My picky eater approved DIY horse cookies......

My picky eater approved DIY horse cookies......

Let's face it, it's hard to find all natural horse cookies...I try not to eat junk food and therefore I don't wanna feed it to my horses either...(cause I'm an all natural kinda gal) and finding a low sugar option can be hard too! 

This DIY is sooo easy, even I do it :)

5 ingredients, super cost effective, and the best part....drum roll.... even my pickiest of ponies loves them!

Oh, and by the way, you can take a straw or similar instrument (cause were tryin to phase out plastic straws-but that's a different blog) and poke holes in them before baking and ya have an easy peasy 'pill pocket' for those daily pills-think pink pill that picky eaters definitely don't like....

For more easy DIY's....(cause let's face it...if it isn't super easy, I'm not gonna DIY it-lol....) Sign up HERE and I'll deliver ya a weekly recipe, tip, or trick with essential oils straight to your inbox.....

Oh, by the way, best to keep these in the fridge and use them up in a timely manner...a perk for all natural and no preservatives....which I'm sure your ponies won't mind!

5 Ways to ditch those dryer sheets!

5 Ways to ditch those dryer sheets!

Why, you ask?  They are notoriously full of ingredients that are bad for us..and we wear our clothes all. day. long….unfortunately we can’t control everything we are exposed to in todays times. That’s why it’s more important than ever to control what we can…manufacturers aren't even required to list all ingredients! 

Go ahead and google 'dangers of' some of the ingredients that they do list, and if your anything like me, you’ll kiss your dryer sheets goodbye.. 

I know, I’m not a fan of static either, but thankfully we can still control it and not endanger our health…

Here are my top 5 ways to get rid of it and upgrade your laundry:

1: Line dry synthetic fibers such as polyester and nylon or dry separately..they are the fabrics that cause static.

2: Don’t over dry your laundry..dry just until done..this helps a lot…

3: Invest in wool dryer balls…4-6 minimum…they keep moisture in the dryer and you can add essential oils to have the best smelling laundry out there with out using known carcinogens or hormone disruptors…I like to add 4-6 drops of essential oil per dryer ball. I also like to use the citrus oils as they are inexpensive and have a very uplifting aroma! Give Lemon or Orange a try! Or add Lemon to half of your dryer balls and Orange to the other half for a refreshing burst of sunshine aroma for your clothes! You can also make up a DIY Dryer Ball Spray so it's ready to go and then just spritz your dryer balls as you add them to your dryer...

Dryer Ball Spray Recipe
4 oz. glass spray bottle
Distilled water
20 drops Lemon essential oil
20 drops Orange essential oil
10 drops Lavender essential oil

Add the essential oils into your glass spray bottle, then fill the remainder of the bottle up with distilled water. Shake well before you mist each dryer ball!

4: Put some white distilled vinegar into a spray bottle and lightly spritz your clothes as they go into the dryer…the vinegar aroma will dissipate and not remain on your clothes… you can also add a cup of vinegar to your rinse cycle of the wash…

5: If ya still have static, add a couple of safety pins to each dryer ball! Easy Peasy!

Ta -da…no static and no toxic chemicals :) 

Want more simple tips to get you on your way to a healthier home? Jump into my group Inspired Wholistic HERE and check out the "5 Days To A Healthier Home Challenge' in the guides section!

Start doing this today...everything depends on it!

Start doing this today...everything depends on it!
Drumroll.....reading labels.....on every product you buy.

You don't know what you don't know....until you do know....and how do you read your labels!

You might think "well, they wouldn't be able to sell it if it isn't safe-right?! Unfortunately that's just not the case in today's world. There is minimal regulation and loopholes where companies aren't required to list ingredients due to trade secrets. Companies can also claim a product has zero of an ingredient even tho it still contains the ingredient, if that said  ingredient amount, is below a certain percentage. Yikes-right?!

Now that you're reading your labels (wink)...what should you be looking for?

Foodwise- look for products that have minimal ingredients. Say no to products that contain artificial sweeteners (products using stevia or monk fruit are safer alternatives), preservatives, artificial dyes and food coloring.

With your personal care products, my top 3 to avoid are fragrance, artificial preservatives, and dyes.

Yes, some products need preservatives, so look for products that use plant based options like grapefruit seed extract, vit. e, or citric acid.

If there's an ingredient you can't pronounce and you don't know what it is, google 'dangers of ______'  and see what comes up....

You can also check products out on The Environmental Working Groups website,

Last but not least, look for products labeled cruelty free or 'leaping bunny'. Animal testing isn't necessary and If you're anything like me-we don't want our dollars going towards that, we vote with our wallets! 

Safer products are out do I know? I read my labels :)

If you want to go more in depth on what to look for and what to avoid, click HERE and check out my '5 Days To A Healthier Home" challenge that'll easily put you on the right track to a safer and more natural home without overwhelm!

How to have your house smell aah-mazing.....without plug-ins!

How to have your house smell aah-mazing.....without plug-ins!
If  you are looking for a super simple DIY that's cheap, easy, and can help take care of odors without endangering your health, read on!

I'l be honest, I'm not a huge DIY kinda person, but there are certain things that are so easy to make and so inexpensive compared to what you can buy (and not a hindrance to your health) that even I make them-lol.

This is one of those things:

DIY Air Freshener 

You will need:

A clean glass jar with a lid that you can poke holes in. I like to recycle my jelly jars. Mason jars, baby food jars, peanut butter jars, pickled ginger get the idea, any jar will do! worst case scenario, you can buy jars on Amazon. 

Baking soda-enough to fill the jar.

Essential Oil(s) of your choice(remember quality matters, use premium essential oils (not sure if ya have premium oils?  Ask your essential oil company the following questions:

I like and use Young Living Essential Oils! In fact, I’ve been to several of their farms and actually helped plant trees! With their Seed To Seal guarantee, you know you’re getting premium and pure essential oils for the health and safety of you and your four legged kids! To check them out, click HERE (This is an affiliate link and I earn a small commission at no charge to you. Thanks for supporting my small business!)

Now simply add baking soda to whatever jar you have, add essential oils (maybe 20 drops to half cup baking soda, but feel free to use less or more, depending on your preference. 

Put the lid on and shake well, then take the lid off and poke several holes in it with an you have an air freshener that you can stash in strategic places in your house.

If you want to get really fancy, you could even decorate your jar! Remember to refresh your oils from time to time or when you feel the aroma is less. 

Why you want to make your own perfume...using essential oils!

Why you want to make your own perfume...using essential oils!
I don't know about you, but I like to smell amazing and get that extra boost of confidence from wearing an amazing aroma....without feeling like I'm wearing a toxic cloud and endangering the health of those around me! According to an article published by ,“Secondhand scents are also a big concern. One person using a fragranced product can cause health problems for many others.”

Most of the time you don't even know what's in your perfume as makers do not have to disclose all of the ingredients in their products. Many chemicals found in perfumes can be linked with allergic reactions like headaches or coughing. Results published by of a study by Campaign For Safe Cosmetics, found results of:

  • "Fourteen secret chemicals not listed on labels due to a loophole in federal law that allows companies to claim fragrances as trade secrets."
  • "Ten sensitizing chemicals associated with allergic reactions such as asthma, wheezing, headaches and contact dermatitis."
  • "Four hormone-disrupting chemicals linked to a range of health effects including sperm damage, thyroid disruption and cancer."
Did you know you can still get that confidence boost from wearing an amazing aroma, without all the chemicals by using essential oils in 3 easy steps...and did you know that if you want to start using essential oils with your horses and dogs, wearing them as a perfume is the easiest and safest way to get started?

Step 1 
Roll on or spray? Both work well and are really a matter of personal preference, although a roll on probably lasts a bit longer (use glass bottles, easily and inexpensively, available from Amazon). Grab my free pdf step by step guide to making a roll on HERE...or if you want to try a spray, grab my pdf HERE

Step 2 
Pick and add an unscented carrier. For roll on's, I like to use a fractionated coconut oil, jojoba oil, or vodka. Vodka makes a great emulsifier without any greasy residue. For sprays, vodka or witch hazel works well. Generally 80% carrier and 20% essential oil works well, but feel free to adjust as you see fit. I like to use around 20 drops in 10 ml of carrier for a roll on and 20 drops in 2 ounces for a spray. 

Step 3
Pick and add a high quality, premium essential oil or blend a few together. This is important-not all essential oils are created equal and we are wanting a perfume without the chemicals-right?! I like to use Young Living Essential Oils because of their Seed To Seal guarantee. 

Just a note about citrus oils....They are inexpensive essential oils and have a very uplifting aroma which makes them great for perfumes, but they can cause photosensitivity (more sensitive to sunlight and can increase sunburn), so make sure to apply in areas that are covered by clothing if you are going outside. now have a natural perfume that you can wear with confidence knowing its safe for you and those around you. 

Here's a few of my favorite recipes to get you started:

Recipe 1: Floral Elegance

  • 10 drops Lavender essential oil
  • 5 drops Rose essential oil
  • 5 drops Bergamot essential oil
Recipe 2: Citrus Sunshine

  • 8 drops Sweet Orange essential oil
  • 6 drops Lemon essential oil
  • 6 drops Grapefruit essential oil
Recipe 3: Earthy Woods
  • 8 drops Cedarwood essential oil
  • 6 drops Patchouli essential oil
  • 6 drops Sandalwood essential oil
Need a bit more help in creating that perfect blend? Grab my free PDF that'll walk you through it with some additional recipes HERE

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