Take your honey to the next level.....

Take your honey to the next level.....
If you have essential oils labeled for ingestion, its super easy to spice up your honey! It only takes a minute to make and adds a super flavor punch. Try oil infused honey in your tea, morning oatmeal, or baking those favorite desserts...
This also makes a great gift! Cute gift jars are readily available on Amazon, or recycle an empty jar you already have and dress it up with bows and ribbons. Make a cute homemade label and tape on the jar. There's a lot of love in a homemade gift!

Easy Peasy Oil Infused Honey 

  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 5-8 drops essential oil that is labeled for ingestion/supplement 
  • Cinnamon or Lemon are my faves, or try Orange, Lime, Bergamot, or Tangerine

Add honey to a 2 oz. galsss jar, add essential oil and stir well. 

For more easy recipes that will next level your food using essential oils, join my weekly newsletter HERE

How to quickly and easily exfoliate your lips in 3 steps!

How to quickly and easily exfoliate your lips in 3 steps!
Did you know you need to exfoliate your lips? If you lick your lips and you don't get that velvety feel, it's time to exfoliate. Exfoliate simply means removal of the oldest dead skin of the outermost surface.

Exfoliating your lips will leave them softer, smoother and better able to absorb moisturizing agents and lip balm.


  1. Mix a teaspoon of sugar and a teaspoon of olive oil in the palm of your hand, making a paste. 
  2. Gently rub into your lips and leave on 1 minute.
  3. Gently wipe off with a damp cloth and apply an all natural lip balm
If you want to get fancy and have your lip scrub taste amazing, you can make a larger batch ahead of time using a TBS of olive oil and a TBS of sugar, and add a drop of essential oil. Easy adds would be a drop of Peppermint or Cinnamon.

Once to twice per week of exfoliation is all you need. 

These fall inspired recipes below are a few of my faves. The honey or pumpkin gives an extra boost of flavor and moisturization. 

1 TBS Coconut Oil
1 TBS Honey
4 TBS Sugar
1 drop Orange essential oil
1 drop Cinnamon
1 drop Clove
1 drop Nutmeg

1 TBS Coconut Oil
1 TBS Pumpkin puree
4 TBS Sugar
2 drops Vanilla Oleoresin
1 drop Cinnamon
1 drop Clove
1 drop Nutmeg

(Due to the pumpkin puree, store this one in the fridge)

This 'Candy Cane' recipe is perfect for gift giving:

Grab some 2 ounce jars on Amazon, then add all of the ingredients into a mixing bowl (stainless steel, glass, or ceramic), mix well, and spoon into your jar. Decorate your jar with some ribbon and apply a label. (Grab my free printable labels HERE-simply download, print out on a regular sheet of paper, then cut out and tape to the jar)

2 TBS Fractionated Coconut Oil
4 TBS Sugar
2 drops Peppermint Essential Oil
2 drops Vanilla Oleoresin

For more essential oil DIY gift giving ideas, click HERE

Do you love making things? If DIY is your thing, click HERE for an easy DIY recipe from personal care to home care delivered right to your in-box every week. 

Are ya thinking' a flavorful dish is too hard or outa your reach?

Are ya thinking' a flavorful dish is too hard or outa your reach?
I was too.... until I discovered you can use essential oils! I'm not much of a chef, really, I don't cook much at all....which is why I needed somethin' simple to make what little I know how to throw together taste good....and it's easier than ya think! 

Essential oils add an incredible boost of flavor to dishes. They can really take your dish up a notch with literally no effort!

Another benefit of using essential oils is that (unlike dried herbs) they last for years when stored properly (dark colored glass, upright, out of direct sunlight and heat).  It is recommended that every 6 months you change out your dried herbs due to mold and potency loss.

Because they are so potent, (there are 75 lemons in a 15ml bottle of Lemon essential oil) a little gos a long way, making them super cost effective.

I usually end up throwing out much of the fresh herbs I buy since you have to buy so much and then you use so little.  It's also convenient to not have to wash and chop fresh herbs.

Some guidelines for use:

Use stainless steel, ceramic, or glass utensils and cookware as essential oils degrade plastic. 

Add the essential oils to salts, other seasonings, or liquid ingredients first to make sure they are distributed evenly throughout the dish.

When possible, such as using in a sauce, add the oils after heating. Essential oils add instant flavor so there is no need to let the"flavor develop". Heating decreases the therapeutic benefits, but don't worry, you will still have all of the flavor if you are baking or unable to add after heating. 
A super easy way is to infuse salt or olive oil with essential oils and then use in your dishes as you would use normal salt or oil.   

Guidelines for amount:

There is definitely some trial and error involved, so In most cases,  you will want to start out with a toothpick swirl. Since the oils are so potent, it is much better to try a little at a time, and add more if needed but you can't take it back if you add a drop and its too much.

Simply insert the end of a clean toothpick thru  the hole in the orifice reducer and then swirl in your dish. I like to think of this amount as a dash, so I would use this method if the recipe calls for a dash. 

1 drop in general is equal to 1 tsp of extract. The more you add oils to your dishes, the more you will get an idea of how much 1 drop flavors the food.

In general 10 drops is the equivalent to the juice or zest of 1 citrus fruit.

Remember, start slow, you can always add more but once you've added too much, there is no turning back.

Also only use high quality essential oils labeled for supplement use or ingestion. (I use Young Living"s Vitality™ Line which includes 47 essential oils and blends specifically for dietary use.) 

I've put together a bundle of my favorite Vitality™ essential oils I use for my dishes and you can grab them HERE!. (This is an affiliate link and I earn a small commission from your order at no cost to you. Thanks for supporting my small business! I'm so excited to help you get started, that I'll connect with you once you order and send you something special!) 

Ready to spice up your food? Click HERE for my e-book "Boost Your Flavor" , it'll start ya out right with guidelines for adding essential oils, amounts, substitutions, and a few of my favorite simple recipes all in one handy place!

5 Simple ways to use Thieves™ at the barn.....

5 Simple ways to use Thieves™ at the barn.....
Thieves™ Essential Oil Blend form Young Living™ is one of my go tos at the barn. With the essential oil powerhouses of Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus Radiata, and Rosemary, ya can't go wrong! 

Here are 5 of my favorite ways I use it at the barn: 

By the way, if you're just getting started using essential oils with your horse.....download my free guide where we go over what you need to know to use essential oils safely and easily with your horse, including safety and dilution, click HERE

#1 Get rid of the gunk hoof spray
Add 30 drops to a 16 oz. spray bottle, add 2 TBS apple cider vinegar, (glass or stainless steel preferred, if you use plastic, use a high quality, chemical resistant plastic such as PET, as essential oils degrade plastic)  fill up with water, shake well before each use, spray on bottom of hooves after picking out. 

#2 Defunk your brushes 
Add 10 drops to a TBS of salt in a 5 gallon bucket, fill with warm water, let the salts dissolve and soak  your brushes/combs for an hour or 2.

#3 Immune Boost
Add 1-5 drops of Thieves Vitality™ to your horses grain ration or hay cube once per day. If you do a weekly mash, that's a perfect opportunity as well. 

#4 Mouth Wellness
Dilute in coconut oil and rub on gums once per week. I like to add a good size dollop of coconut oil to my palm, add a drop, swirl it around, and then rub on gums. 

#5 Cleanse the air by diffusing
If you have electricity, run your ultrasonic diffuser in the tack room or aisles. If not, add a drop or 2 to wooden clothespins and clip in areas, or add to cotton balls and place in strategic areas (out of reach of your horses-tho!) Add a few drops to the cardboard roll in the toilet paper in the bathroom for the freshest smelling restroom around! 

If you're ready for a deeper dive using essential oils with your horse...check out my mini course "Oily Horse Intro" where we dive into the what, where, how, and why, of getting started using essential oils with your horse...safely and easily! Check it out HERE!

My 3 favorite ways to apply essential oils to your horse!

My 3 favorite ways to apply essential oils to your horse!
Here are my top 3 ways for topical application of essential oils with horses....

By the way, if you're new to using essential oils with your horse, grab my free guide to help ya get started. It'll help ya with the key things you need to know about, like safety and dilution. Grab it HERE!

Create a massage rub
Simply pick a dilution you are comfortable with, and add your essential oils to a carrier oil. Then rub on any area you feel its needed...

For muscles and bones-try Idaho Grand Fir, or Copaiba
For calming-try Ylang Ylang, Hinoki, or Valerian
For circulation-try Cypress
For overall health-try Frankincense

After exercise rinse
Simply add 10 drops of essential oil of your choice to 1/2 cup epsom salts in a 5 gallon bucket. Then fill the bucket with water, stir until the epsom salts dissolve, and sponge onto your horse. Then squeegee your horse off.
For cooling- try peppermint
For muscles and bones- try wintergreen
For relaxing- try lavender

Make a spritzer by adding essential oils to water in a spray bottle. Glass or stainless steel is best but you can use a high quality, chemically resistant plastic such as PET or HDPE. Essential oils and water don't mix so you will want to add an emulsifier generally equal to the amount of essential oil you are using. Glycerin, salt, a carrier oil, or vodka all make good emulsifiers. Remember to shake well and avoid misting around the head or eyes.I generally use about 20 drops of essential oil in 2 ounces of water, and then add a teaspoon of emulsifier. 

For breathing-try Eucalyptus 
For no worries-try Cedarwood
For grounding- try Frankincense
For skin help-try Patchouli

If you need more help using essential oils with your horses, check out my mini course "Oily Horse Intro" where we dive into the what, where, how, and why, of getting started using essential oils with your horse...safely and easily! Check it out HERE!
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