5 Simple ways to use Thieves™ at the barn.....

5 Simple ways to use Thieves™ at the barn.....
Thieves™ Essential Oil Blend form Young Living™ is one of my go tos at the barn. With the essential oil powerhouses of Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus Radiata, and Rosemary, ya can't go wrong! 

Here are 5 of my favorite ways I use it at the barn: 

By the way, if you're just getting started using essential oils with your horse.....download my free guide where we go over what you need to know to use essential oils safely and easily with your horse, including safety and dilution, click HERE

#1 Get rid of the gunk hoof spray
Add 30 drops to a 16 oz. spray bottle, add 2 TBS apple cider vinegar, (glass or stainless steel preferred, if you use plastic, use a high quality, chemical resistant plastic such as PET, as essential oils degrade plastic)  fill up with water, shake well before each use, spray on bottom of hooves after picking out. 

#2 Defunk your brushes 
Add 10 drops to a TBS of salt in a 5 gallon bucket, fill with warm water, let the salts dissolve and soak  your brushes/combs for an hour or 2.

#3 Immune Boost
Add 1-5 drops of Thieves Vitality™ to your horses grain ration or hay cube once per day. If you do a weekly mash, that's a perfect opportunity as well. 

#4 Mouth Wellness
Dilute in coconut oil and rub on gums once per week. I like to add a good size dollop of coconut oil to my palm, add a drop, swirl it around, and then rub on gums. 

#5 Cleanse the air by diffusing
If you have electricity, run your ultrasonic diffuser in the tack room or aisles. If not, add a drop or 2 to wooden clothespins and clip in areas, or add to cotton balls and place in strategic areas (out of reach of your horses-tho!) Add a few drops to the cardboard roll in the toilet paper in the bathroom for the freshest smelling restroom around! 

If you're ready for a deeper dive using essential oils with your horse...check out my mini course "Oily Horse Intro" where we dive into the what, where, how, and why, of getting started using essential oils with your horse...safely and easily! Check it out HERE!

My 3 favorite ways to apply essential oils to your horse!

My 3 favorite ways to apply essential oils to your horse!
Here are my top 3 ways for topical application of essential oils with horses....

By the way, if you're new to using essential oils with your horse, grab my free guide to help ya get started. It'll help ya with the key things you need to know about, like safety and dilution. Grab it HERE!

Create a massage rub
Simply pick a dilution you are comfortable with, and add your essential oils to a carrier oil. Then rub on any area you feel its needed...

For muscles and bones-try Idaho Grand Fir, or Copaiba
For calming-try Vetiver, Roman Chamomile, or Valerian
For circulation-try Cypress
For overall health-try Frankincense

After exercise rinse
Simply add 10 drops of essential oil of your choice to 1/2 cup epsom salts in a 5 gallon bucket. Then fill the bucket with water, stir until the epsom salts dissolve, and sponge onto your horse. Then squeegee your horse off.
For cooling- try peppermint
For muscles and bones- try wintergreen
For relaxing- try lavender

Make a spritzer by adding essential oils to water in a spray bottle. Glass or stainless steel is best but you can use a high quality, chemically resistant plastic such as PET or HDPE. Essential oils and water don't mix so you will want to add an emulsifier generally equal to the amount of essential oil you are using. Glycerin, salt, a carrier oil, or vodka all make good emulsifiers. Remember to shake well and avoid misting around the head or eyes.I generally use about 20 drops of essential oil in 2 ounces of water, and then add a teaspoon of emulsifier. 

For breathing-try Eucalyptus 
For tension-try Cedarwood
For grounding- try Frankincense
For skin help-try Patchouli

If you need more help using essential oils with your horses, check out my mini course "Oily Horse Intro" where we dive into the what, where, how, and why, of getting started using essential oils with your horse...safely and easily! Check it out HERE!

Should I Dilute My Essential Oils?....and With What?!

Should I Dilute My Essential Oils?....and With What?!
One of the ways we use our  essential oils is topically. One frequently asked question is-Should I dilute? In my opinion, the answer, for the most part, is yes.... and here's why:

If you are just starting out with essential oils, my motto is go low and slow, and diluting helps us accomplish that.

Essential oils are highly concentrated. Did you know it takes 75 lemons to make 5 ml of lemon essential oil? Since essential oils are so highly concentrated, diluting them helps to ensure safety,  minimizing  the risk of skin irritation and potential adverse reactions.

Essential oils are made up of many different molecules, some lighter weight that evaporate quickly leaving the heavier molecules. Dilution in a carrier oil fixes the oil where the lighter molecules hang around longer, and you have the benefit of the entire oil,  not just the heavier molecules.

Because essential oils are so concentrated, oftentimes you only need a drop or two, and if you are applying to a large surface area, diluting makes it easy peasy! If you are making DIY recipes such as deodorant, where you need the essential oil to hang out on the surface of your skin for as long as possible, dilution with a carrier oil accomplishes that. 

It also stretches your essential oil dollars, why not achieve the desired result with the lowest possible amount?

If you want to use essential oils with your pets, you will want to dilute. Animals have a much higher level of scent that we do because of a high level of olfactory receptors. Did you know dogs have 149-300 million receptors and cats have 45-80 million,  compared to 5 million in humans? Dilution keeps you from overwhelming your pet. Less is more when it comes to animals! Some species take longer to metabolize certain oils as well and dilution slows the absorption rate. (For more info on using essential oils with your dog, click here, and for horses, click here.)

Lets talk about the carrier oils:

What is a carrier oil?

A carrier oil is a naturally derived fatty oil from the seeds, kernels, or nuts of plants. They vary in consistency and absorbency. They have a limited shelf life of usually 6 months up to a year. You will want to use a cold pressed and organic version. They can offer their own therapeutic benefits based on the essential fatty acids and nutrients they contain. 

My personal fave is fractionated coconut oil. It's inexpensive and stays liquid, making it perfect for roller bottle and massage oil recipes. Due to its low molecular weight, it absorbs easily and  deeply into the skin but doesn't leave the skin feeling greasy. It doesn't stain and easily washes out of clothing.  It also has antimicrobial properties and a long shelf life. 

Olive oil is my close second, purely for the fact that most people, myself included, keep it on hand to cook with. Therefore, it's readily available, no extra effort required. It is a heavier oil and takes longer to penetrate into skin, which makes it useful if you want a longer contact time on the skin and a slower absorption rate.  That also means it can leave a greasy feeling. It's high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties,  so works well  for skin problems. You will want to purchase unrefined extra virgin olive oil, so no heat or chemicals were used in the extraction process. 

Regular coconut oil is also a good choice. You will want to use unrefined, cold pressed, organic, virgin coconut oil.  The amazing aroma can be a nice addition to your blends,  recipes, or essential oil  that you are using. Since it will remain solid in cooler temps, it's useful for DIY recipes, such as deodorant and salves. It contains saturated fats that can deeply moisturize skin. 

I like to use Jojoba oil for diluting for the face or sensitive skin. Jojoba oil is actually a liquid wax. It most closely matches the natural oils produced by human skin, so it absorbs well. It's  very emollient without being too heavy. It has a light, nutty aroma, and a long shelf life.

Below is a list of my honorable mentions. Fine to use, but I often don't, simply for the fact that I always have the oils above on hand for other things,  and no special purchase is required. 

Sweet almond oil works well for combination skin as it doesn't clog pores but is moisturizing. Its light and easily absorbed, however it may cause a reaction for those with nut sensitivities. It is high in vitamin E, making it very nourishing and good for skin repair.

Avocado oil, deeply moisturizing and full of vitamins and minerals, can be too heavy for acne prone skin but great for dry skin. It absorbs slowly, providing excellent nourishment for older skin. 

Grapeseed oil is moisturizing while having a light, thin consistency, making it Ideal for use on the face or scalp. It is readily absorbed and good for oily or acne prone skin. Commonly used for cooking as well.
Here's one of my favorite roller ball recipes:


10 ml roller bottle
carrier oil
5 drops Cedarwood                         
5 drops Lavender
5 drops Frankincense

Add the essential oils to your roller bottle, top with carrier oil, gently invert back and forth to mix. Apply to the bottom of your feet, back of neck, or wrists and temples before bedtime. 

Need a step by step guide to making a roll on? Click HERE!

So, in conclusion, no matter what carrier oil you dilute your essential oils with, by doing so, you are ensuring that you are using them safely and getting the most benefit from their therapeutic properties. 

Have you ever diluted your oils? What has been your experience?

Want to get started using essential oils with your dog?

Want to get started using essential oils with your dog?
Want to get started using essential oils with your dog?

First lets do a quick recap of what essential oils are and how we primarily use them for ourselves:

What are essential oils?

Essential oils are secondary metabolites produced by plants as part of their health and defense systems. I like to think of them as the blood of the plant. We get essential oils in most cases by steam distilling parts of the plant which separates out the essential oils.

Primary ways that we use essential ois:

Aromatically by Inhalation

Today, let's focus on aromatically as that is one  of the easiest ways to use essential oils....

Why do we want to inhale, you ask?

Well, plain and simple, most essential oils have an amazing aroma, but more than that, when we inhale, we absorb these essential oils and their evaporating constituents into the brain.

The sense of smell is connected to the limbic system of the brain. This is where emotions, memory, and certain regulatory functions of the body are found. Thus, essential oils  work quite well and quickly on the  emotional level. Wake up on the wrong side of the bed-turn your mood around in 5 seconds or less by simply inhaling the aroma from an essential oil (give lavender, orange, or lemon a try )  

Three easy  ways for inhalation: 

      Simply remove the lid and inhale directly  from the bottle for at least 5 seconds ( that's about the time it takes to make it into the limbic system)

      Make a scent tent by applying  1 drop of essential oil into your palms, rub together, and then cup your hands over your nose and inhale deeply, 

      Put your favorite essential oil in an ultrasonic diffuser which disperses essential oils without heating or burning that can cause  the essential oil to be less effective. The atomized essential oil can remain suspended in the air for several hours.  (Follow instructions on the label of your diffuser)

Now lets apply that for dogs....after a quick chat about quality!

Quality matters! Why? 

The Essential Oil market is highly unregulated for the most part. It is overseen by the FDA. The FDA only requires as little as 5% of essential oil in a product, to be labeled 100% pure. Hmmm🤔…. the rest to be made up of whatever the company chooses, usually solvents, scent balancers (so the aroma is standardized), or carriers to dilute the oils for cost/yield benefit. Dogs, and animals in general, are more sensitive to aromas, and in certain species, how they metabolize an oil. I don’t know about you, but I think we use enough chemicals without adding unnecessary ones. I have also found that a low quality oil just doesn’t work as well. The cliche ‘you get what you pay for’ really does apply here! I use Young Living Essential Oils because of their Seed To Seal guarantee!


Their farms and partner farms abide by very strict guidelines to fulfill their promise to send pure products to your home.

    • They select the strongest seeds from strong thriving plants.
    • They hand-weed and use their own oils on plants for  pest control to avoid the use of toxic chemicals.
    • They harvest at peak times to ensure quality oils are produced.
    • They distill on site without chemicals.
    • They test every batch. If it does not meet their standards because of weather conditions or for any other reason, they do not bottle it up
All of these factors make a huge difference in the quality and effectiveness of the oils you bring into your home and you can even visit the farms and check it out for yourself!

Check out more about their Seed to Seal promise here!

The easiest way to get started with your dog is to be a walking diffuser. Do NOT force an oil on your dog as it can cause stress and adverse effects. The more time you take to introduce the oils, the better! Dogs are very sensitive to aromas and a new smell may be too intense at first.

➡️ Apply a drop on your wrists or behind your ears and wear as a perfume

➡️ There are many pieces of diffuser jewelry such as necklaces or bracelets on the market today-give those a try

➡️ Add a few drops of essential oil to the laundry as you wash your pets bedding, or your clothes.

➡️ Make your own dryer sheets by adding a few drops to a wet rag and put in the dryer with your clothes, or apply a few drops to your wool dryer balls.
➡️ Make a spritzer to refresh bedding or clothes for your dog

➡️ Refresh carpets by adding 10 drops to a cup of baking soda. Sprinkle on carpets and let sit for a few minutes before vacuuming.

➡️ If you are running a humidifier, add a drop of oil on each end of a q-tip or cotton ball and place on top of your humidifier.

Next, start diffusing in your home with your ultrasonic diffuser. 

➡️ Start with the minimum number of drops and always leave an out for your dog (never lock them in a room with a diffuser running...also keep in mind that some dogs will choose to stay in the room with us no matter what, so keep an eye out for unusual behavior: watery eyes, excessive licking, scratching, or anything to indicate they might be uncomfortable.

No diffuser? No problem! Try these tips...(Although, trust me, you are going to want one!)

➡️ Apply a drop or 2 of essential oil on a cotton ball and leave in locations where you would want to enjoy the aroma or in heating/cooling vents (out of reach of your pet, of course).

➡️ Make a spritzer: Use a high quality PET plastic or glass, add around 10 drops of essential oil to 2 ounces of water, add a pinch of salt or a few drops of a carrier oil to emulsify, shake well.

After you have experimented with the above ways of using  essential oils aromatically and if  your dog seems comfortable...you can try these additional methods:

➡️ Have a few of your favorite oils on hand and let your dog choose by holding a bottle in each hand and offering a whiff-no need to take the lid off, dogs have a much greater sense of smell than we do and oftentimes just a whiff of the bottle will do...

➡️ Apply  a drop of oil to the palm of your hand, rub your hands together and offer to your dog. Some dogs may try to lick your hand! 

If your dog doesn't seem interested in the above methods, you may just need to try a different oil. Again, don't force an oil on your dog! You might need to be a walking diffuser for a bit longer, or stay with diffusing or spritzing for awhile. Every dog is different and there are plenty of ways to use essential oils and find the way that your dog likes!

Excited to learn even more about getting started safely and easily using essential oils with your dog?  Be sure to grab my free quick guide that will walk you thru, step by step, all you need to know  to get started safely and easily, click HERE!

Getting started using essential oils with your horse

Getting started using  essential oils with your horse
Getting Started Using Essential Oils With Your Horse
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