How To Help Calm Your Dog Using Essential Oils

How To Help Calm Your Dog Using Essential Oils
Some of my chihuahuas sure are 'nervous nellies'! I'm thankful that I have tools in my toolbox to help calm them down and support their emotions! One of those tools is essential oils and I get asked quite a lot 'what essential oils are best for calming dogs?' Well.. with 7 chihuahuas in the house, let's talk about how I use essential oils to help calm them down when they get nervous and scared or just seem to have some worry. 

First, you want to start now...while your dog is calm. Don't wait until your dog is 'sooo nervous' and then dump a bunch of oils on him...thats a recipe for 'not helpful'. You want to introduce essential oils to your dog in a positive way and have them associate positive and loving feelings with them. 

Starting now gets your dog used to essential oils in that positive way. If you put on an essential oil and cuddle or diffuse an essential oil during playtime, your dog will associate positive feelings with essential oils. Then when you need them for calming, not only will the essential oil help relax your dog, but it will also bring back the feelings of calmness and love, or fun, that your dog associates with the essential oil, by you anchoring it in during that positive experience. Think about when you smell certain scent and it brings back memories...good or bad! 

Next start low and slow....the easiest way is for you to be a walking diffuser for your dog, Dogs have upwards of around 200 million scent receptors and your dog will smell and have benefits just by you wearing essential oils as a perfume. Simply apply a drop of essential oil in your palm, rub your hands together, inhale deeply for at least 5 seconds, (this gets the essential oil into your emotional center so you can remain calm and be a strong leader for your dog) then apply the residue to the back of your neck or wrists. There is also some fun diffuser jewelry on the market that you can google too! You can also apply a drop to leather, clay, or wood jewelry that you already have as well. Just keep in mind some essential oils may darken the area you apply it to...apply the essential oil to an inconspicuous area. 

Next, try an essential oil diffuser, that way you can run the diffuser as needed during holidays like the Fourth of July or New Years, when neighbors shoot off those darn fireworks. Or, here, where I live, we have a summer 'monsoon' season. Daily thunderstorms can happen so I usually start the diffuser each afternoon to help with the thunder. 

Many essential oil diffusers are on the market, it's best to use one in which the essential oils are dispersed without heat. Essential oils contain many molecules from the plant that it is distilled from, that we can benefit from. Heat degrades essential oils and we want all the benefits from the essential oil! The most common essential oil diffuser that doesn't use heat is an 'ultrasonic diffuser'. You add water and depending on the diffuser usually around 4-8 drops of essential oil. When just staring out, use a low amount, like 2-4 drops, and give your dog an out. Keep in mind, our dogs may choose to be with us even if they are getting uncomfortable, so be sure to watch for signs like watery eyes, scratching, or stumbling that could indicate the essential oil is too much for them. You don't ever want to lock your dog up somewhere with a diffuser running! You can check out one of my favorite diffusers HERE

Sometimes even by wearing an essential oil or having a diffuser going, I have still needed some additional support. In that case, I apply an essential oil topically. Remember, not all essential oils are created equal and if you are going to use them with your dogs, make sure you are using a high quality premium essential oil! Read your labels! You also need to dilute them. My easy button for dilution is to simply add a dollop of a carrier oil to the palm of my hand, add a drop of essential oil, rub my hands together and then pet my dog along the spine. If ya want to follow a certain dilution  ( usually 5-10% is adequate for dogs) click HERE for my quick and easy dilution guide). My favorite carrier oil is fractionated coconut oil. It's simply coconut oil processed to stay liquid and it absorbs quickly and doesn't tend to leave an oily residue.  I have also used olive oil and regular coconut oil, simply because I already have them in my kitchen. 

Now you may be wondering which essential oil to use....Glad you asked:) I'm going to give you a list of my top essential oils to use for calming and relaxation.....Why a list? Because every dog is different and responds to essential oils in different ways. One of my Chihuahuas loves Cedarwood, but another one doesn't, so when he's scared, I bust out the Frankincense, which tends to work well for him. Remember, introduce your dog beforehand to essential oils and associate them with a positive experience. Pick an essential oil from this list and see what happens! If your dog doesn't like it, or it doesn't create the desired effect you're looking for, try another one. Don't be afraid to experiment!

I like to use Young Living Essential Oils™. They have a Seed To Seal™ guarantee (check it out HERE) which insures that I'm using a high quality and premium essential oil that's safe for my dogs. I put an essential oil blend called Valor™ on the list. I find it to be a very grounding and balancing essential oil blend that can work really well for some of my chi's during times of stress. I'm always wearing it during a car ride-haha! One of my chiweenies, JR,  loves it. 

You can also create a blend for your diffuser or for a perfume for yourself, using the above mentioned essential oils.  I would recommend that first you introduce your dog to essential oils one at a time and see how they respond. Remember, you dont want to overwhelm their nose! Then when you have been using them awhile with your dogs, start with the blends. Here is a favorite blend I use in my diffuser for calming

2 Drops Copaiba
1 Drop Cedarwood
1 Drop Lavender

If you need more help using essential oils with your dogs, be sure to subscribe to 'The Weekly Oiler' HERE

Summer Recipes For A Crowd...Using Essential Oils!

Summer Recipes For A Crowd...Using Essential Oils!
Who doesn't love a good summer get together?!

Thinking up unique food ideas, especially for a crowd can be a daunting task. I'm not much of a cook, but I have a secret weapon that can give a store bought food item that wow factor! 

Drumroll.......essential oils! Yep, did you know you can use them to uplevel your summer recipes and create a dish with next level flavor fairly simply? I have used them to wow my guests who know I don't cook. They wonder how I can still serve them up something so delicious.

*Make sure you are using essential oils labeled for internal consumption! I like Young Living's Vitality™ Line. You can choose from over 20 different essential oils all specifically labeled for consumption! You can check them out HERE.*

To start the party, drinks are up. This is my absolute favorite summertime drink....a 
watermelon slushy. I buy the watermelon in cut up chunks ready to go. Then you simply add it to a blender with the other ingredients. If you want to make it is a great addition :)

Watermelon Lime Slushy
2 cups watermelon
1 cup coconut water
1 cup ice

Then we need some snacks...grilled fruit kabobs are easy and simple and get me rave reviews! I buy a fruit bowl with the fruit already some stores you can find them on a skewer already as well. Then simply grill each side to carmelize the sugar and dip in the yogurt dip.. By the way, if that's too complicated for ya-sometimes it is for me too-lol. I simply purchase the fruit bowl and serve with the boosted yogurt dip-no grilling is required! 

Grilled Fruit Kabobs
Fruit Slices (Pineapple Slices, Apple Slices, and Cantaloupe chunks are usually found readily in stores)
Bamboo Grill Skewers
Vanilla Yogurt 
2-5 drops Lemon essential oil (I have also used Lime or Orange essential oil)

Arrange slices and chunks, alternating fruit, on a skewer. Then grill 1-2 min each side. Add the container of yogurt to a serving bowl and mix in the essential oil for dipping the fruit in.

I have also simply added 5 drops each of Lemon, Lime, and Orange essential oil to a tablespoon of honey and drizzled over a big store-bought bowl of fruit!

Popcorn makes another great snack. For a 'Margarita Style' popcorn...

Melt 1/4 cup coconut oil, add 6 drops Lime essential oil, and mix well. Then Drizzle over the popped popcorn and sprinkle with salt to taste.

Chips and salsa is an old standby...make them stand out by....

Adding 2 drops of Lime essential oil and 2 drops of Cilantro essential oil to a jar of salsa.

Adding 3 drops of Lime essential oil, 1 drop of Black Pepper essential oil, and 1 drop of Cilantro essential oil to a container of Pico De Gallo.

Being mostly vegetarian, main courses from me are usually a salad. I simply buy pre-made bags of salad and then wow everyone with a yummy dressing. I have simply added a few drops of an essential oil to a purchased salad dressing as well. Look at your ingredients in the salad dressing you buy.....for example, if Basil is on the label try adding a drop of Basil essential oil. If it's a citrus dressing, jazz it up with a drop or 2 of a citrus essential oil. Dill is another great ingredient to look for that you can boost by adding a drop of Dill essential oil. Ginger essential oil is another great one to use that boosts flavor in asian style dressings. 

Or making this salad dressing is pretty easy! It's my stand by that I use for myself most of the time.

Citrus Vinaigrette 
1/2 cup Olive Oil
1 TBS White Wine Vinegar
1 TBS honey
2 TBS minced garlic

Mix all ingredients together in a recycled jar and give it a good shake each time you use. 

I have also used this to marinade portobello mushrooms and then throw them on the grill for a main course. 

I like to make cupcakes for a summer dessert. Single serve and easy to grab. No silverware required, either! It's easy to whip up a store bought batter from a box and use pre made frosting. While the cup cakes are baking, I can whip up the other food items. I like to buy Vanilla, then I add about 10 drops of essential oil to the batter. I usually do Orange, Lemon, or Lime essential oil. I then add 3-5 drops of the same essential oil I used in the batter to the frosting. If you are doing chocolate, use Peppermint...yumm! Orange works well too, tho!

Cooking flavorful dishes can be as easy as adding essential oils to pre made items(..wink, wink)

For more tips in using essential oils with cooking and additional recipes, grab my PDF freebie 'Boost Your Flavor' HERE

Essential Oils For Horses Hooves

Essential Oils For Horses Hooves
Anyone who owns a horse can probably remember a time when they've gotten green or purple hands because their horses hooves needed some extra attention! Or, I can remember getting in trouble with the barn owner 'cause I stained the grooming area with green rings :( 

I can also remember paying 30-40$ a can for a moisturizer. With 6 horses, I definitely needed something more economical. 

Luckily, now, I can support my horses hooves by making all natural products with essential oils quite easily. The best thing is, I don't need gloves 'cause it's safe for me and my horses!    After an initial investment of essential oils, a few application containers, and some carrier oils, I end up saving quite a bit of money too. 

Let's say goodbye to purple and green hands, ditch the gloves, and find out how we can promote healthy hooves for our horses in a more natural and cost effective way. Here's how I support my horses hooves with essential oils on a daily basis by making a hoof moisturizer and a few products for 'hoof yuck'.

To put essential oils on our horses hooves, we are going to want to use a carrier oil. A carrier oil is simply a fatty oil that we can mix the essential oils with. This fatty oil is also good for moisturizing and some fatty oils like coconut oil and castor oil are rumored to have antibacterial properties as well. 

This also dilutes our oils for safe use and helps cover the whole hoof with a minimal amount of oils. Essential oils are very concentrated so you don't need a huge amount to get the job done. 

Now, I'm going to share with you my favorite recipe that I make in batches, but as a horse person with 6 horses on my property, I also know that sometimes we just need an even easier button-lol. If you are overwhelmed and just can't imagine one more thing to do for the barn, I got ya! You too, can ditch the toxic stuff!

Simply purchase a large container of coconut oil and an essential oil from this list:
(Over the years, I have found that these essential oils work well for hoof support)

Then keep the coconut oil at the barn. Grab a scoop when you want to use a moisturizer for your horses hooves, add a couple of drops of essential oil, rub your palms together, then massage into your horses hooves and coronet band. Easy Peasy! No gloves required, in fact, this is good for your skin too!

For my recipe that I premake in batches, I like to use a combination of fractionated coconut oil (coconut oil processed to stay liquid), olive oil, and castor oil ( a thick oil, rich in essential fatty acids that are natural humectants, this effect can promote hoof health, and help with dryness, and contains vitamin E). These fatty oils work well to moisturize the hoof and add shine.

I like to purchase a 32 oz. hoof applicator can with a brush on Amazon. You will reuse this can over and over. Fill it halfway with the fractionated coconut oil, then an additional 1/4 of the way up with castor oil, then finish filling with olive oil. Then I add 10 drops of each of the oils listed above. I use the brush to swirl to mix. I apply about once a week, depending on your horses hooves dryness, you could apply 2-3 times a week. Keep in mind that diet, exercise, and proper trimming all affect your horses hooves and you may need to look at ones of those areas in depth as well. 

Now for my "hoof yuck'' product...

If you are super limited on time, and again need a super easy can simply drop a few drops of essential oil onto the bottom of your horses hoof, especially in the bars and on the frog (after you pick out, of course). I find Tea Tree oil works best for this method. I have also used Oregano, and Clove, but make sure you are only using on the bottom of the hoof and not on an area of skin. These 2 essential oils are called 'hot' oils, which simply means they can cause a burning sensation on skin, so you would want to dilute them to use in that way. 

I like to make the following spray in an 8 oz spray bottle:
1/2 apple cider vinegar
1/2 distilled water
20 drops each of Tea Tree, Oregano, and Thyme
Add all ingredients into an 8 oz. spray bottle and shake well before each use. Spray on the bottom of the hoof after picking out. 

I also like to use this powder recipe if my horses hooves need some drying out and are particularly gunky. I think it drys the bottom of the hoof up well. 

I simply take a cup of baking soda and add 20 drops each of Tea Tree, Oregano, and Thyme. I usually mix this up in a bowl and then store in old spice containers with the shaker top. This makes it super easy to sprinkle on the bottom of the hoof after picking out. 

Excited to learn even more about getting started using essential oils with your horse? Download my free guide where we go over what you need to know to use essential oils safely and easily with your horse, including safety and dilution, click HERE

Lavender essential oil and how you can use it with your horse

Lavender essential oil and how you can use it with your horse
Essential oils are gaining in popularity and you may have heard of Lavender essential oil...aka 'the Swiss Army Knife' of essential oils. With a multitude of uses, it has definitely earned the title. Common questions I often get asked are...

What can Lavender essential oil be used for? or..How do you use Lavender oil on horses? and..How do you apply lavender oil to horses? Todays blog has got ya covered! Let's chat Lavender essential oil, what you can use it for, and how to use it with your horse. 

First, if you're new to using essential oils with your horse, grab my free guide to help ya get started where we go over what you need to know to use essential oils safely and easily with your horse, including safety and dilution, click HERE

I think Lavender's probably one of the most well known essential oils and should be given credit for bringing essential oils back into interest in the modern world with the help of a frenchman. While essential oils have been around a long, long time, with many references in the Bible, mentions from ancient Greece, and cultures across the globe, it was in the early 1900's that they re-surfaced in large part from the work of Rene-Maurice Gattefosse. 

According to the Gattefosse Foundation ( worked in his family's perfume business in the early 1900's. Lavender was an essential part of the perfume industry and Gattefosse is credited with the development of French Lavender, even creating a union of Lavender producers. He published numerous articles on lavender and its therapeutic properties. In the early 1900's, he burned his hands badly while working in the lab. He had heard lavender essential oil was good for burns and had a miraculous recovery of his burns using lavender essential oil. It inspired him on a new mission to convince the medical world of lavenders healing properties, and he dedicated the rest of his life to the research and development of essential oils for medical purposes. When his brother died of infection during the war, he embarked on developing an aromatic antiseptic. He continued to research and publish about essential oils until his death in 1950. 

So what can you use lavender for?

Lavender can be a very calming oil. Research conducted at the University of Arizona ( and published in the Journal of Equine Veterinary Science found "significant signs of stress reduction in horses that inhaled lavender from a diffuser"

Any situation where you think your horse would benefit from more relaxation would be a time you want to pull out the oil and have your horse take a whiff. Simply apply a drop to the palm of your hand, rub your hands together, and offer to your horse. If they like it, let them inhale it for as long as they want. Then, I like to the apply the leftover oil in my hands, to the back of my neck. I become a walking diffuser, stay calm myself, and have a more relaxed neck! 

Aromatherapy diffuser jewelry can be a fun option to be a walking diffuser as well. Trailering, veterinary and farrier visits, grooming , tacking up, attending clinics...these situations and more could benefit from some Lavender oil. You can also add a few drops to cotton balls or wood clothespins and stash in your trailer or stall. Keep out of reach of your horse tho'. If you have electricity in your barn, you can run an ultrasonic diffuser.

Lavender can be beneficial for the skin and coat. One of my favorite ways to use it is by making a mane and tail de-tangler and conditioner. For my favorite recipe click HERE. It adds a nice shine and a calming aroma. During shedding season and in the summer when it's so dry and dusty, I also use this recipe to help with grooming. It keeps the dust down. Pesky annoyances also tend to not like the aroma!

Lavender can also be used to help with muscle tension by massaging it into hard working muscles.

It's also very popular in many food and dessert recipes and contains antioxidants. I love me a hot lavender latte-lol. In people, when taken as a dietary supplement it may provide immune support. It stands to reason that our horses could receive similar benefits. Be sure to only use essential oils labeled for ingestion such as Young Living's Vitality™ line. You can add a drop to your horses grain and see if they like it. My horses like the smell and taste of Lavender and I will add about 3 drops in their grain bucket when traveling. Every horse is different, and essential oils are super concentrated, so start with a drop and see if your horse likes it too. 

Now you might be asking 'how do I apply lavender to my horse'?

First we have to chat about 2 key factors to putting any essential oil on your horse-quality and dilution. Not all essential oils are created equally. There is minimal regulation in the industry and many essential oils sold on the market are synthetic or diluted with other ingredients. To safely apply an essential oil to your horse, make sure you are buying a premium, high quality essential oil. Read the label on the oil you are buying and avoid buying any oil with the word fragrance on the label. Ask the following questions of any company you're buying essential oils from. 

I like Young Living™ and you can read about their Seed To Seal™ guarantee HERE

Now, let's talk about how you dilute Lavender essential oil. 

To dilute, I like the easy button. I simply apply a dollop of carrier oil (a carrier oil is simply a fatty oil like a vegetable oil, that is perfect to 'carry the essential oil') to the palm of my hand, then add a drop or 2 of the essential oil, rub my palms together and apply to the desired area. There are dilution guidelines for percentages, but I have been using the dollop method for over 7 years now and have yet to have a problem...from my under 200 pound minis to my large and in charge draft cross mare. If you want to dilute by percentage, generally a 5-10% dilution is adequate. Keep in mind that horses with sensitive skin...think any pink skin and redheads....may need more dilution. Watch the area for any signs of a reaction, such as raised hair, swelling, itching, or biting of the area. If that occurs, simply add more carrier oil.  Essential oils like fat, so when you add more carrier oil, it further dilutes the essential oil and slows down the absorption rate by the body to a tolerable level. Water and essential oils don't mix, so adding water usually only makes the reaction worse by driving the essential oil into the skin. 

If you want to dilute by percentages, download my 'Quick and Easy Dilution' PDF for horses HERE

You might be asking if you can use Lavender oil without a carrier oil and if it's safe to use Lavender undiluted? Lavender is a mild essential oil and can be used undiluted. However, I recommend that you dilute it, especially if you are new to using essential oils with your horse. Dilution makes it even safer to use and minimizes any potential skin reaction. Dilution also helps your essential oils last longer and be more economical. Since essential oils are extremely concentrated extracts of plants and a little goes a long way, you only need minimal drops and dilution is helpful for applying and using the oil on a large area. 

What carrier oil should you use? Glad you asked :)

I like olive oil, coconut oil, or fractionated coconut oil. Olive oil simply because I always have it. It's a thick oil and stays on the skin longer, so it works well, but can leave a greasy feel. It also has an aroma to it that may not be preferred for some recipes. I prefer the fractionated coconut oil, which is simply coconut oil processed to stay liquid, as it has no aroma and absorbs quickly, without leaving an oily residue. It's also very cost effective. Regular coconut oil is also a good option. I always tend to have it as well and it's inexpensive. It can add an amazing coconut aroma to recipes, and works great for a hoof moisturizer. In winter tho, it's hard to scoop out. 

You can make a roll on for topical use. There are a couple of ways to create a roll on:

1: Purchase a roll on top from Amazon or your essential oil company (make sure the description says it will fit the size of essential oil bottle you have). Use an empty essential oil bottle that you have, pop the orifice reducer off, add desired number of essential oil drops based on how much you want to dilute it, add a liquid carrier oil, and then add the roll on top. Gently invert it to mix. Then you have a pre-diluted essential oil roll on. 

2: Purchase a roll on bottle and top from Amazon. I like the 10 ml size. Add desired amount of essential oil based on how much you want to dilute, then fill up with a liquid carrier oil. I usually add about 10 drops to a 10 ml roll on, which is about a 5% dilution ratio.  

For a step by step guide to creating a roll on, click HERE

The roll on makes it easy to have diluted Lavender essential oil at your fingertips. Now, you can:
-Roll it on any area of concern with the skin
-Roll it onto your palms and then hand comb thru the mane and tail
-Roll some on your horses poll or chest in any situation that your horse may get upset in
If you are at a show, be aware that some governing bodies will test for lavender. If that's the case, simply use it aromatically instead. Apply a drop to your hands and let your horse smell for as long as they want, then put the excess on you as a perfume. You will then be a walking diffuser to help create a more relaxing atmosphere.
-Roll on the abdomen for digestion
-Roll on stocked up legs
-Roll on bug bites, bumps, or bruises

Sometimes when applying lavender essential oil to skin, it's easier to spray, rather than roll. You can mist the area around your horse when needed as well. To make a Lavender Spray:

Add 12-20 drops Lavender essential oil to a 2 oz. glass spray bottle. Add 10 drops of a carrier oil or a pinch of salt to help the essential oil mix better in to the water. You can leave this out, but the essential oil will sit on top of the water, so it's less ideal. Fill up the remainder of the bottle with distilled water. You can use tap water but distilled water has the impurities removed, so I like it better. Make sure you shake it well before every use. For a step by step guide to making a spray, click HERE!

So, add Lavender essential oil to your 'tool box' and keep it in mind the next time you head to the barn! 

If you're ready for a deeper dive in using essential oils with your horse, check out my mini course "Oily Horse Intro" where we dive into the what, where, how, and why, of getting started using essential oils with your horse...safely and easily! Check it out HERE!

Remember, using essential oils with your horse is not a substitute for regular veterinary care and statements made have not been evaluated by the FDA, nor are they intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. 

DIY Deodorant That Works

DIY Deodorant That Works
First, we might want to start off with why would you want to make your own deodorant? Simply grab the store bought deodorant you are using now and read the ingredients! If you are seeing aluminum, parabens (preservatives), phthalates, or the word's time to ditch and switch or consider making your own! If you do a google search with the words 'dangers of' before any of those ingredients, you will want to opt for an alternative. Plus making your own is cheaper, healthier and more fun! 

First, it's important to realize that the smell actually doesn't come from your sweat but rather when the bacteria on the skin break it down. Everyone has their own individual microbiome on the skin. Certain foods can make you sweat more and affect the bacteria on your skin causing more odor. Cutting down on an overabundance of processed, sugary, greasy foods, and meat, can make a diiference. You may need to play around with ingredients and the essential oils to get the right odor control for your body. 

Also, traditional antiperspirants plug sweat glands...and that's not a good idea! Sweating is one of the ways your body releases toxins, and you don't want to impede that. Sweating also helps control body temperature.  

Natural deodorants work to kill the bacteria that give off the unpleasant odor, not to stop you from sweating. In the beginning, your body may go thru a transition period as it adjusts away from chemical laden products. You may sweat more at first, or you might actually stink more. Give it a good month to rebalance your 'ecosystem'. You can apply the homemade deodorant more often for the first month or make a roll on for quick odor control during the day. 

You can make a spray or a salve. I have done both and find them both effective, but I prefer the salve, as I think it lasts longer. With a spray, I was having to use it twice a day and with the salve, I only need to apply once per day. I live in a hot climate and spend a good portion of the day outside in the barn. 

Ingredients you will need for a DIY Deodorant Spray:
Vodka or Everclear. I find Everclear works better as it's a higher proof alcohol (higher proof over 150=more antibacterial action) but I have also used the cheapest vodka I could find and been satisfied. I just needed to reapply during the day. 

Essential Oils. For the most part, you can use what smells better to you or your favorite. Remember, everyones microbiome is different and so some essential oils may work better for you than others. Its fun to experiment or rotate aromas and see what you like better and what works best for you. There are some essential oils that have been studied for odor control and may be more effective, but in my experience, the difference is slight and you can simply reapply if more odor control is needed, so use what ya like. What is important is quality! Not all essential oils are created equally. Be sure you are using a premium essential oil. I like Young Living™ and you can read about their Seed To Seal™ guarantee HERE

LemongrassLavenderCedarwood, Sandalwood , and Ylang Ylang are good ones to try to start. 

Fractionated Coconut Oil. This is coconut oil processed to stay liquid. It's an optional ingredient, but I thought that my deodorant lasted longer with the addition of this. The oil will stay on your skin longer than with just the alcohol. I also have sensitive skin and found that adding this kept the mix from burning if I used after shaving. Don't worry, if you leave it out and use after shaving, it really only burns for a few seconds and is very tolerable.You could also simply avoid using right after you shave. 

Magnesium Oil. Another optional ingredient, but a good one to have. You can actually use plain magnesium oil as a stand alone deodorant. I didn't think it worked as well as adding the essential oils and vodka when I tried it, but I like the protection I got when I added it in as an addition. Again, everyone is different, make the basic recipe, try it, and if you need more odor control, add the additional ingredients. Also I have found that people with sensitive skin can be easily irritated by magnesium oil. 

DIY Deodorant Spray Recipe:
glass spray bottle or high quality PET or HDPE plastic spray bottle, 4 oz. size works well, grab them on Amazon
3 oz. vodka or everclear
30 drops essential oils

If more odor control needed, consider adding 1 TBS Fractionated Coconut Oil
consider adding 1 TBS Magnesium Oil...keep in mind this can be a skin irritant...

Add all ingredients Into the spray bottle and shake well before each use.

Ingredients you will need for the DIY Deodorant Salve....

Coconut Oil. Creates a nice layer on the skin for long lasting odor control. Good for sensitive skin, adds a nice aroma, inexpensive, and rumored to be antibacterial itself.

Shea Butter. You will see many recipes for just coconut oil. I found coconut oil to be too liquid in summer and too hard in winter. With the addition of the shea butter, you get a nice cream consistency that stays year round and makes for easy application.

10 drops essential oil. Again some may work better than others, but I believe the difference is minimal. Use what ya like, and experiment. I find myself rotating between LemongrassYlang Ylang, or Purification™ which is a fabulous blend from Young Living.

Baking Soda. Helps to neutralize odor. I have made this recipe without and find I need the extra odor control. This is an ingredient that many people can be sensitive to. Using just 1 TBS seems to do the trick for me without iritation.  I have a friend who uses 2 TBS, and you will see that amount listed commonly in other recipes. I recommend starting with 1 and see how it works for you. 

Arrowroot Powder. This is your drying agent, as it helps to absorb moisture. It's not really a common ingredient (altho you can usually find it in your health food stores baking aisle or on amazon), so I leave it out and find I don't really need it. You can also substitute cornstarch instead which is a more common ingredient you might have in your pantry. 

DIY Deodorant Cream Recipe:
empty and clean container, I like to recycle used jelly jars or hand salve jars
2 TBS Coconut Oil
2 TBS Shea Butter
10 drops essential oil

Consider adding 1 TBS Baking Soda at a time for more odor control
1 TBS Arrowroot Powder or Corn Starch at a time for more moisture control

Combine the coconut oil and shea butter in a bowl and stir until mixed well and a creamy consistency. Then stir in the essential oils and dry ingredients if using. Scoop into your storage container. Swipe a small amount on your finger and wipe into your armpits. 

I haven't had any trouble with this staining my clothes. In fact, when I quit using an aluminum based deodorant, I quit making yellow stains on my clothes. However, I have heard a few people report it added an oily residue to their clothing. I would make sure you are not using too much and wait a few minutes after application before getting dressed. 

Remember, how long and how well the natural deodorant works, really does depend on your activity level, sweat output and microbiome..Stick with it and experiment! It may take you a month or so to transition over to a natural deodorant. Try different essential oil combos, or add the optional ingredients.  If you need some extra odor control in the meantime, make a roll on and apply as needed throughout the day. Simply purchase a 10 ml roller bottle (amazon-lol). Add 10 drops essential oil, then fill the remainder of the bottle up with fractionated coconut oil. For a step by step guide to making a roller bottle with a few of my favorite essential oil recipes, click HERE

To get essential oil recipes, tips, tricks and hacks delivered straight to your inbox, click HERE

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