Can You Use Tea Tree Oil On Horses?!
Hey there, fellow horse owners! Are you curious about using tea tree essential oil on your equine pals? Well, you're not alone! Tea tree oil has gained quite a reputation for its natural health benefits, and we're here to explore whether it's a good idea to use it on our beloved horses.

Tea tree, also known as Melaleuca alternifolia, is a plant native to Australia. Its essential oil has gained popularity worldwide due to its many beneficial properties.The oil has been used for centuries by indigenous people for its wellness properties. It was traditionally used to treat a variety of conditions affecting the skin. In modern times, tea tree oil has become popular for its cleansing properties and is commonly found in skincare, haircare, and cleaning products. As for its scent, tea tree oil has a strong, medicinal aroma that might not make it your favorite smell, but don't worry, I've used it quite a bit with my horses and they don't seem to mind the aroma at all-lol!

First things first, let's talk about using essential oils with horses. Yes, you can use essential oils and aromatherapy safely with horses (grab my free guide to get started safely using essential oils with your horse HERE). I believe two of the most important factors to safely using essential oils with horses are quality and dilution. Unfortunately, the essential oil market is highly adulterated and it’s hard to find a pure and premium essential oil. I use Young Living™ Essential Oils, with their Seed To Seal guaranteeyou know that you have 100% pure essential oil in the bottle. Then you can simply dilute them and enjoy using essential oils. For more info on specifically diluting essential oils with horses, click HERE.

So, what can tea tree essential oil do for your horse? Tea tree is known for its cleansing properties, making it a fantastic natural remedy to add to our natural horse care routine. This potent essential oil can also help repel outdoor annoyances and pests. It can also assist in supporting skin. Additionally, tea tree oil can be used to neutralize odors and promote the appearance of healthy hair and hooves. 

According to this study on, Tea tree oil exhibited antimicrobial activity against the bacteria that cause rain rot. Tea tree oil has also been studied for use with dandruff and this study reported positive benefits against nail fungus.
I like to use tea tree oil at the barn to:
  • Clean my brushes and grooming equipment
Simply add about 10 drops of tea tree essential oil to 2 tablespoons of natural Castille soap, in a 5 gallon bucket, and fill up with water. Soak your grooming equipment for about 10 minutes, then rinse and let air dry. 

  • Boost my natural cleaner at the barn
I like to make a cleaner of half water, half vinegar in a 16 ounce spray bottle. Then I add about 20 drops of tea tree and 20 drops of lemon.

  • Boost my natural hand soap at the barn
I like and use Castile soap, which is a natural soap that traditionally was made from olives. All ya do is add 2 tablespoons of Castile soap to a foaming hand pump, then add about 10 drops of tea tree and fill up with water. Easy peasy and very cost effective. If tea tree isn't your favorite aroma, add a few drops of lavender, frankincense, or your favorite essential oil. 

  • Make a 'get rid of the gunk' hoof spray (for my favorite hoof spray DIY, click HERE)
  • Boost my all natural hoof oil (for my favorite hoof oil DIY's, click HERE)
  • Boost my mane and coat spray ( to see how I make a mane detangler, click HERE)
  • In my natural fly spray
I also, from time to time, like to make a roller bottle with tea tree. This dilutes the essential oil and makes for easy application for skin support. Simply grab a 10 ml roller bottle on Amazon, fill it up with a carrier oil(fore more info on carrier oils, click HERE), add 5-10 drops of tea tree oil, and apply to desired area as needed. You can also grab my step by step guide to making a roller bottle HERE.

As you can see, there are many ways to incorporate tea tree essential oil at the barn and tea tree can be a valuable tool to add to your natural horse care routine. I feel good about using tea tree oil as a natural alternative to traditional remedies, especially since I don't feel the need to wear gloves when applying it and I don't even have to worry about turning my hands green. Happy horsekeeping!

If you're ready to give Tea Tree oil a try, you can grab a bottle HERE, this will take you straight to Young Living™ Essential Oils, my go company for essential oils. With their Seed To Seal guarantee, you know you're getting pure and premium products for you and your fur kids health and safety. (This is an affiliate link and I earn a small commission from your order at no cost to you. Thanks for supporting my small business! I'm so excited to help you get started, that I'll connect with you once you order and send you something special!) 


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