First, we might want to start off with why would you want to make your own deodorant? Simply grab the store bought deodorant you are using now and read the ingredients! If you are seeing aluminum, parabens (preservatives), phthalates, or the word fragrance...it's time to ditch and switch or consider making your own! If you do a google search with the words 'dangers of' before any of those ingredients, you will want to opt for an alternative. Plus making your own is cheaper, healthier and more fun!
First, it's important to realize that the smell actually doesn't come from your sweat but rather when the bacteria on the skin break it down. Everyone has their own individual microbiome on the skin. Certain foods can make you sweat more and affect the bacteria on your skin causing more odor. Cutting down on an overabundance of processed, sugary, greasy foods, and meat, can make a diiference. You may need to play around with ingredients and the essential oils to get the right odor control for your body.
Also, traditional antiperspirants plug sweat glands...and that's not a good idea! Sweating is one of the ways your body releases toxins, and you don't want to impede that. Sweating also helps control body temperature.
Natural deodorants work to kill the bacteria that give off the unpleasant odor, not to stop you from sweating. In the beginning, your body may go thru a transition period as it adjusts away from chemical laden products. You may sweat more at first, or you might actually stink more. Give it a good month to rebalance your 'ecosystem'. You can apply the homemade deodorant more often for the first month or make a roll on for quick odor control during the day.
You can make a spray or a salve. I have done both and find them both effective, but I prefer the salve, as I think it lasts longer. With a spray, I was having to use it twice a day and with the salve, I only need to apply once per day. I live in a hot climate and spend a good portion of the day outside in the barn.
Ingredients you will need for a DIY Deodorant Spray:
Vodka or Everclear. I find Everclear works better as it's a higher proof alcohol (higher proof over 150=more antibacterial action) but I have also used the cheapest vodka I could find and been satisfied. I just needed to reapply during the day.
Essential Oils. For the most part, you can use what smells better to you or your favorite. Remember, everyones microbiome is different and so some essential oils may work better for you than others. Its fun to experiment or rotate aromas and see what you like better and what works best for you. There are some essential oils that have been studied for odor control and may be more effective, but in my experience, the difference is slight and you can simply reapply if more odor control is needed, so use what ya like. What is important is quality! Not all essential oils are created equally. Be sure you are using a premium essential oil. I like Young Living™ and you can read about their Seed To Seal™ guarantee HERE
Fractionated Coconut Oil. This is coconut oil processed to stay liquid. It's an optional ingredient, but I thought that my deodorant lasted longer with the addition of this. The oil will stay on your skin longer than with just the alcohol. I also have sensitive skin and found that adding this kept the mix from burning if I used after shaving. Don't worry, if you leave it out and use after shaving, it really only burns for a few seconds and is very tolerable.You could also simply avoid using right after you shave.
Magnesium Oil. Another optional ingredient, but a good one to have. You can actually use plain magnesium oil as a stand alone deodorant. I didn't think it worked as well as adding the essential oils and vodka when I tried it, but I like the protection I got when I added it in as an addition. Again, everyone is different, make the basic recipe, try it, and if you need more odor control, add the additional ingredients. Also I have found that people with sensitive skin can be easily irritated by magnesium oil.
DIY Deodorant Spray Recipe:
glass spray bottle or high quality PET or HDPE plastic spray bottle, 4 oz. size works well, grab them on Amazon
3 oz. vodka or everclear
30 drops essential oils
If more odor control needed, consider adding 1 TBS Fractionated Coconut Oil
consider adding 1 TBS Magnesium Oil...keep in mind this can be a skin irritant...
Add all ingredients Into the spray bottle and shake well before each use.
Ingredients you will need for the DIY Deodorant Salve....
Coconut Oil. Creates a nice layer on the skin for long lasting odor control. Good for sensitive skin, adds a nice aroma, inexpensive, and rumored to be antibacterial itself.
Shea Butter. You will see many recipes for just coconut oil. I found coconut oil to be too liquid in summer and too hard in winter. With the addition of the shea butter, you get a nice cream consistency that stays year round and makes for easy application.
10 drops essential oil. Again some may work better than others, but I believe the difference is minimal. Use what ya like, and experiment. I find myself rotating between Lemongrass, Ylang Ylang, or Purification™ which is a fabulous blend from Young Living.
Baking Soda. Helps to neutralize odor. I have made this recipe without and find I need the extra odor control. This is an ingredient that many people can be sensitive to. Using just 1 TBS seems to do the trick for me without iritation. I have a friend who uses 2 TBS, and you will see that amount listed commonly in other recipes. I recommend starting with 1 and see how it works for you.
Arrowroot Powder. This is your drying agent, as it helps to absorb moisture. It's not really a common ingredient (altho you can usually find it in your health food stores baking aisle or on amazon), so I leave it out and find I don't really need it. You can also substitute cornstarch instead which is a more common ingredient you might have in your pantry.
DIY Deodorant Cream Recipe:
empty and clean container, I like to recycle used jelly jars or hand salve jars
2 TBS Coconut Oil
2 TBS Shea Butter
10 drops essential oil
Consider adding 1 TBS Baking Soda at a time for more odor control
1 TBS Arrowroot Powder or Corn Starch at a time for more moisture control
Combine the coconut oil and shea butter in a bowl and stir until mixed well and a creamy consistency. Then stir in the essential oils and dry ingredients if using. Scoop into your storage container. Swipe a small amount on your finger and wipe into your armpits.
I haven't had any trouble with this staining my clothes. In fact, when I quit using an aluminum based deodorant, I quit making yellow stains on my clothes. However, I have heard a few people report it added an oily residue to their clothing. I would make sure you are not using too much and wait a few minutes after application before getting dressed.
Remember, how long and how well the natural deodorant works, really does depend on your activity level, sweat output and microbiome..Stick with it and experiment! It may take you a month or so to transition over to a natural deodorant. Try different essential oil combos, or add the optional ingredients. If you need some extra odor control in the meantime, make a roll on and apply as needed throughout the day. Simply purchase a 10 ml roller bottle (amazon-lol). Add 10 drops essential oil, then fill the remainder of the bottle up with fractionated coconut oil. For a step by step guide to making a roller bottle with a few of my favorite essential oil recipes, click HERE
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