Calming essential oils for horses and how to use them

Calming essential oils for horses and how to use them
You may have heard of essential oils and that they can be used to help calm your horse. As an avid  equestrian and horse owner, there's certainly a long list of situations I can think of that would benefit from that! Vet visits, farrier visits, clinics, horse shows, trailering, weather-who loves the wind #notme! Even grooming with some horses! If you haven't really heard of essential oils yet and are wondering exactly what they are, go HERE!),otherwise let's go over my top 7 essential oils I use to help calm my horses, and how you use them. 

First, you might be asking, do essential oils even work on horses? That's a big yes from me...but don't take my word for it, according to ScienceDaily® "research recently published in the Journal of Equine Veterinary Science found significant signs of stress reduction in horses that inhaled lavender from a diffuser." 

A study on PubMed.govusing Ylang Ylang essential oil concluded that "These findings are likely to represent a relaxing effect of the ylang ylang oil and provide some evidence for the usage of the ylang ylang oil in aromatherapy such as causing a relief of depression and stress in humans." While this study was done with people, relaxing us is never a bad idea as we are half the equation with our horses and it's logical to assume that a relaxing aroma for us could be relaxing for our horses as well. 

There can also be additional health benefits to using essential oils with horses. In addition to calming; insect bites, muscle pain, skin care, and our horses immune systems may benefit from some 'equine aromatherapy'.

If you go to and put 'health benefits of essential oils' in the search bar, you get 302 results of studies done using essential oils for various health benefits. Many of these studies were done with people and on other animals, but it's a logical conclusion that horses could benefit as well.

So, now that you know essential oils can be a natural boost to equine wellness, you might be wondering how to use essential oils with your horse and are they safe?

Essential oils can be safely used with our horses. With a few key factors, such as quality, and dilution with a carrier oil, we can safely incorporate essential oils into our horses health care regime. To dive more into what you need to know to use essential oils safely and easily with your horse, download my free guide HERE

Not all essential oils are created equally! There is minimal regulation in the industry as they fall under cosmetic guidelines and trade secret laws. I like to use Young Living Essential Oils™. They have a Seed To Seal™ guarantee (check it out HERE) which insures that I'm using a high quality and premium essential oil that's safe for my horses. 

Now that we know essential oils work, can be safe, and may be a natural solution with health benefits,  let's get into how we can use them to help calm our horses. 

Every horse is different and can respond differently to an essential oil. I find its best to have several calming oils to pick from. Then let your horses choose, and use the one that they like too. Remember we are in a partnership with our horse! The great thing is that when we use oils to help calm our horses, they help us remain calm and be a calm and confident leader! Thats half the equation!

Pick two oils from the list below and put one in each hand, then offer to your horse and see which one they smell more intently. Some of my horses actually try and grab the bottle from me, so hang on! 

When our horses inhale the aroma, it passes over their olfactory bulbs and heads straight to the emotional center of the brain in about 5 seconds, this is the powerful part that allows us to use essential oils to affect our horses emotions quickly. 

Let your horse inhale the aroma for as long as they like. Make sure that you get a nice long inhalation as you are feeling affects how your horse is feeling!

Dont wait, start using essential oils now. If you get your horse used to essential oils now and use them during times that are positive and relaxing, you can anchor those feelings in. Then when you use them in a stressful situation, not only is the aroma calming, balancing, and grounding, but it can bring back all those positive feelings. 

Once your horse has picked an essential oil, be a walking diffuser. You can do this by applying to yourself, making a perfume, or wearing diffuser jewelry, check out more info about this HERE

Another easy way to wear oils as a perfume is by making a roller bottle. Click HERE for a step by step guide.

When using essential oils to help calm our horses, having them inhale the aroma and us wearing it as a perfume, may be enough. If inhaling the aroma doesn't seem to be working, we may want an additional boost by using the essential oil topically with our horse. To do that, it's best to dilute the essential oil.

If you're wondering how to dilute essential oils with your horse, you can simply take a dollop or squirt of a carrier oil, like coconut oil, (for more info on carrier oils, click here) in your palm, add a couple of drops of essential oil, rub your hands together, let your horse inhale first..then apply to your horses skin. The chest or poll area work well. Be aware that if you are at a show, some governing bodies prohibit the use of essential oils (like Lavender) topically. In that case, let your horse inhale the aroma as many times as needed and make sure you are wearing the aroma as well. 

What essential oils are calming for horses?
This is my go to list of essential oils horses tend to like and can work well for calming:

Valor is a go to blend for me from Young Living™. Containing powerhouse essential oils of Frankincense, Black Spruce, Blue Tansy, Camphor Wood, and Geranium. According to Young Living™ Valor® "was formulated based on historical writings about Roman soldiers who were said to apply plant extracts and botanticals to instill feelings of courage and confidence before going into battle, and a foundational daily blend that features a positive aroma to inspire confidence and courage.

I find this blend helps to overall balance my horses emotions. Remember our horses are half the equation. We are the other half and together, we form a partnership. We can use essential oils to balance and ground us and keep us calm, then use them to help our horses in the same ways too.

This list isn't all inclusive, it's my favorites that I've seen my horses gravitate to a lot. Each and every one of us is different and has a different dynamic with our horse, so don't be afraid to experiment or even just try the essential oil that you have and see what happens! Tree oils like Cypress, Spruce, Fir, Sandalwood, and Myrrh, can also be very calming to a horse. 

If you're new to using essential oils with your horse, download my free guide where we go over what you need to know to use essential oils safely and easily with your horse, including safety and dilution, click HERE.

Horse health and dealing with their emotions can be tricky. Lucky for us, there are natural tools available that can help. Using essential oils as part of our equine wellness program can tip the scales in our favor! 

If you're ready to dive deeper into using essential oils with your horse, check out my mini course "Oily Horse Intro" where we dive into the what, where, how, and why, of getting started using essential oils with your horse...safely and easily! Check it out HERE!

Young Living's™ KidScents™ Line....Not Just For Kids!

Young Living's™ KidScents™ Line....Not Just For Kids!
Did you know that Young Living™ Essential Oils has a line of essential oil blends created specifically for kids?! And it happens to be one of my favorite product lines....Why, Elissa, you don't have kids...hmmmm? Guess what?!

The essential oil blends are mild and pre-diluted, making them perfect to use with horses and dogs, and I have a lot of 4 legged kids :) Let's chat how I use Young Livings™ KidScents® line with my horses and dogs....(if ya need help just getting started using essential oils, download my free PDF guides.... click HERE FOR HORSES and HERE FOR DOGS)

By the way, I am an independent Distributor of Young Living™ and the opinions expressed in this blog post are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of Young Living™. Young Living™ does not endorse, is not responsible for, and makes no representations or warranties regarding such content or its accuracy.

Hands down , my favorite is SleepyIze™ ....a blend containing Lavender, Geranium, Roman Chamomile, Tangerine, Bergamot, Sacred Frankincense™, Valerian, Rue, and diluted with Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride (derived from coconut oil). The name says it all, when you think sleep, what comes to mind... for me-anything and all things calm, relaxed, peaceful, quiet, tranquil, get the idea!

Since it's pre-diluted, I will often just add a drop to my hand, rub my hands together, and then pet my dog along the spine. My dogs are all 'seasoned oilers' tho... so if you are just starting out, you may want to add a drop of carrier oil to that drop as well. If you need more info on carrier oils, click HERE

If you are just starting out using essential oils with your dog, you will also want to wear it as a perfume first, to get your dog used to the aroma. Then start using it before you need calm and relaxation. You'll want to anchor it in to a positive experience with your dog, by diffusing it in a diffuser or wearing it as a perfume, during cuddle time or play time. That way when you use it in times if dire need, it can bring back the emotions of that positive experience. Check out my other blog HERE where we chat more in depth on using essential oils to help calm your dog.

Kidpower™ is my close runner's a blend of Orange, Vanilla Oleoresin, Black Spruce, Cinnamon, Camphor, Blue Tansy, Frankincense, Geranium, and diluted with Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride (derived from coconut oil). To me, it smells like 'orange creamsicle', returning me to fun filled kid days and the ice cream truck-remember those-haha!

I will often use it instead of Valor™ during times when my scared chi's seem to be having a meltdown...think thunderstorms, fireworks, roofing guys....several of my dogs seem to prefer it when I offer Valor™ in one hand and KidPower™ in the other. 

What's the difference between KidPower™ and SleepyIze™? Well, other than the list of essential oils used to make each blend-lol...I tend to reach for SleepyIze™ when I'm after calmness and relaxation by itself.  If I feel like I (or my dogs and horses) need some emotional support for confidence as well as calmness and balance, I'll reach for the KidPower™. See what your horse or dog prefers tho, and pick that way! I simply hold one in my left hand and one in my right hand...then I hold them out to my horse or dog...whichever one they lean into...use it...I've even had horses try and grab bottles out of my hands, so hang on! The dogs seem to be much more polite about it...oftentimes closing their eyes sniffing and pausing at the hand that has their preferred.  

I also find this blend to be especially helpful to my horses before a training session. I think it promotes calmness and helps with focus...if you have a horse that gets distracted easily or is spooky, I would give it a try. I wear it as a perfume before I head to the barn....horses have many more scent receptors than we do and if you can smell it, they definitely can smell it. If you need some extra 'oomph' , I add a drop to my hands, rub my hands together, and then offer my hands to my horse to inhale first for as long as they want. Then I usually comb thru the mane with the residue on my hands. 

This blend is listed as photosensitive, which means it can increase sensitivity of skin to light. It is diluted tho, and you are not applying much, and even tho it will work its way down the hair shaft to the skin, you have the mane protection. I live in sunny, Tucson, Az., and haven't had a problem applying it this way. Every horse is different tho, so if you have any concerns, or your horse is new to essential oils, or a sensitive red head...rub the excess under your shirt. You don't need to apply it topically. Remember horses have a good sense of smell, and if you wear it as a perfume, you'll both benefit. Wearing it as a perfume can help us be calm and confident leaders for our horses....which leads to calm and relaxed horses. 

TummyGize™ consists of Spearmint, Peppermint, Tangerine, Anise, Fennel, Cardamom, Ginger, and Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride. I think the name says it all-haha! I will add a drop to my hand, rub my hands together, and massage my dogs or horses abdomen with this blend. I always offer to let them smell it beforehand as well. Remember, essential oils are tiny molecules that affect us systemically even when we only inhale them! 

Owie™  should be in everyones first aid kit. It consists of Balsam Fir, Tea Tree, Helichrysum, Elemi, Cistus, Hinoki, Clove, and Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride. 

According to Young Living™ "this comforting, reassuring blend naturally soothes, has an aroma that is calming in times of distress, and features premium essential oils that support the appearance of healthy-looking skin."

Just like with TummyGize™, the name says it all. My horses are always getting into mischief! When I find superficial scuffles and scrapes, I reach for this. I drop it directly on the area after cleaning off with some soap and water, if needed. Any minor irritations get some of this applied to them as well. My dogs, being inside couch potatoes, hardly ever need this essential oil blend. Thank goodness, haha, as my horses make up for it!

SniffleEase™ consists of Eucalyptus Blue, Palo Santo, Lavender, Dorado Azul, Camphor, Eucalyptus Globulus, Myrtle, Marjoram, Pine, Eucalyptus Radiata, Eucalyptus Citriodora, Cypress, Black spruce, Peppermint, and Caprylic/capric triglyceride.

According to Young Living™ "SniffleEase has an aroma that helps ease feelings of discomfort and supports the feeling of normal, clear breathing."

Living in a hot, dry, and oftentimes dusty, environment, I like to use this with my horses as a preventative. I'll apply it to their chests a couple of times a week by simply dropping few drops in my palm, rubbing my palms together and then massaging in, always letting them inhale the aroma first for as long as they want. (See a pattern yet-lol)

GeneYus™ last but not least...this blend is great for calm and focused energy when working with our dogs and horses. Containing Sacred Frankincense™, Blue Cypress, Cedarwood, Idaho Blue Spruce, Palo Santo, Melissa, Northern Lights Black Spruce™, Bergamot, Myrrh, Vetiver, Geranium, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood™, Ylang Ylang, Hyssop, Coriander, Rose, Caprylic/capric triglyceride, and also Sweet Almond oil.

I find that this can really promote concentration and calm, focused energy with the horses. One of my driving ponies can tend to have 'squirrel syndrome'. When I use this blend before a training session, I've definitely noticed a difference with his attention span. 

It contains some powerhouse essential oils like Vetiver, Cedarwood, and Frankincense that are known for relaxation and calm. According to a study on, sedative effects of inhaled cedrol, a main component of Cedarwood oil, had findings that "indicate that cedrol inhalation had marked sedative effects regardless of the animal species". Vetiver has a few studies on using Vetiver as aromatherapy for relaxation in rats and comparing anti-anxiety abilities of Vetiver with Diazepam.

I like to swap back and forth using this and then KidPower™, just so things don't get boring-haha. I personally prefer the aroma of KidPower™, so I tend to use it more. Also several of my dogs seem to prefer KidPower™ as well....when in doubt about what to use...ask your dog or horse...they'll let ya know! 

So if you are looking for some great essential oil blends to use with your dogs and horses, give the KidScents® product line a try!

If you need help using essential oils with your horses, check out my mini course "Oily Horse Intro" where we dive into the what, where, how, and why, of getting started using essential oils with your horse...safely and easily! Check it out HERE!

How To Sleep Better At Night Naturally

How To Sleep Better At Night Naturally

According To John Hopkins Medicine "more than 60 million Americans suffer from poor sleep quality"...and I often get asked "which essential oils will help me sleep" or "do essential oils for sleep really work"? 

A study published by Biomedcentral concluded that "aromatherapy with lavender and peppermint essential oils can improve the sleep quality of cardiac patients"....and a review published on PubMed (A systematic review of the effect of inhaled essential oils on sleep) that evaluated studies published between 1990-2012 stated "a majority of the study findings suggested a positive effect of essential oils on sleep"......

Great news for those of us who can have trouble sleeping! Now, you may be wondering how do we use essential oils for sleep? 

First, let's look at the whole picture. There's a long list of things that can interfere with our sleep. Physical problems like hormonal issues, psychological problems like stress and anxiety, environmental problems like EMF's, medications, and even genetics....can all cause a lack of sleep or trouble sleeping. It's best to dig deep and seek medical advice to rule out those circumstances and know exactly what's going on. In the meantime essential oils may help. Let's also look at some ideas to implement as well as the use of essential oils.

Routine-Keep a consistent sleep schedule

Having a consistent bedtime and wake-up time, even on your days off, is one of the most important steps to mastering a perfect night of sleep because it helps set the pace of your body’s circadian rhythm. It also trains your body so it knows when it’s time to sleep. Once your body is used to the routine, it knows when it’s bedtime.

Avoid artificial light 2-3 hours before bedtime

Blue light is the light emitted by our computer, cell phone, TV and other electronic devices and it wreaks havoc on our ability to sleep. Light exposure before bedtime suppresses melatonin by more than 50 percent. This means limiting or avoiding all screen time 2-3 hours before bed or use blue light
blocking glasses.

Minimize your EMF exposure

Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) are a HUGE cause of poor sleep because they interfere in your body’s electrical system, including your brain waves. Protecting your body from EMF’s entails unplugging anything electrical near your bed, especially near your head, not sleeping with your cell phone near your bed (ideally a few rooms away in airplane mode), moving your computer to another room, and turning off wireless internet at night when you sleep. 

Sleep in complete darkness

Even a small amount of light at night can disrupt circadian rhythms and sleep quality. Just one pulse of light can suppress melatonin production and wake you up. Create darkness by using a sleep mask and sleeping in a darkened room. Consider using blackout curtains. Remove or cover nightlights, LEDs, and alarm clocks. Don’t turn on lights if you get up to go to the bathroom and resist the urge to look at your phone!

Other helpful tips:

Keep your room cool

invest in a mattress and pillow that works for your body 
Get some exercise during the day but at least 2 hours prior to bedtime

Make a chamomile tea ...(for an essential oil twist, try adding 1 drop of German Chamomile Vitality™ to a teaspoon of honey, then add hot water...)

So which essential oils might be good for sleeping?

Lavender, Rose, Roman Chamomile, Jasmine, and Ylang Ylang are all mentioned  with links to studies in an article (How Smell Affects Your Sleep) published by Sleep Foundation. Other essential oils I like to include on the sleep list are Valerian, Vetiver, Frankincense, and Cedarwood. 

Now, how do we use those essential oils?!

Investing in a ultrasonic diffuser is my favorite way. It's cost effective, and can easily become a part of that bedtime routine. Many diffusers are on the market and some will even run for 8-10 hours which I find can work well if you tend to wake up during the night or have trouble falling asleep once you wake up. You can check out my favorite diffuser from Young Living™ HERE. While it says its for kids-lol-It's my fave. It's easy to use, has a white noise addition, a low mode which runs for 8 hours, and you can turn the lights off! And, how fun to have 'Feather the owl' watching over you as ya sleep-haha! It evens includes a bottle of Lavender essential oil for you to try! 

Here are a few of my favorite essential oil diffuser blends for sleep:

2 Drops Cedarwood
2 Drops Lavender
2 Drops Vetiver

2 Drops Frankincense 
2 Drops Ylang Ylang
2 Drops Vanilla Oleoresin

3 Drops Roman Chamomile 
3 Drops Ylang Ylang

For a free PDF with 8 of my best essential oil blends for sleep, click HERE

Everyone can respond differently to essential oils, and we all like different smells, so have fun experimenting. Try diffusing a single essential oil like Lavender or Frankincense...then if you don't get the desired result, pick another or try one of the blends listed above. 

No diffuser, no problem, try these hacks: (But trust me, you're gonna want one, invest in yourself!)

Use an essential oil spray by adding essential oils to a spray bottle. Then fill the spray bottle up with water. Shake well and mist your pillow. If ya want a step by step guide to making' a 'spritzer', click HERE

Make a roller bottle by adding essential oils to a 10 ml roller bottle, available on Amazon. Then fill up the roller bottle with a carrier oil like fractionated coconut oil or olive oil.  Then try rubbing on the bottom of your feet before ya go to bed, or the back of your neck, or even your chest. If ya want a step by step guide to making' a 'roller', click HERE

Add a few drops to your pillow or sheets

Add a few drops to a cotton ball on your nightstand

Rub a few drops onto the bottom of your feet, I think Frankincense works really well for this

Or add a drop to your palms and run thru your hair…

Sleep affects everything! From how we feel the following day to our ability to stay above the wellness line. It touches every aspect of health. Why not give essential oils a try!

Be sure to grab my free PDF of my best sleep diffuser blends HERE

Sweet Dreams

Essential Oil Roller Bottle Blends You Need When Traveling!

Essential Oil Roller Bottle Blends You Need When Traveling!
Let's face it, these days traveling is tough! Masks, tests, requirements, canceled flights, delays...the list gos on-haha! Thankfully I have a secret weapon to keep my emotions in check and support my health when traveling....drum guessed it-essential oils! 

One of the easiest ways to use essential oils when you travel is to make a roller bottle. I like to buy empty 10 ml roller bottles on Amazon, and add essential oils and a carrier oil. New dual sided roller bottles are now available from Young Living™ and they are the bomb! One end is a roller and the other is a drip! Check them out HERE.You can also recycle your empty essential oil bottles (fill with your blend and carrier oil and use by the drop or by adding a roller fitment). Roller fitments are available thru Young Living™ or Amazon. Making a roller bottle is easy, quick, and keeps your essential oils safe and at the ready for quick application. For a step by step guide to making a roller bottle, click HERE.

Recently, I just returned from Salt Lake City and my flights were canceled not only once...but TWICE...yikes, I could feel the steam coming outa my ears...then I reached for my roller bottle made with my favorite calming oil blend....rubbed some on my wrists...rubbed my wrists together...inhaled deeply...and I could feel the stress melting away...then I rolled some on the back of my neck for good measure-hah!

Why do essential oils works so well for our emotions? Our sense of smell is directly tied to the emotional center of our brain, aka the limbic's why a smell can trigger a memory like baking with grandma...or a disagreement with something you ate! Within about 5 seconds, those tiny molecules of essential oils pass over our olfactory receptors and enter into our over 20 years as a massage therapist , I haven't found anything that can work as quickly to change my mood! That's just the beginning, essential oils can support our wellness too!

Did you know a recent study concluded in 2021 (randomized, double-blinded, and placebo controlled) sponsored by Franklin Health Research (registered on NCT04980573) with results published on ScienceDirect has the outcomes of:

  • Shown to promote increased energy levels in women who inhaled Young Living Longevity ™ Essential Oil blend twice daily for 14 consecutive days
  • Shown to decrease fatigue levels and increase vigor levels in women who inhaled Young Living Longevity ™ Essential Oil blend twice daily for 14 consecutive days
  • Shown that aromatherapy with Young Living Longevity ™ Essential Oil blend can provide a novel non-invasive approach to improving energy and decreasing levels of fatigue in women
I have 4 roller bottle blends I never leave home without!  I always like to carry my 'It's Peoply Out There' blend, 'Wellness Blend', my 'Tension Melter' blend, and my 'I've Got Too Much Luggage' blend. I've included my honorable mentions blends here as well. Sometimes I run out of an essential oil or I get bored so I make the runners up instead. 

Also, we all like different aromas!  I'm not particularly fond of Patchouli essential oil, yet my friend wants it in every one of her blends! It's good to have choices! We all can respond to essential oils in different ways, so eyeball the recipes, trust'll gravitate to one or the other based on essential oils listed...then try the blend out and see how ya like it! Does it evoke feelings of calm or make you happy. Do you get a sense of relaxation or do you suddenly get an extra burst of energy? Feel free to experiment! Use these recipes as a base to start. Recently I tried a new blend in a diffuser and the difference of using 6 drops versus 10 was more than I would have thought...completely changed the vibe of the aroma. 6 drops actually smelled like the label..."Seaside" (essential oil blend from the new Simplified™ Jacob & Kait line from Young Living™)....and 10 drops gave it a cool citrus vibe, but not one where I thought of the beach!

For the following recipes, add the essential oils to your roller bottle, then fill up the remainder of the roller bottle with a carrier oil. I like to use fractionated coconut oil, which is simply coconut oil processed to stay liquid. It's light, non-greasy, and soaks into the skin well. You can use any carrier oil ya like tho...olive oil, avocado oil, jojoba oil, etc...

I like to apply the calming oil blend throughout my journey, anytime I feel 'my blood begin to boil' over this or that... I think it's best to apply it before you get on the plane tho to be considerate of your fellow passengers. Although, I often get the comment from my neighbor..."boy, you sure smell nice" which I immediately offer to share in the aroma...:)

For the wellness blends, I usually apply in the morning before I leave and again at night. Oftentimes to my chest or bottom of my feet. Or, if I feel like there were a lot of 'coughs heard 'round the airport', I might apply one to my chest and one to the bottom of my feet as soon as I get where I'm going, or even to my chest before I get on the plane. 

It's Peoply Out There

Wellness Warrior

Tension Melter

I've Got Too Much Luggage

Honorable mentions....

Calm Me Down

Just Relax

Worries Away

Making an essential oil roller bottle blend is easy, simple, can help tension melt away while traveling, and help you to stay above the wellness line! 

For more essential oil recipes, tips, and tricks, designed so that you never wonder what to do with your essential oils again, jump into 'The Weekly Oiler' HERE

How to use essential oils as air fresheners

How to use essential oils as air fresheners
We all want a fresh and clean smelling house-am I right?! Then, life happens-lol. Being a multiple dog household, my house...well, used to smell like dogs! Then I got into essential oils and realized how powerful they are at dispelling odors. With a variety of aromas to suit anyone, they are a powerful addition to your home, and you may see other benefits besides just a fresh and clean smelling house! You can also create an atmosphere to fit your mood....or change it! So today, let's chat about essential oils and how you use them as air fresheners!

Why do we even want to use essential oils as an air freshener instead of a chemical store bought one?

Well, for starters, we don't want to endanger our health or that of our family...2 or 4 legged! 
With furry companions in the house, this becomes paramount. Our dogs spend way more time than we do close to the floor and are more sensitive to chemicals in general. We dont want to harm our fur kids do we? And yes, essential oils can be used safely with dogs and even read more about that, click HERE. I've been diffusing and using essential oils in my house for over 7 years now and a 5 pound chihuahua is a member of my family!

We are bombarded by chemicals on a daily basis, many of which we can't control our exposure to, so it makes it even more important to be the gatekeepers of things we can control, like our home. Did you know that a new study mentioned in an article published by the EWG says that "releases from chemical products, including ones we use every day in our homes, are as much a cause of air pollution as automobile emissions" ....and the European Union has banned over a 1000 chemicals while the United States has banned a mere 12. Unfortunately, many people think that because a product is sold in stores, it must be safe, which is far from true! 

One of the leading ingredients in chemical air fresheners is 'fragrance', and according to this article published by the EWG "Another ingredient to watch for is the mystery ingredient “fragrance.” Mixtures of fragrance can be made up of any combination of chemicals on a list of thousands. Some, like phthalates, are linked to health hazards. Avoid air fresheners when you can."

And In this article published by the EWG, Samara Geller writes '"many fragrance components are allergens. Some are on California's Proposition 65 list, which is meant to inform citizens about chemicals known to cause reproductive harm, birth defects and cancer."

So, what can you do about it? Make different choices for your family and vote with your dollars!  Start simple by making easy swaps! You can start today by ditching your chemical air fresheners and swapping and investing in some essential oils to use instead! Let's speak with our dollars and support companies that dont use dangerous chemicals. Replacing chemical store bought air fresheners by using essential oils can be easy and after an initial investment of a diffuser and some essential oils, it can be cheaper as well!

First, you are going to need some essential oils. One of the most important things to realize is that not all essential oils are created equal! They are regulated by the FDA as part of the cosmetic industry. This means that companies don't have to disclose all ingredients under trade secret laws in the perfume industry. Did you know it's been over 80 years since the federal law designed to ensure personal care products are safe, has been updated? It's important that you find a company that you trust and read your labels. I like Young Living Essential Oils™ because of their Seed To Seal™ guarantee. Young Living™ is the ONLY company to offer this and they control the entire process, from the seeds of the plant used for the essential oil, to sealing the finished product in the bottle that arrives on our doorstep. You can read more about that HERE. Make sure you are using a high quality, premium essential oil. You don't want to add more indoor air pollution-right?!

So how do we use essential oils as air fresheners?!

One of the easiest ways is to invest in a diffuser. A diffuser is simply something that helps to disperse the essential oil into the air. Many essential oil diffusers are on the market today, and I recommend you start out with an ultrasonic diffuser. This type of diffuser doesn't use heat which can degrade the essential oil, it uses a ceramic or metal plate that vibrates, and it does require electricity. This vibration breaks down the essential oil, blends it with the water, and disperses it into the air. This dilutes the essential oil, so that it can be an option for a household with pets. It's easy to find one to fit your goal, whether thats running all day long or intermittently. You can shop for for one you find pleasing to the eye, and even for one with fancy colored lights! You can check out my favorite from Young Living™ HERE

Simply add water to your diffuser base per the instructions that come with your diffuser. Then add the essential oil you want to use, again referring  to the instructions that came with your diffuser.  In general, 4-10 drops is sufficient, depending on the amount of water your diffuser holds. Start low and see how you like the aroma, then up the drops if needed. 

If you don't have a diffuser, you can make a 'spritzer'. Then simply mist rooms that need some help. You don't really even need a recipe to make a spritzer. Simply add about 20 drops of essential oil per 2 ounces of water, to a spray bottle. Shake well each time you spray as essential oils and water don't mix. For a step by step guide to making a spritzer, click HERE.

Air Freshener Spray Basic Recipe:

-2 oz distilled water (you can use tap water, but distilled is better because the impurities have been removed-your recipe will last longer too)
-20 drops essential oil

You can also make a linen spray to refresh fabrics. Using vodka instead of water allows the mixture to evaporate quickly leaving the pleasant aroma behind. 

Basic Linen Spray:

2 oz vodka (use this instead of water so it evaporates quickly)
20 drops essential oil

Deodorizing Discs:

These are fun and easy to make.  You probably already have an ice cube tray and baking soda! If you want to get fancy or give them as gifts, you can purchase sandwich cookie molds for a fancier design. They work great for the bottom of your trash can (instead of buying trash bags scented with fragrance), or for stashing in closets, cabinets, and drawers. 

You will need:

1 cup baking soda
1/4 cup water
30 drops essential oil
Non stick sandwich cookie pan or ice cube tray

Mix the baking soda and water to form a paste. Stir in your essential oils. Spoon into your cookie pan or ice cube tray, pressing firm. Let dry overnight, and then pop out. Easy peasy! Store the extras in an airtight container until ready to use. 

Other ways to use essential oils as an air freshener:

-Drop a few drops onto several cotton balls and strategically stash around the house, works great for trash cans and drawers!

-Drop a few drops onto wooden clothespins and strategically pin around the house, pinning them where air will pass like on a fan or the vent for your ac or heater works great!

-Drop about 5 drops onto the cardboard roll of your toilet paper in the bathroom.

-Drop several drops onto your Kleenex boxes. 

-Add a few drops to the filter of either your furnace or air conditioner ducts.

-Carpet deodorizer-Add around 20 drops to 1 cup of baking soda. Sprinkle on your carpet and let sit for a about 5-10  minutes. Then vacuum up.

-Wood, clay, and leather items work well as mini essential oil diffusers, so if you have knick hacks in your house made of these materials, consider dropping some essential oil onto them in inconspicuous  places. Keep in mind some essential oils can stain, so add in areas that aren't seen or to items you don't have attachments to. Unfinished wood and clay ornaments work well and then you can hang them around your house.

-Purchase cork stickers, add a few drops of essential oil onto the cork stickers and then stick where needed. (I love to stick a few of these in my horse trailer and then drop Lavender onto them before each trailer ride)

-Make a Coffee Filter Sachet

You will need:

Coffee Filters
Baking Soda
Essential Oils

Add about 20 drops of essential oil to a cup of baking soda in a glass, ceramic, or stainless steel bowl, (essential oils degrade plastic) stir, and mix well. Then add a couple of tablespoons of the baking soda/essential oil mix to a new coffee filter. Pull the coffee filter together at the top and use a twist tie or rubber band to tie shut, then stash in closets, cabinets,  and drawers. 

-Make a Jar Air Freshener

You will need:

A clean glass jar with a lid that you can poke holes in. I like to recycle my jelly jars. Mason jars, baby food jars, peanut butter jars, pickled ginger get the idea, any jar will do! Worst case scenario, you can buy jars on Amazon. 

Baking soda-enough to fill the jar.
Now simply add baking soda to whatever jar you have, add essential oils (maybe 20 drops to half cup baking soda, but feel free to use less or more, depending on your preference.) 

Put the lid on and shake well, then take the lid off and poke several holes in it with an you have an air freshener that you can stash in strategic places in your house.

If you want to get really fancy, you could even decorate your jar! Remember to refresh your oils from time to time or when you feel the aroma is less. 

You can see that there are many options for using essential oils as air fresheners. If you are using chemical air fresheners, keep it easy and simple by swapping out one product at a time with a method from above. 

For more essential oil recipes, tips, and tricks...join 'The Weekly Oiler' HERE keepin' the "oily lifestyle' simple and easy for you, your horses, and dogs...

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