How To Dilute Tea Tree Oil For Dogs

How To Dilute Tea Tree Oil For Dogs
Tea Tree oil is a highly versatile, purifying powerhouse!  Well-known for its powerful cleansing properties, it's a popular choice for skin support- plus its potent odor neutralizing capabilities make it perfect as part of your DIY cleaning routine. One of the most important ways we can help keep our homes safe for our pets is by using toxin free cleaners and air fresheners. With such broad uses and so many different applications, Tea Tree stands out among the  essential oils studied. Read on to find out if you should use Tea Tree oil on your dog, how to safely dilute it, and the positive effects this natural remedy can have on your dogs health.

What Is Tea Tree Oil?

Tea Tree oil is an essential oil that is extracted from the leaves of the Melaleuca alternifolia plant, which is native to Australia. It has long been used by Indigenous Australians as a natural remedy, but more recently it has become popular for use in human and pet products due to its wide range of benefits.

Tea Tree oil is gaining recognition and has been studied as an antiviral agent, with this study on finding its application promising and highly encouraging in recurrent herpes infection. Not only studied against viruses - this essential oil also showed promising results for infections in this study, when used to treat prostatic abscesses in dogs! Also studied for localized dermatitis, analysis by investigating veterinarians found that 82% of the canine participants had good or very good responses after using a 10% tea tree cream for localized dermatitis. A multi-purpose powerhouse indeed!

Is Tea Tree Essential Oil Safe For Dogs? 

The most important factors when using essential oils with dogs is quality of the essential oil, appropriate amount, and dilution! When you are using a high quality, pure, and premium essential oil, and you dilute it properly, it can be safe for your dogs. While there have been reported cases of melaleuca oil toxicosis, this review published on, found that the oil was "used to treat dermatologic conditions at inappropriate high doses" this review also revealed that treatment with supportive care was sufficient to achieve full recovery.

When used appropriately, pure Tea Tree oil can be safe and beneficial for dogs. Tea Tree oil is also approved by the FDA as a food additive. 

There are many products specifically labeled for use with pets that contain Tea Tree oil. Two of my faves are from Young Living™ Essential Oils, a  blend called PuriClean™, designed to cleanse and refresh skin, and Animal Scents™ ointment, a protective and soothing salve that can be used to moisturize and soften skin.

Why Should You Dilute Tea Tree Oil For Dogs?

Essential oils are concentrated plant extracts and a little goes a long way. Diluting Tea Tree oil allows us to use the smallest amount needed and easily cover larger surface areas rather than trying to rub a drop in. Essential oils are also highly volatile and evaporate quickly, diluting them extends the life and duration of the essential oil. Every animal is different and may react to the same essential oil in a different way, diluting the essential oil helps us minimize any potential for a skin reaction or sensitization, and helps us use essential oils safely. When diluted properly, Tea Tree oil can help support the skin and coat.  

How To Dilute Tea Tree Oil Safely For Dogs

Diluting Tea Tree oil is as simple as mixing the essential oil with a carrier oil like olive oil or coconut oil. You can use other carrier oils and oftentimes, I use fractionated coconut oil (coconut oil processed to stay liquid). Most people tend to already have olive oil and coconut oil in their pantry so an extra purchase isn't required. For more info on carrier oils, click HERE. In general, safe tea tree oil dilution ratios for use with dogs are:

0.5-1% for small dogs
2-3% for medium dogs
5-10% for large dogs

These ratios are guidelines only and keep in mind, that your dogs age, sensitivities, and overall health play an important role. You may need to dilute more, especially if your dog is new to essential oils or has a health condition. For my handy chart of essential oil dilution for dogs, click HERE.

Making a roller bottle is an easy way to dilute Tea Tree. Simply purchase some 10 ml roller bottles (Amazon is a good place to find inexpensive ones), add the desired amount of Tea Tree based on how much you are diluting it. Then simply top off the roller bottle with a carrier oil. 

Here are a few recipes I like to use for my dogs skin. Note these recipes are at a 5% dilution.

5 drops Lavender
5 drops Tea Tree

3 drops Frankincense
3 drops Myrrh
4 drops Tea Tree

You can also dilute Tea Tree oil with water and make a spray or rinse. In general 5 drops per ounce of water for small dogs and up to 10 drops for larger dogs, can work well. Its always best to ere on the side of caution by starting slow, using less, and observing.  In general, essential oils are best used in small amounts more frequently rather than a large amount once or twice. 

Essential oils don't mix well with water so you will want to use an emulsifier to help the Tea Tree mix into the water. Vodka or witch hazel works well as an emulsifier when making a spray. Witch hazel also works well in a rinse. You can also use a carrier oil as an emulsifier, however some carrier oils will clog up the nozzle on your spray bottle. Keep in mind that emulsifiers help mix the essential oil in water but you still need to shake well before each use. 

When using a spray, avoid your dogs eyes and head and sensitive areas. If you want to apply to the head for a specific reason, its best to apply to your hands and gently rub in, being mindful of where you're rubbing. 

Here's one of my favorite sprays for skin:

Purchase a 2 oz. glass spray bottle and add 5 drops tea tree, 5 drops frankincense, and 1 oz. vodka. Then fill it the remainder of the way up with distilled or purified water. If you only have regular tap water, use that, but distilled/purified works better as the impurities have been removed.

Here's a spray I use to keep my dogs comfortable outdoors:

3 drops Citronella
3 drops Tea Tree
4 drops Palo Santo
Add to a 2 oz. spray bottle, add 1 tablespoon vodka, fill with distilled water, and shake well before you spray. 

The Benefits Of Using Tea Tree Oil In Your Home

One of my favorite benefits of Tea Tree oil is its cleansing properties and I love to use it in home cleaning recipes. Using toxin free cleaners and air fresheners is the first place to start in making your home safe for your pets. To make an easy natural cleaner, all you need is half vinegar and half water. Adding Tea Tree oil gives a refreshing aroma and odor control as well as the added cleansing properties of Tea Tree. 

You can also invest in an essential oil diffuser and simply diffuse Tea Tree any time your house is smelling like 'dog'. Start with a minimum number of drops based on your diffuser and remember to never lock your dog or any household member in a closed room while diffusing. Leave an open door so your dog can leave if desired, and keep in mind that some dogs will prefer to stay with 'mom' even when uncomfortable, so watch for any abnormal signs from your dog. 

If you don't have a diffuser, you can add a few drops onto cotton balls or wooden clothes pins and stash in strategic areas. 

Here are a few diffuser blends I love to use for odor that contain Tea Tree:

3 drops Lemon
3 drops Tea tree

2 drops Lemon
2 drops Tea Tree
2 drops Eucalyptus

3 drops Tea Tree
3 drops Kunzea

All in all, Tea Tree is an amazing oil with a lot of different benefits for you and your furry friend. It’s important to remember to always dilute the oil before applying topically to your dog. Using a high-quality pure essential oil from a trusted company is key to safely getting the most out of using this versatile oil! I personally love and trust Young Living–the world leader in essential oils. With their Seed To Seal guarantee, you know you're getting pure and premium products for you and your dogs health! Grab your bottle HERE (This is an affiliate link and I earn a small commission from your order at no cost to you. Thanks for supporting my small business! I'm so excited to help you get started, that I'll connect with you once you order and send you something special)

Have you used Tea Tree before? How did it work for you? Let me know in the comments below!" 

If you're ready to dive in and start using essential oils for yourself and with your dogs, check out my mini course "Oily Dog Intro" where we dive into the what, where, how, and why, of getting started using essential oils with your dog...safely and easily! Check it out HERE!

Frankincense for Horses

Frankincense for Horses
If you’re an equestrian looking to explore natural, holistic remedies for your horse, then you’ve likely heard of frankincense essential oil. But what is it? How is it obtained? What are its benefits and how do you use it with horses? These are all important questions that can be answered in this blog post. Read on to learn more about frankincense essential oil and why it may be beneficial for your horse.

What Is Frankincense Essential Oil?
Frankincense essential oil has been used for centuries due to its wellness properties. It comes from the resin of the Boswellia carterii tree, found in Africa and India. The resin is steam distilled to create the essential oil, which is then often used in aromatherapy. The scent of frankincense essential oil is warm, woody, balsamic, and slightly spicy.

History of Frankincense
Frankincense has a long history dating back thousands of years. Ancient Egyptians used frankincense as an ingredient in perfumes, incenses, and medicines. It was also used by ancient Greeks and Romans as a remedy for indigestion and respiratory ailments. Today, frankincense essential oil is still widely used in aromatherapy due to its calming effects on the mind and body.

Is Frankincense Safe For Horses?  
Frankincense oil is a remarkably gentle yet effective essential oil with minimal safety concerns. It's easy to use, even for newcomers - and can be blended with a carrier oil for increased safety of topical use. Frankincense is also on the FDA's GRAS list (generally regarded as safe) and is also listed as a food additive and flavoring agent. It is generally agreed upon by those in the aromatherapy field that frankincense is safe for pets when pure and used properly.

Benefits of Frankincense
Frankincense doesn't just smell amazing; it has been studied for its many health benefits! An article published on contributed to our understanding of this ancient resin's immune system powers, demonstrating that the oil "exhibited a strong immunostimulant activity". According to this review, published on, contemporary studies have also shown frankincense can reduce pain and inflammation as well as aid in fighting bacteria - making it great choice for massage oils and joint rubs. Even more impressive? This review reports "we have accumulated research evidence from the beneficial effect of Frankincense consumption in memory improvement".

One of my favorite benefits of using frankincense with horses is its calming effect on the nervous system. It can help reduce tension levels both physically and mentally while providing a sense of relaxation. 

Frankincense can also promote healthy skin and in people has been studied and recognized to reduce uneven skin tone. I like to add it to many natural DIY products I make for my barn like mane detanglers and hoof oils.

This unique substance is definitely worth exploring further if you're looking for natural alternatives to promote overall wellbeing!

How To Use Frankincense With Horses
The benefits of Frankincense can be utilized by simply inhaling the aroma, applying a small amount topically, or even using as a supplement. 

To use aromatically:
  • Wear as a perfume and become a walking diffuser
  • Allow your horse to smell from the bottle
  • Apply a drop to your palm, rub your hands together, and then offer your hands to your horse to smell
  • Apply several drops to a cotton ball and stash in the trailer or tack room
  • If you have electricity at your barn, you can use an ultrasonic diffuser (out of reach of the horses-tho!)
To use topically:
  • You can apply a drop to your hands and then rub on desired area of your horse. The poll or chest are good places to start. 
  • Make a roller ball by adding 20 drops to a 10 ml roller bottle and adding a carrier oil-For a step by step guide to making a roller, click HERE
  • Make a spritzer by adding to a glass or high quality plastic (HDPE or PET) spray bottle and filling up with water-For a step by step guide to making a spritzer, click HERE
  • Apply a drop directly and rub in, frankincense is considered a mild essential oil and in most cases ok for undiluted application. if you or your horse are new to essential oils, or have sensitivities, it's recommended that you dilute for topical application. If you are applying to a large area, you'll want to consider dilution as well. 
  • Use in DIY grooming sprays, hoof oils, and massage oils or liniments
As a supplement:
  • Only use essential oils labeled for ingestion like Young Livings Vitality™ line
  • Add a drop to a treat
  • Add a few drops to a mash
  • Add a few drops to grain
  • Dilute and rub on gums
  • Add to a syringe, add some apple sauce and give as a paste (you can also use coconut oil or olive oil instead)
For horse owners looking to integrate natural, holistic remedies into their wellbeing routine - consider trying Frankincense! This powerful plant-based option can provide a range of benefits for your horse and help keep them happy & relaxed. Inspire some quality time with your four legged companion today by diffusing the calming aroma of this unique essential oil throughout the stable or barn!

If ya need more help getting started using essential oils with your horses and dogs, download my free PDF guides.... click HERE FOR HORSES and HERE FOR DOGS)

Always consult your veterinarian if you have concerns about the heath of your horse. Essential oils are not meant to replace veterinary care. They are a wonderful tool to add to the equestrian tool box to keep your horse above the wellness line, enhance your relationship with your horse, and replace toxic chemicals at the barn. 

Support For Horses Who Have Laminitis With Essential Oils

Support For Horses Who Have Laminitis With Essential Oils
Let’s take a closer look at laminitis symptoms, causes and treatments as well as what essential oils can be used to support a horse who has laminitis.  


Jade Lemon™ Essential Oil: The Bright and Uplifting Citrus Oil

Jade Lemon™ Essential Oil: The Bright and Uplifting Citrus Oil
Have you heard about Jade Lemon™ essential oil and ever wondered what the health benefits are, or how it's different from lemon essential oil, or even what you might use it for?

Unlock the Benefits of Copaiba Essential Oil

Unlock the Benefits of Copaiba Essential Oil
Have you heard about Copaiba essential oil and wondering what it is? Derived from the resin of the copaiba tree in South America, this remarkable essential oil offers a wealth of benefits with its unique aroma. You can use it for a number of applications, including skincare, hair care, natural health remedies, as an ingredient in aromatherapy recipes, and even with your dogs and horses! Let’s explore using copaiba essential oil.

What is Copaiba Essential Oil?

Copaiba essential oil is a powerful natural remedy extracted from the resin of the Brazilian Copaifera reticula tree. The resin used to make Copaiba essential oil has been used by indigenous people throughout South America for centuries for a variety of purposes. This pale yellow-colored oil has a warm, sweet aroma that will fill your space with a pleasant and woodsy scent.

One of the main components that makes copaiba so beneficial is beta-caryophyllene (BCP), which has been studied as an anti-inflammatory agent. Copaiba oil has also been studied for antimicrobial activity and can help reduce the appearance of blemishes. Plus, it may contain antioxidant qualities. Antioxidants can help protect skin from free radical damage caused by environmental pollutants like smoke or dust particles.

Uses of Copaiba Essential Oil

The most common use for copaiba essential oil is in aromatherapy recipes; the soothing scent can be used to create calming blends for tension relief or blends for focus and concentration. You can also use it topically or diffuse it into your home to help your immune system. Copaiba works well to freshen up stale air. Additionally, many people love using copaiba on their skin and for hair care.

I like to add a drop of copaiba and a drop of tea tree essential oil to my dollop of shampoo when I wash my hair. Not only does it support my scalp, but then my hair carries the wonderful aroma around all day. 

If you have a teething baby, you might want to dilute copaiba with a carrier oil and give it a try. The properties may help soothe gums while easing discomfort with no harmful chemicals that can be found in other over-the-counter treatments.

Copaiba essential oil is a safe choice when considering aromatherapy for dogs. The best way to enjoy the calming benefits of copaiba with dogs is by becoming a walking diffuser by wearing copaiba oil as a perfume and also by diffusing it around the home in an essential oil diffuser. One of my favorite calming diffuser blends for my dogs is:

2 drops copaiba
2 drops lavender
2 drops vetiver

You can even apply it topically by adding it to an all natural shampoo before bathing them, or diluting it in a carrier oil like coconut oil and massaging it onto their fur or your muscles and joints! Here's a massage oil recipe I like to make that works wells for using copaiba for discomfort. 

Copaiba Massage Oil
1 cup fractionated coconut oil
20 drops copaiba essential oil
20 drops lavender essential oil
5 drops peppermint essential oil

Combine all the ingredients in a high quality plastic bottle and invert the bottle a few times to mix well before you apply it. Add a dollop to your palms and rub into desired area.

If you're looking for a less greasy alternative for your horses and dogs, you can make a spray:

Copaiba Discomfort Spritzer
Grab a 4 oz. glass spritzer bottle and add:
10 drops copaiba essential oil
10 drops lavender essential oil
5 drops peppermint essential oil
2 TBS vodka

Then fill up the remainder of the bottle with filtered water. Shake well each time before you use and simply spray desired area and massage in. 

There are also many advantages to using copaiba essential oil with horses. When used correctly and safely, copaiba can allow horses to relax and focus on the tasks at hand. Copaiba can also help horses with physical discomfort. To use copaiba with horses, you can wear it as a perfume, add a drop to your hand and let your horse inhale deeply for as long as they want, or dilute it in a carrier oil and then apply the mixture topically to the desired area. 

It is important that you speak to your holistic veterinarian before using essential oils with your dogs and horses, including copaiba essential oil. Essential oils are not a substitute for veterinary care and are not meant to treat or cure illness or disease. 

Young Living Copaiba Essential Oil Benefits                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ͘
I use Young Living™ Essential oils, especially since I also use essential oils with my dogs and horses. Quality is one of the number 1 determining factor of whether an essential oil can be safe to use with pets. The second is dilution with a carrier oil like coconut oil. Fore more information on carrier oils, click HERE.

Young Living's quality assurance process called Seed To Seal™ ensures that each bottle contains premium, pure copaiba essential oil and nothing else. Young Living also uses sustainable farming practices and gives back to the communities their farms are in. 

If you want to grab a bottle of copaiba essential oil, click HERE (This is an affiliate link and I earn a small commission from your order at no cost to you. Thanks for supporting my small business! I'm so excited to help you 
get started, that I'll connect with you once you order and send you something special)

Copaiba essential oil offers a wide range of benefits for you and your fur family. Thanks to its unique composition of monoterpenes and beta caryophyllene compounds. It has qualities that can help ease discomfort and tension and benefit skin and hair. Plus, copaiba may contain antioxidant properties that protect against free radical damage– all while providing an inviting aroma when diffused into your home! 

Whether using it as part of your aromatherapy regimen, for its skin benefits, or with your horses and dogs – don't miss out on unlocking all the amazing ways copaiba essential oil could benefit you and your fur kids health. 
Again quality is everything for safety, with dilution!

If ya need more help getting started using essential oils with your horses and dogs, download my free PDF guides.... click HERE FOR HORSES and HERE FOR DOGS)

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