The Magic of Lavender Essential Oil

The Magic of Lavender Essential Oil
Lavender essential oil is one of the most popular essential oils in existence. It has a calming scent and can offer many health benefits, from reducing tension to helping with sleep. Whether you use it as a massage oil, add it to your skincare routine, or diffuse it in an aromatherapy diffuser blend, lavender essential oil can be used for so many things! Read on to learn more about the various uses and benefits of this powerful plant.

What is Lavender Essential Oil? 
Lavender essential oil is extracted from the flowers of the lavender plant (Lavandula angustifolia). It has a sweet, floral aroma with woody undertones and is widely used for its calming scent. Lavender essential oil contains numerous components such as linalool and camphor that are known to have calming and soothing effects on the body. 
Benefits of Lavender Essential Oil 
Lavender essential oil has been used for centuries to promote relaxation and reduce tension. Studies have shown that lavender can lower cortisol levels—the hormone responsible for stress responses—in both humans and animals. In addition, lavender is known to improve sleep quality by helping people fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. It also can benefit skin making it the perfect addition to natural moisturizers and shampoos and conditioners. 
Uses of Lavender Essential Oil 
There are many ways to use lavender essential oil depending on what you’re trying to achieve. You can add a few drops of lavender essential oil into a cup of Epsom salts and add to your bath water for a relaxing soak; mix it with carrier oils like coconut oil or jojoba for a calming massage; diffuse it in an aromatherapy diffuser blend; make a pillow spray or tension relief roll-on; add it into your skincare routine (such as toners & serums) to soothe skin; and use it in diy recipes such as homemade lotions & balms.   Additionally, you can also apply lavender directly onto the skin – just remember that it's a good idea to dilute it before topical application!   Lavender can also be used to help relax your dog. Lavender has even been studied and found to help promote calmness in horses.  

My 3 favorite ways to use Lavender essential oil:

  1. Make a tension relief roller simply by adding 20 drops of Lavender to a 10 ml roll on bottle. Fill the roller bottle up with a carrier oil like fractionated coconut oil. Then wear as a perfume or whip it out and roll it on the back of your neck anytime you feel tension creeping in. Wearing it as a perfume will help you pass on the calming aroma to your dogs and horses. For a step by step guide to making a roller, click HERE
  2. Make a pillow spray by adding 20 drops of Lavender into a 2 ounce glass spray bottle. Fill half of the bottle up with vodka and the remainder of the way up with water. Shake well and mist your pillow at night. The vodka helps disperse the essential oil in the water and also helps it to evaporate quickly leaving the pleasant and calming aroma behind. This also works well to refresh your dogs bedding in between washings. I like to use this spray to mist my horse trailer before heading out to help my horses stay relaxed during the ride. For a step by step guide to making a spritzer, click HERE
  3. Use an essential oil diffuser to create a calm and relaxed home. You can diffuse lavender by itself or blend it with other calming essential oils. 4-6 drops is usually adequate but follow the directions for your particular essential oil diffuser. I like to diffuse lavender during fireworks to help my dogs remain calm. 

Try these Lavender essential oil blends:

Calm And Focused 
2 drops lavender
2 drops vetiver
2 drops bergamot

Flower Power
2 drops lavender
2 drops geranium
2 drops lemon

No More Counting Sheep
2 drops lavender
2 drops frankincense
2 drops pine

Relax and Unwind
3 drops lavender
3 drops roman chamomile
For even more Lavender essential oil diffuser blends, click HERE.
Lavender essential oil has been used for centuries due its soothing aroma and wide range of benefits. From relieving tension to improving sleep quality to supporting skin - there are countless uses of this amazing essential oil! Lavender is also one of my go to oils to help promote calmness and relaxation with my dogs and horses. So next time you’re looking for a way to help ease tension & sleeplessness then consider incorporating lavender into your lifestyle today!

Is Lemon Essential Oil Safe For Dogs?

Is Lemon Essential Oil Safe For Dogs?
 Lemon essential oil has become increasingly popular in recent years, as people have begun to recognize its many uses for wellness and household applications. Have you been hearing about how lemon essential oil can benefit you? Not only does lemon essential oil smell fresh and uplifting, it can also support our bodies in staying above the wellness line. Lemon essential oil works well to cleanse air and eliminate odors, its aroma can also help reduce tension, and when taken internally lemon may provide immune and circulatory support. But is lemon oil safe for your dog? Read on to learn everything you need to know about using lemon essential oil with dogs. 

Lemon essential oil has a rich and ancient history and is usually made from the cold-pressed peel of the lemon citrus fruit. Limonene is a main constituent and is what gives lemons their unmistakable scent. A study found on suggests that lemon essential oil can be effective in combatting various bacteria and microbes. Lemon has also been studied for cognitive function and improvement as well as mood enhancement and for skin benefits. 

Lemon essential oil can be safe to use with dogs if you are using a high quality, pure, and unadulterated lemon essential oil. You also need to dilute the lemon essential oil. Diluting and using lemon essential oil is easy. My 2 favorite ways to do this are by making a spritzer or by using lemon in a diffuser. An essential oil diffuser is an electronic device that disperses essential oils into the air.

I like to use ultrasonic diffusers which use a metal or ceramic plate that vibrates and disperses the essential oil in water, making a fine mist.  This keeps the oil at a low and safe concentration and allows you to breathe in deeply and enjoy the scent and properties of the essential oils. Ultrasonic diffusers don't use heat which can lessen the benefits of an essential oil. 

You can check out one of my favorite ultrasonic diffusers HERE!

If your dog has a medical condition, or is unhealthy, you should speak to your holistic veterinarian before using lemon essential oil or any essential oil with them. Again, it is of the utmost importance to make sure that any product you use contains pure essential oils and not adulterated additives or other chemicals. Also it's important to dig deep when googling 'oil poisoning' or 'are essential oils bad for dogs' and not let that scare you from using essential oils. Oftentimes, the whole story is lacking important facts such as quality of oil, amount, and the way it was used. Essential oils can be safe to use with dogs if they are pure and diluted!

Dogs have an incredible sense of smell and you don't actually need to apply essential oils topically to enjoy the many benefits from using them. You can simply let your dog smell from the bottle, use an essential oil diffuser, or simply make and wear a perfume of essential oils.

Since lemon is works so well for odor, I like to make a spray solution by adding 12 drops of lemon essential oil into a 2 ounce spray bottle and then filling the bottle up halfway with vodka and halfway with distilled water.  Then spritz it around your dogs bedding for a refreshing natural fragrance (for a step by step guide to making a spritzer, click here). You can also add a few drops of lemon onto a cotton ball and stash in strategic places. 

For odor control with a diffuser, simply add the amount of drops your diffuser calls for or try these essential oil blends with lemon:

For some calm plus focus

2 drops lemon
2 drops lavender

To cleanse and purify

2 drops lemon
2 drops eucalyptus

For happy time

2 drops lemon
2 drops orange

For odor
2 drops lemon
2 drops cinnamon

Remember to always give your dog an out when using a diffuser. Leave the door open and allow your dog to come and go. Keep in mind that our dogs may choose to be with us even if they are uncomfortable, so watch your dogs for any signs like watery eyes, itchiness, stupor, or general uncomfortableness. Also, some dogs may be sensitive to certain smells so always start slowly with a minimal number of drops and monitor their reactions closely as you continue using the diffuser around them.      

Lemon also makes a great addition to natural cleaning products. You can make an effective cleaner that is much safer than other chemical cleaners on the market, simply by mixing half vinegar, half water and adding about 10 drops of Lemon essential oil per cup. 

Your dog will benefit from lemon essential oil without topical application. If you choose to apply lemon directly to your dogs skin or fur, you'll want to first dilute it in a carrier oil like coconut oil, or olive oil (for more info on carrier oils, click HERE). This ensures that the concentration of oils is low enough so as not to irritate their skin. Lemon is a citrus oil and can cause photosensitivity with application. This simply means it can cause an exaggerated response to sunlight, resulting in sunburn and skin irritation. If you do choose to apply lemon oil topically, apply at night or to areas that won't receive direct sunlight for 12-24 hours. 

There are many benefits associated with using lemon essential oil for our canine companions! Lemon essential oil works so well for cleaning and odor control and the aroma is uplifting and focusing. By using a high quality, pure, and premium essential oil and by diluting it, we can safely use lemon with our dogs. Using essential oils that contain additives is dangerous for us and our canine companions and can be toxic. 

I use Young Living™ Essential Oils-the world leader in essential oils. With their Seed To Seal guarantee, you know you're getting pure and premium products for you and your pets health!

Essential oils can be a safe option for our pets health. To eliminate overwhelm and fear and learn more about how to use essential oils with your dog, download my free guide "Getting Started Using Essential Oils With Your Dog" HERE

*Statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and the information in this blog is not meant to provide medical advice nor be a substitute for veterinary care.*

Oregano Essential Oil for Lung Health

Oregano Essential Oil for Lung Health
Did you know that oregano essential oil, extracted from the leaves of the oregano plant (Origanum vulgare)has been used for centuries to support lung health? Today, more and more people are turning to this powerful oil to aid their respiratory health. Let’s dive into what makes oregano essential oil so beneficial, how it works, and other ways you can support your lungs. 

What is Oregano Essential Oil? 

Oregano essential oil is extracted from the herb oregano by steam distillation. This type of extraction process pulls out the volatile compounds in the plant which contain the beneficial properties. 

The most notable active compounds in oregano oil are  Carvacrol, Beta-caryophyllene, and Thymol.

Carvacrol is a compound found in a variety of plant-based essential oils and is known to produce a distinct, pungent aroma. Carvacrol has been studied for its antioxidant properties and has become increasingly popular as an additive in functional foods and natural health supplements. 

Beta-caryophyllene is a type of aromatic compound that has a spicy-peppery aroma, which is often used as a flavoring agent. Beta-caryophyllene has been studied for its potential benefits and is believed to act as an antioxidant, helping neutralize free radicals. Research also suggests that beta-caryophyllene might be beneficial in regulating stress levels by stimulating endocannabinoid activity in the body. 

Traditionally, Thymol was most commonly used for relief of cold and flu-like symptoms, as well as coughs. In addition Thymol is thought to be a powerful antioxidant, and has also been explored in relation to cancer research. Recent studies have also shown thymol to possess anti-inflammatory effects able to reduce symptoms associated with asthma and some allergies.

Benefits of Oregano Essential Oil for Your Lungs 

The compounds listed above found in oregano essential oil may help support your body’s natural defense systems. The antioxidant qualities could help protect your cells from free radicals that can damage them. Additionally, studies have found that taking a daily supplement of oregano essential oil may help reduce symptoms associated with allergies and asthma.

How To Use Oregano Essential Oil

  • Add a drop to a veggie capsule and take as a daily supplement (It is important to only use an essential oil labeled for ingestion such as Young Livings Oregano Vitality™
  • Add a drop to a smoothie
  • Try adding a toothpick swirl to dishes, salad dressings, sauces
  • Make a chest rub by adding a drop to at least a tablespoon of coconut oil, rub on chest as needed
  • Add a drop or 2 to an essential oil diffuser
Try these diffuser blends:

2 drops peppermint
1 drop oregano

1 drop oregano
1 drop thyme
4 drops lemon

1 drop oregano
4 drops grapefruit

1 drop oregano 
2 drops peppermint
2 drops lime

Other Ways to Support Your Lungs 

In addition to taking oregano essential oil as a supplement or using it in aromatherapy treatments, there are other ways you can support your lungs naturally: 

• Increase your vitamin and mineral intake – Vitamin C is especially beneficial for respiratory health as it supports immunity. Eating foods rich in vitamins A and E can also help keep your lungs healthy. 
• Get plenty of antioxidants – Antioxidants like flavonoids found in fruits like blueberries are known to protect cells from damage caused by free radicals that enter our bodies.
• Exercise regularly – Regular exercise helps improve overall lung function by increasing airflow into the lungs and strengthening respiratory muscles which makes breathing easier. Walking outdoors is especially beneficial as fresh air helps clear out toxins from your body faster than indoor air does. 
 • Remove dust/pollutants – Dust particles accumulating on furniture or carpets can aggravate allergies or asthma symptoms so make sure you clean your home regularly with natural products such as baking soda or white vinegar solution to get rid of dust mites without exposing yourself to harsh chemicals that could further irritate sensitive tissues in your lungs like mucous membranes or bronchial tubes..  
• Get an air purifier – Investing in an air purifier equipped with HEPA filters will help remove airborne pollutants from indoors so that you are not exposed to them when you are at home..  
• Change furnace filter – Checking on the filter of your furnace regularly will make sure that dust does not accumulate within the device which will affect how well it works.
• Quit smoking - Smoking cigarettes exposes our bodies to hundreds of toxic chemicals which have been linked with various life-threatening diseases including lung cancer.                           

Overall, incorporating oregano essential oil into your routine is just one way that you can help keep your lungs healthy and functioning properly. 

Be sure to consult with a doctor before beginning any new supplement regimen in order to ensure safety and effectiveness. This blog is not meant to diagnose, prescribe, treat, or cure, and is not a substitute for medical advice. 

Remember that while the use of oregano oil has been shown to have certain benefits in supporting our respiratory systems when taken orally or topically applied -it's also important to practice good self-care habits and seek medical attention when needed! With these tips in mind -you're better prepared than ever before on how best to care for yourself--and keep those lungs healthy!

Grab my free PDF as a handy reference for 4 ways to use oregano oil HERE!

The Benefits Of Valor™ Essential Oil Blend And Frankincense At A Horse Show

The Benefits Of Valor™ Essential Oil Blend And Frankincense At A Horse Show
Essential oils are a powerful, natural way to help your horse stay calm, grounded, focused, and relaxed during a horse show. Frankincense and Valor™ essential oil blend from Young Living™ can be especially effective for this purpose. In this blog post, I will discuss what these two essential oils are, why they are helpful for use with horses at a horse show, and how to use them safely and effectively. 

What is Frankincense? 

Frankincense is an essential oil derived from the resin of Boswellia carteri trees found in Somalia, Ethiopia and other parts of the Middle East. Frankincense has been used for centuries in spiritual practice and as perfume by various cultures around the world. It has a warm, woody aroma that is both calming and grounding. This makes it a perfect choice for horses who may be feeling anxious or overwhelmed in new environments such as a horse show.

Frankincense oil benefits can help promote relaxation, mental clarity, and emotional strength during challenging times.

What is Valor™ Essential Oil Blend? 

Valor™ is an essential oil blend created by Young Living™ that combines frankincense essential oil (Boswellia carterii), with 4 other essential oils-black spruce (Picea mariana), blue tansy (Tanacetum annuum), camphor wood (Cinnamomum camphora), and geranium (Pelargonium graveolens). According to Young Living™, this oil blend was "formulated based on historical writings about Roman soldiers who were said to apply plant extracts and botanicals to instill feelings of courage and confidence before going into battle."

Valor™ oil is one of my go to blends for emotional balance. Using Valor™ will help your horse focus on the task at hand without feeling overwhelmed. This combination also creates an empowering synergy that helps you and your horse feel courageous and confident when facing a challenging or emotional situation.  

This makes it especially useful for horses at a horse show who may be feeling anxious or tense due to their performance environment. 
Who is Young Living™ Essential Oils? 

Young Living™ is a company that produces high quality, pure, and premium essential oils and products infused with essential oils. With their Seed To Seal™ guarantee, you know you're getting only the best essential oils without any fillers or additives. This is extremely important as one of the major factors in safely using essential oils with animals is quality! With Young Livings™ Seed To Seal™ guarantee, you can feel confident using essential oils with your horse (and other companions). They have been in business since 1993 providing safe and effective natural health solutions to customers worldwide. 

How do I Use These 2 Essential Oils With My Horse? 

The best way to use frankincense essential oil and Valor™ with your horse at a horse show is through inhalation. Some governing bodies of equestrian sport may prohibit the topical use of essential oils during competition. However you don't need to apply Valor™ or frankincense essential oil to have an effect!   

First, apply a drop or 2 of each oil to the palm of your hand, rub your hands together, make a scent tent over your nose, and inhale deeply. Then offer your hands to your horse. Let them smell for as long as they are interested. Apply the residue to the back of your neck or pulse points so you become a walking diffuser. Horses have a much greater sense of smell than we do, so by wearing essential oils as a perfume, you both will benefit! 

You can also simply open each bottle and let them inhale directly from the bottle. If your horse is antsy tacking up, have a helper hold the open bottles near your horse while you tack up.

If you have a diffuser and electricity, consider diffusing both oils in the barn aisle or tack room during your stay. 2 drops each of Valor™ and frankincense tends to work well, and can benefit everyone in the barn...not just the horses. 

If you don't have a diffuser, you can also put a few drops of each oil on a cotton ball or cloth, then place it in the tackroom or near your horses stall so they can breathe in the aroma. This method also works great for horses who are nervous trailering, simply put the cloth or cotton balls in the trailer. 

You can also make a stall spray by adding 10 drops of each to a 2 oz. glass spray bottle (easily available on Amazon), then fill the glass bottle halfway up with vodka and halfway up with water. Shake well and mist the stall as needed. (If you want a step by step guide to making a spray, click HERE)

Using Valor™ essential oil blend from Young Living™ and frankincense essential oil can be incredibly helpful in keeping your horse relaxed, grounded, focused & calm during a horse show! While these two oils are both beneficial on their own merits—frankincense providing calming and grounding effects while Valor™ instills confidence and provides emotional balance—when combined their effects become even more powerful! By using aromatherapy at competitions, you’ll be able to provide extra support for your equine partner and their health! 

Grab this amazing duo today, by clicking HERE, so you can have next level emotional support for you and your horse, at your next horse show! (This is an affiliate link and I earn a small commission from your order at no cost to you. Thanks for supporting my small business! I'm so excited to help you get started, that I'll connect with you once you order and send you something special)

benefits of frankincense essential oil, uses for frankincense essential oil, benefits of valor essential oil, using valor essential oil

Myrrh Essential Oil Emotional Benefits

Myrrh Essential Oil Emotional Benefits
Myrrh oil is a popular essential oil that has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine. Myrrh is said to have a variety of emotionally balancing effects, including reducing stress and calming the mind, promoting relaxation, and improving overall mood. Myrrh has been used for centuries as a perfume, as an ingredient in incense, and as medicine. 

One review (published on of the resin of myrrh found "Myrrh has considerable antimicrobial activity and is medicinally used in a variety of diseases."

Another review also published on, found "The resins of Commiphora species have emerged as a good source of the traditional medicines for the treatment of inflammation, arthritis, obesity, microbial infection, wound, pain, fractures, tumor and gastrointestinal diseases."

On the emotional side, I find myrrh to be an incredible essential oil that can be helpful in releasing negative emotions and thoughts, useful for promoting feelings of peace and relaxation, and helpful in improving concentration and focus. I find that my dogs and horses enjoy these benefits as well. 

Myrrh essential oil is also often used in religious ceremonies and rituals. Many religions believe that myrrh has spiritual properties that can help connect people to the divine. Some believe that it can help promote spiritual growth and enlightenment, while others believe that it can be used to cleanse and purify the soul. 

Myrrh essential oil is made from the resin of the myrrh tree or Commiphora myrrha, a small tree native to Northern Africa and the Middle East. The resin is steam distilled to extract its essential oil, which has a warm and woody aroma. 

One of the easiest ways to take advantage of all that myrrh has to offer aromatically, is by using an essential oil diffuser.  

An essential oil diffuser is a device that disperses essential oils into the air. This can be done by using heat, ultrasonic waves, or even a fan. When the essential oils are dispersed, they can be easily inhaled safely.  

My favorite is an ultrasonic diffuser, which works by using vibrations to create a fine mist that disperses the essential oil into the air without heat, which helps maintain the full benefits of the essential oil. Check out my favorite diffuser HERE

Try diffusing myrrh essential oil:

  • to help with focus and concentration
  • during meditation to deepen your meditative state
  • to calm the mind and promote relaxation
  • to create a more intense spiritual journey
  • to help reduce negative feelings
  • to help feel more in control during difficult situations or trying times
  • stimulate the mind in a calm way
You can diffuse myrrh on its own or use a blend. Here are a few of my favorite blends to put in your diffuser.

Anytime myself or my dogs need some peaceful vibes, I use this blend:

Peace Out
2 drops Lavender
2 drops myrrh
2 drops vanilla oleoresin

When I need to be calm and focused, I try this blend:

On Target
2 drops myrrh
2 drops vetiver
2 drops Idaho grand fir

This blend works great at the barn for horses who need help focusing. Simply triple the recipe, add to a 10 ml roller bottle, fill up with a carrier oil (I like fractionated coconut oil-to read more about carrier oils, click HERE), gently invert back and forth to mix, apply to wrists and pulse points and wear as a perfume. For a step by step guide to making a roller bottle, click HERE

When I find I have trouble letting something go that doesn't serve me I add this blend:

Let go
2 drops myrrh
2 drops sandalwood
2 drops geranium 

Myrrh also blends well with and is sometimes synonymous with Frankincense essential oil. 
The two essential oils are often used together because of their complementary properties. Frankincense is also known for its ability to promote feelings of peace and relaxation. When used together, they can be emotionally balancing while also promoting positive energy.

Both of these essential oils are also thought to be beneficial for the skin. Myrrh is known for its ability to help soothe skin, while frankincense is widely used in skincare products due to its alleged antioxidant properties. Additionally, both essential oils can be used as a natural perfume, as they have a warm and slightly sweet scent.

If you are looking to try using these oils together, give this diffuser blend a try:

Best Of Both Worlds
3 drops myrrh
3 drops frankincense 

You can also create a homemade perfume by combining equal amounts of frankincense and myrrh essential oil with fractionated coconut oil as your carrier oil. For a thick and rich homemade face moisturizer, combine equal parts frankincense and myrrh and mix with a tablespoon of coconut oil and apply to your face at night. Not only is this good for your skin, but the aroma may help you relax and unwind for bedtime. 

So if you are looking for a natural way to balance your mind, body, and spirit and manage the negative emotions that may be holding you back, consider using myrrh oil to help your emotional well-being. This essential oil is a great tool to have in your arsenal for restoring balance and harmony.

*This article is not meant to provide medical advice and has not been evaluated by the FDA*
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