add your essential oils and swirl to mix. Then add the water and after adding the spray top, really shake it well until the conditioner is fully blended with the essential oils and water. Spray on the mane and hand comb out or use a hair pick (this helps eliminate breaking hair or pulling it out). Shake well each time you spray and spray as often as needed if you are getting tangles out. If you are using as a preventative, I usually will comb through my horses mane a couple times a week. You can even use this as a coat conditioner. I live in a hot and very dry climate, so I like to apply it during brushing, as it helps keep the dust down.

By using essential oils with your horse, you have the opportunity to create a healthier and more wholesome environment for both you and your horse. Not only will essential oils help support health and wellness, but they’re also an effective substitute for toxins that are commonly found in barns. For a fantastic source of natural products, give making your own barn products a try. With a few basic ingredients, it’s more cost-efficient than purchasing from the market - plus it can be great fun! With this knowledge, I encourage you to take initiative by creating your own hoof spray and mane detangler. Don't forget to download the recipes HERE!

And if you need more assistance to get started using essential oils with your horse, don't forget to grab my free guide to getting started using essential oils with your horse by clicking HERE– it has all the info you need to get started!

If you don't have essential oils yet and want to grab some for the above recipes, click HERE, it’ll take ya to a bundle I created listing all of the above essential oils, from the world leader in essential oils-Young Living™. With their Seed To Seal guarantee, you know you're getting pure and premium products for you and your horses health! Simply pick which ones you’d like, add to the cart, and check out! Easy peasy and thanks for supporting my small business! (This is an affiliate link and I earn a small commission from your order at no cost to you.)

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