3 Ways To Make Drinking Water More Fun!

3 Ways To Make Drinking Water More Fun!

Did you know that it's generally recommended that you drink half your body weight in ounces of water per day…by the way…thats plain jane H2O…not tea, coffee, soda, lemonade, or even in my case- Kombucha-lol

If you're like me, water can get boring..and who wants to keep track of how much they're drinking..we have enough to do-right?! Luckily, there are easy ways we can spice it up, and keep track of our intake.

3 Easy tips to jazz up your water and get those ounces in by the end of the day.

  • Invest in a stainless steel or glass water bottle and know how much it holds and how many times per day you need a refill to get to your desired number..you’d be surprised at how helpful this is…

  • Or, invest in a  glass pitcher, fill it up per day with your needed water amount and then add fruit or lemon, keep in the fridge.. and cold refreshing agua is always at your fingertips…plus you know you need to empty it by the end of the day, and when ya do, you've achieved your daily intake..try lemon, watermelon, strawberry, even cantaloupe…I like to buy whatever organic produce is on sale and use that..then I get a new flavor often. 

  • Try infusing your water with essential oils..glass or stainless steel vessels only, as essential oils degrade plastic, and who wants to drink plastic?! Just 1 drop will do, and you will have to shake before every swig, as essential oils and water don’t mix, but heck, that breaks up the monotony-lol. 

More tips for adding essential oils to your water:

  • If you prefer a tad of sweet, add a few drops of honey to your water bottle, add a drop of essential oil, then fill your bottle up with water. This will help the essential oil mix in the water, but you still need to shake well before drinking. You can also purchase Stevia drops at your local grocery or on Amazon, and use that instead of honey to keep it zero calorie. 

  • Make sure you are using essential oils labeled for ingestion! I like Young Living's Vitality™ Line. You can use any essential oil labeled for ingestion...but some of them are too strong and don't taste good, for example-Oregano.

  • Any of the citrus oils are mild enough to use a drop and get away with it-haha! I also like to do a full drop of Peppermint.…and if you like Earl Grey Tea, try a drop of Bergamot.

  • Some essential oils taste good but a drop is too much, so you can dip a toothpick thru the orifice, then swirl the toothpick in your water bottle after ya fill it. Good examples of this are Cinnamon, Copaiba, Spearmint, Nutmeg, and Lavender. 

Everyones tastes are different, so pick an essential oil based on what you think you may like, and give it a try...if it's too strong, add more water. 

If you're interested in more info about consuming essential oils...grab my free guide that includes what you need to know to safely ingest essential oils. Grab it HERE!

Easy ways to use Peppermint Essential Oil

Easy ways to use Peppermint Essential Oil
Sometimes when I have essential oil get togethers, we like to play this game of....'If you could only have 1 essential oil....which one?' Yikes! Who wants to only have one-right?!-lol! (they are like potato chips :) ) But, it's a fun way to learn about essential oils and how everyone is using them! Today, my pick is Peppermint..so I'd like to share all the ways I use Peppermint Essential Oil for myself and my horses and dogs.

Peppermint Essential Oil is steam distilled from the leaves, stems, and flower buds of the Peppermint plant. A strong oil that has a high concentration of Menthol, it can create a tingling and cooling sensation on the skin. You can use it for your digestive, respiratory, and nervous systems, as well as for skin, muscles and bones. That's why it's one of my faves...you can use it for every body system! 

Cooling Spray
This is my favorite 'cause I live in a hot climate. Sometimes it feels like an oven, and having horses, ya can't stop goin' outside even when the temps jump into (and stay) in the 3 digits....It's super simple, grab a glass spray bottle, add 10 drops of Peppermint Essential Oil per 2 ounces, then fill up with water. You can use a high quality chemically resistant plastic spray bottle (PET or HDPE), if you prefer. Shake well before each use and then mist the back of your neck and arms...ahhh... instant air conditioning. You can spray your horses along the lower neck over the jugular vein, along the abdomen, and in-between the back legs to help cool them off. I also love to use this spray to help with those pesky outdoor annoyances in summer months. 

Cooling Horse Rinse
After exercise or sometimes even if the horses are sweating just hanging out in the stall, I will make a rinse with peppermint and Epsom Salts. The Epsom Salts can add additional help to relax and soothe muscles and also help the essential oil disperse in the water. Simply add a half a cup of epsom salt to a 2 gallon bucket, add around 10-20 drops of Peppermint essential oil to the Epsom Salt, stir, and then fill the bucket with water. After the Epsom Salts have dissolved, sponge your horse down (then make sure to squeegee them to get the water off the coat, otherwise the water can act as insulation). This can help soothe and relax tired muscles, and be very cooling.

Bath Salts or Foot Soak
Add 10 drops Peppermint Essential Oil to 1/3 cup epsom salt in a 4 oz. glass jar, and mix well. For a foot soak, use 1 TBS in a bowl of hot water that your feet will fit in, or for a bath add 2 TBS to your bath.

Peppermint Tea
Add 1 drop of Peppermint Essential Oil labeled for ingestion, such as Young Living's Peppermint Vitality™ to honey, and then add hot water. Use the desired amount of honey for your sweetness level, I like about a half a teaspoon.

Peppermint Coffee
I love to add a drop of Peppermint Vitality™ to my morning coffee. Not only do you inhale a boosting aroma right off the bat, but then my coffee tastes amazing....a perfect way to start the day!

Boost Your Water
Add a drop of Peppermint Vitality™ to your water bottle....keep in mind you need to use glass or stainless steel-no plastic. Shake well each time you take a swig! This gives you a refreshing boost every time you take a sip and breaks the monotony of plain ol' water. Plus Peppermint Vitality™ can enhance healthy gut function and help calm occasional stomach discomfort.*

Fresh Breath Spray
Add 1-3 drops of Peppermint Essential Oil labeled for ingestion, such as Young Living's Peppermint Vitality™ to a 5ml glass spray bottle (available on Amazon) and fill up with water. Shake each time before you use. You can add a drop directly to the roof of your mouth via your finger for a high powered, breath freshening punch, but it is a super strong  whammy in your mouth!

Muscle Rub
Add 10 drops to 1/2 cup coconut oil in a glass jar and mix well. Rub into any area you want to target. This works great for dogs as well and I often like to rub this into my older dogs hips. 

Make A Roll On 
Make a roll on by adding 10 drops into a 10 ml glass roller bottle (available on Amazon), fill with a carrier oil. I like to use fractionated coconut oil. It is coconut oil processed to stay in liquid form, has no aroma, and absorbs well into the skin without leaving an oily residue.  You can simply add a roller fitment to your bottle of Peppermint Essential Oil, but since Peppermint is very strong, I recommend diluting it in a roller bottle. Repeated undiluted use can cause a skin sensitivity.

Use this roll on...
-on the back of your neck during afternoon slumps, or anytime you need a 'pick me up' or some extra energy

-if ya need to focus or be mentally alert.. handy for studying, learning something new, late night driving trips (there have been studies done indicating that inhaling peppermint can increase mental accuracy by up to 24%!)

-roll on your dogs abdomen if car rides are unsettling

-roll on your horses abdomen for digestion

-roll on your chest before or after exercise to support good breathing

-use as a liniment by rolling on your horses tendons after exercise

-roll on any area of discomfort that you, your dog, or horse has 

Make Peppermint horse cookies...get the recipe HERE

For more recipes and tips makin' essential oil use easy for the whole family...sign up for 'The Weekly Oiler' HERE

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Young Living products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

How to make a dry shampoo for your dog

How to make a dry shampoo for your dog
First question you might ask-is why-lol...why do I need a dry shampoo. Let me show you how handy a dry shampoo has been for me and my dogs! 

First things first, if your dog seems to always have an odor and he isn't rollin' in anything, you should schedule a visit to your vet. That's not normal, any odor form the mouth or ears should be evaluated and same for if its coming from the skin or coat- you may need to look at what your fur kid is eating. Brushing your dogs hair at least twice weekly does wonders for the coat. It helps to distribute your dogs natural oils throughout the coat, and helps gets rid of dead hair and skin.

So, I'm getting ready to leave for the day, and I go to kiss my snugs goodbye (doesn't everyone kiss their dog goodbye?) and pee yewww! She must have just rolled in something. Well, I've really got to get out the door, but I don't want her puttin' that stink everywhere until I get home, so I pull out my dry shampoo. Don't worry, this DIY dry shampoo only has 3 ingredients so even if you dont have any pre-made, you can whip it up almost instantly. 

All you need is baking soda, cornstarch, and essential oils! 

Simply mix equal parts baking soda and cornstarch, and add about 10 drops of essential oil per 2 cups. If you were making it on the fly, sprinkle a little of baking soda, then a little of cornstarch in your palm, and add a drop of essential oil. There are so many times that this comes in handy tho, that I like to take 1 cup of each, mix it together, and add about 10 drops of essential oil. Then I transfer it to a jelly jar and poke holes in the lid so I can shake it on the coat. An empty spice container works too, or even a bowl and an old paint brush for little dogs. 

It's also come in handy 'cause bath time stresses out several of my chihuahuas and sometimes they just start to get that doggie smell. Using this dry shampoo in between baths helps to keep the coat fresh and clean. 

Then there's winter...I don't like to bathe in winter, especially my Great Pyrenees. With all that hair, its way too cold and he'd never dry, yet he likes to roll around in the dirt...all.. day..long..I really like using the dry shampoo before he comes in the house.

I like to use calming essential oils that are also good for the skin. My favorite for this recipe is Cedarwood. It's a very inexpensive essential oil too. I also occasionally use Myrrh, and Lavender is a good choice too. Frankincense is also at the top of my list!

So the next time you need some doggie odor control and would rather not on a bath, give this recipe a try!

For more recipes and tips makin' essential oil use easy for the whole family...sign up for 'The Weekly Oiler' HERE

Get your feet ready for summer with these DIY foot scrubs using essential oils!

Get your feet ready for summer with these DIY foot scrubs using essential oils!
Summer is on its way-Yay!! But after a winter in socks and living in the desert, my feet aren't flip-flop worthy.... Thank goodness it's so easy to make your own scrubs that will help exfoliate and moisturize. They're much cheaper than what you can buy and you can customize the aroma to your liking, and oftentimes it's much healthier for you as you can make your own without artificial fragrances, dyes, and petroleum products.

Making your own foot scrub is super easy, you really don't even need a recipe. All you need is an exfoliator and a moisturizer.

A basic recipe that works well is 2 parts exfoliator and 1 part moisturizer. Then add around 5 drops essential oil for recipes up to 4 ounces.

An exfoliator is an ingredient that is used to remove dead and dry skin and that allows the moisturizer to soak in better. Removing dead skin and dirt from the surface of the skin cleans the skin, gives it a radiant look, and a healthy glow. It also reveals newer healthier skin and speeds up the renewal process. A moisturizer is used to help soften, soothe and condition the skin. Of course, I always add essential oils for an aroma boost and many essential oils add extra benefits for the skin.

The best exfoliator for feet is salt. It has a courser granule than most other exfoliators and foot skin is tougher skin that the rest of the body. You can use plain salt or get as fancy as ya like. Himalayan salt adds a nice pink color If you are gift giving. Compounds in Epsom salt may add additional benefits. 

If you have any cuts, wounds, or scrapes on your feet, or cracked heels, use sugar. It has a smaller granule and will not sting like salt will. It's also better for sensitive skin due to the granule size. 

I've seen some scrub recipes using coffee grinds and have tried a few myself. Coffee can add a great aroma and contains compounds that may benefit skin. Coffee contains caffeic acid which is an antioxidant and caffeine can stimulate blood flow, which may increase circulation. However, the granule is very fine so if using coffee grinds you'll want to mix it with salt or sugar to get enough exfoliation. Be careful where you use your scrub, as the grinds don't dissolve like sugar or salt will, and you don't want to create a plumbing issue. Use equal parts coffee grounds to salt. An easy recipe is 1 tablespoon salt, 1 tablespoon coffee grinds, and 1 tablespoon of carrier oil. Consider a coffee filter over your drain.

If your feet are really dry and itchy, you can use oatmeal as part of the exfoliator. Mix equal parts with salt or sugar, as oatmeal by itself doesn't exfoliate as well as salt or sugar.

My two favorite moisturizers are olive oil and coconut oil. You probably already have these oils (and salt and sugar too) so you don't need to purchase anything else. Both of these oils are good for dry, cracked heels. You can use any carrier oil that you like as your moisturizer, so feel free to experiment. I also have used and like:

-Fractionated Coconut Oil-Liquid coconut oil without the aroma.It's easier to mix, but not as moisturizing.
-Jojoba Oil-Has a long shelf life if you are making gifts. It's known as a very effective and soothing moisturizer. It is similar to the oils naturally produced by our skin, so it absorbs well, but is a more expensive carrier oil to purchase.
-Castor oil-A very thick carrier oil that is known as a humectant, making it good for very dry skin. I find it has an aroma that I'm not that fond of.
-Vitamin E-Extends the shelf life of your recipe if making in bulk or gift giving, and adds antioxidants. 

Adding essential oils can add additional benefits to your foot scrub and will add a wonderful aroma as well. My favorite is Peppermint essential oil which is great for tired feet. Lavender essential oil can help relaxation for a nighttime scrub. Lemon essential oil is wonderful for dirty feet. Myrrh essential oil is my go to for dry, chapped, and cracked heels.  Consider Tea Tree essential oil if you have areas of concern on your feet or toenails. If you are using sugar, consider vanilla oleoresin for a great aroma and often I will add Peppermint and Vanilla together...yum!!

It's generally recommended to use a foot scrub once to twice per week. If your feet are really dry and callused, soaking first in warm water for 10 minutes can be helpful. Also using the scrub right before bedtime and then wearing socks will help to lock in moisture.
If you are not getting the desired results with the foot scrub, consider using a pumice stone in addition to the foot scrub.

My basic favorite easy recipe:
2 TBS Salt
1 TBS Coconut Oil
3 Drops Peppermint Essential Oil

My basic favorite easy sensitive skin recipe:
2 TBS Brown Sugar
1 TBS Coconut Oil
3 Drops Vanilla Oleoresin 
1 Drop Myrrh Essential Oil

My basic favorite easy coffee grind recipe:
1 TBS Coffee Grinds
1 TBS Sugar 
1 TBS Coconut Oil
2 Drops Vanilla Oleoresin 
1 Drop Cinnamon Essential Oil

My basic favorite easy oatmeal recipe:
1 TBS Oatmeal (dry)
1 TBS Sugar 
1 TBS Coconut Oil
3 Drops Lavender Essential Oil

For more essential oil recipes, tips, and hacks that make using essential oils easy, sign up for 'The Weekly Oiler' HERE

How To Use Cedarwood Essential Oil With Horses

How To Use Cedarwood Essential Oil With Horses
Cedarwood is one of my favorite essential oils to use with horses! Because It's....

-Super cost effective (under $16.00 for 15 ml)
-A very calming oil
-Great for grounding
-Mild oil and aroma
-Helps with pests
-Good for skin, coat, and hooves
-Helps your horse to have a shiny mane and tail

Here are some of the ways I like to use it....by the way if you're new to using essential oils with your horse, be sure to grab my free guide where we go over what you need to know to use essential oils safely and easily with your horse, including safety and dilution, click HERE!

-Wear a drop as a perfume when you head to the barn so you stay calm and grounded and help your horse stay calm and grounded.

-Add a couple drops to your hands, rub together and work thru the mane. Then repeat for the tail.

-Add a drop to the palms of your hands, rub together, let your horse smell, then apply leftover to the poll area.

-Add 20 drops into a 4 oz. spray bottle, fill up with water, shake well, and mist the coat while you brush. This is great to help with static, flys, and helps to condition the coat. For a step by step guide to making a spritzer, click HERE!

-Add around 3-5 drops to a dollop of coconut oil and rub into the coronet bands for hoof care.

(Cedarwood is a very mild oil and while I usually dilute all of my essential oils when I use them with my horses, Cedarwood is one that I do use undiluted from time to time.)

Ready to learn more? Check out my mini course "Oily Horse Intro" where we dive into the what, where, how, and why, of getting started using essential oils with your horse...safely and easily! Check it out HERE!

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