Let's face it, these days traveling is tough! Masks, tests, requirements, canceled flights, delays...the list gos on-haha! Thankfully I have a secret weapon to keep my emotions in check and support my health when traveling....drum roll.....you guessed it-essential oils!
One of the easiest ways to use essential oils when you travel is to make a roller bottle. I like to buy empty 10 ml roller bottles on Amazon, and add essential oils and a carrier oil. New dual sided roller bottles are now available from Young Living™ and they are the bomb! One end is a roller and the other is a drip! Check them out HERE.You can also recycle your empty essential oil bottles (fill with your blend and carrier oil and use by the drop or by adding a roller fitment). Roller fitments are available thru Young Living™ or Amazon. Making a roller bottle is easy, quick, and keeps your essential oils safe and at the ready for quick application. For a step by step guide to making a roller bottle, click HERE.
Recently, I just returned from Salt Lake City and my flights were canceled not only once...but TWICE...yikes, I could feel the steam coming outa my ears...then I reached for my roller bottle made with my favorite calming oil blend....rubbed some on my wrists...rubbed my wrists together...inhaled deeply...and I could feel the stress melting away...then I rolled some on the back of my neck for good measure-hah!
Why do essential oils works so well for our emotions? Our sense of smell is directly tied to the emotional center of our brain, aka the limbic system...it's why a smell can trigger a memory like baking with grandma...or a disagreement with something you ate! Within about 5 seconds, those tiny molecules of essential oils pass over our olfactory receptors and enter into our brain...in over 20 years as a massage therapist , I haven't found anything that can work as quickly to change my mood! That's just the beginning, essential oils can support our wellness too!
Did you know a recent study concluded in 2021 (randomized, double-blinded, and placebo controlled) sponsored by Franklin Health Research (registered on clinicaltrials.gov NCT04980573) with results published on ScienceDirect has the outcomes of:
- Shown to promote increased energy levels in women who inhaled Young Living Longevity ™ Essential Oil blend twice daily for 14 consecutive days
- Shown to decrease fatigue levels and increase vigor levels in women who inhaled Young Living Longevity ™ Essential Oil blend twice daily for 14 consecutive days
- Shown that aromatherapy with Young Living Longevity ™ Essential Oil blend can provide a novel non-invasive approach to improving energy and decreasing levels of fatigue in women
I have 4 roller bottle blends I never leave home without! I always like to carry my 'It's Peoply Out There' blend, 'Wellness Blend', my 'Tension Melter' blend, and my 'I've Got Too Much Luggage' blend. I've included my honorable mentions blends here as well. Sometimes I run out of an essential oil or I get bored so I make the runners up instead.
Also, we all like different aromas! I'm not particularly fond of Patchouli essential oil, yet my friend wants it in every one of her blends! It's good to have choices! We all can respond to essential oils in different ways, so eyeball the recipes, trust me...you'll gravitate to one or the other based on essential oils listed...then try the blend out and see how ya like it! Does it evoke feelings of calm or make you happy. Do you get a sense of relaxation or do you suddenly get an extra burst of energy? Feel free to experiment! Use these recipes as a base to start. Recently I tried a new blend in a diffuser and the difference of using 6 drops versus 10 was more than I would have thought...completely changed the vibe of the aroma. 6 drops actually smelled like the label..."Seaside" (essential oil blend from the new Simplified™ Jacob & Kait line from Young Living™)....and 10 drops gave it a cool citrus vibe, but not one where I thought of the beach!
For the following recipes, add the essential oils to your roller bottle, then fill up the remainder of the roller bottle with a carrier oil. I like to use fractionated coconut oil, which is simply coconut oil processed to stay liquid. It's light, non-greasy, and soaks into the skin well. You can use any carrier oil ya like tho...olive oil, avocado oil, jojoba oil, etc...
I like to apply the calming oil blend throughout my journey, anytime I feel 'my blood begin to boil' over this or that... I think it's best to apply it before you get on the plane tho to be considerate of your fellow passengers. Although, I often get the comment from my neighbor..."boy, you sure smell nice"..in which I immediately offer to share in the aroma...:)
For the wellness blends, I usually apply in the morning before I leave and again at night. Oftentimes to my chest or bottom of my feet. Or, if I feel like there were a lot of 'coughs heard 'round the airport', I might apply one to my chest and one to the bottom of my feet as soon as I get where I'm going, or even to my chest before I get on the plane.
It's Peoply Out There
10 Drops Lemon Essential Oil
10 Drops Geranium Essential Oil
Wellness Warrior
2 Drops Thyme Essential Oil
3 Drops Clove Essential Oil
10 Drops Frankincense Essential Oil
5 Drops Ravintsara Essential Oil
Tension Melter
5 Drops Lavender Essential Oil
5 Drops Sandalwood Essential Oil
10 Drops Ylang Ylang Essential Oil
I've Got Too Much Luggage
5 Drops Grand Fir Essential Oil
5 Drops Peppermint Essential Oil
5 Drops Wintergreen Essential Oil
Honorable mentions....
Calm Me Down
8 Drops Vetiver Essential Oil
5 Drops Lavender Essential Oil
5 Drops Bergamot Essential Oil
Just Relax
10 Drops Frankincense Essential Oil
5 Drops Vanilla Oleoresin
5 Drops Ylang Ylang Essential Oil
Worries Away
5 Drops Bergamot Essential Oil
5 Drops Lavender Essential Oil
10 Drops Cedarwood Essential Oil
Making an essential oil roller bottle blend is easy, simple, can help tension melt away while traveling, and help you to stay above the wellness line!
For more essential oil recipes, tips, and tricks, designed so that you never wonder what to do with your essential oils again, jump into 'The Weekly Oiler' HERE

We all want a fresh and clean smelling house-am I right?! Then, life happens-lol. Being a multiple dog household, my house...well, used to smell like dogs! Then I got into essential oils and realized how powerful they are at dispelling odors. With a variety of aromas to suit anyone, they are a powerful addition to your home, and you may see other benefits besides just a fresh and clean smelling house! You can also create an atmosphere to fit your mood....or change it! So today, let's chat about essential oils and how you use them as air fresheners!
Why do we even want to use essential oils as an air freshener instead of a chemical store bought one?
Well, for starters, we don't want to endanger our health or that of our family...2 or 4 legged!
With furry companions in the house, this becomes paramount. Our dogs spend way more time than we do close to the floor and are more sensitive to chemicals in general. We dont want to harm our fur kids do we? And yes, essential oils can be used safely with dogs and even cats...to read more about that, click HERE. I've been diffusing and using essential oils in my house for over 7 years now and a 5 pound chihuahua is a member of my family!
We are bombarded by chemicals on a daily basis, many of which we can't control our exposure to, so it makes it even more important to be the gatekeepers of things we can control, like our home. Did you know that a new study mentioned in an article published by the EWG says that "releases from chemical products, including ones we use every day in our homes, are as much a cause of air pollution as automobile emissions" ....and the European Union has banned over a 1000 chemicals while the United States has banned a mere 12. Unfortunately, many people think that because a product is sold in stores, it must be safe, which is far from true!
One of the leading ingredients in chemical air fresheners is 'fragrance', and according to this article published by the EWG "Another ingredient to watch for is the mystery ingredient “fragrance.” Mixtures of fragrance can be made up of any combination of chemicals on a list of thousands. Some, like phthalates, are linked to health hazards. Avoid air fresheners when you can."
And In this article published by the EWG, Samara Geller writes '"many fragrance components are allergens. Some are on California's Proposition 65 list, which is meant to inform citizens about chemicals known to cause reproductive harm, birth defects and cancer."
So, what can you do about it? Make different choices for your family and vote with your dollars! Start simple by making easy swaps! You can start today by ditching your chemical air fresheners and swapping and investing in some essential oils to use instead! Let's speak with our dollars and support companies that dont use dangerous chemicals. Replacing chemical store bought air fresheners by using essential oils can be easy and after an initial investment of a diffuser and some essential oils, it can be cheaper as well!
First, you are going to need some essential oils. One of the most important things to realize is that not all essential oils are created equal! They are regulated by the FDA as part of the cosmetic industry. This means that companies don't have to disclose all ingredients under trade secret laws in the perfume industry. Did you know it's been over 80 years since the federal law designed to ensure personal care products are safe, has been updated? It's important that you find a company that you trust and read your labels. I like Young Living Essential Oils™ because of their Seed To Seal™ guarantee. Young Living™ is the ONLY company to offer this and they control the entire process, from the seeds of the plant used for the essential oil, to sealing the finished product in the bottle that arrives on our doorstep. You can read more about that HERE. Make sure you are using a high quality, premium essential oil. You don't want to add more indoor air pollution-right?!
So how do we use essential oils as air fresheners?!
One of the easiest ways is to invest in a diffuser. A diffuser is simply something that helps to disperse the essential oil into the air. Many essential oil diffusers are on the market today, and I recommend you start out with an ultrasonic diffuser. This type of diffuser doesn't use heat which can degrade the essential oil, it uses a ceramic or metal plate that vibrates, and it does require electricity. This vibration breaks down the essential oil, blends it with the water, and disperses it into the air. This dilutes the essential oil, so that it can be an option for a household with pets. It's easy to find one to fit your goal, whether thats running all day long or intermittently. You can shop for for one you find pleasing to the eye, and even for one with fancy colored lights! You can check out my favorite from Young Living™ HERE.
Simply add water to your diffuser base per the instructions that come with your diffuser. Then add the essential oil you want to use, again referring to the instructions that came with your diffuser. In general, 4-10 drops is sufficient, depending on the amount of water your diffuser holds. Start low and see how you like the aroma, then up the drops if needed.
If you don't have a diffuser, you can make a 'spritzer'. Then simply mist rooms that need some help. You don't really even need a recipe to make a spritzer. Simply add about 20 drops of essential oil per 2 ounces of water, to a spray bottle. Shake well each time you spray as essential oils and water don't mix. For a step by step guide to making a spritzer, click HERE.
Air Freshener Spray Basic Recipe:
-2 oz distilled water (you can use tap water, but distilled is better because the impurities have been removed-your recipe will last longer too)
-20 drops essential oil
You can also make a linen spray to refresh fabrics. Using vodka instead of water allows the mixture to evaporate quickly leaving the pleasant aroma behind.
Basic Linen Spray:
2 oz vodka (use this instead of water so it evaporates quickly)
20 drops essential oil
Deodorizing Discs:
These are fun and easy to make. You probably already have an ice cube tray and baking soda! If you want to get fancy or give them as gifts, you can purchase sandwich cookie molds for a fancier design. They work great for the bottom of your trash can (instead of buying trash bags scented with fragrance), or for stashing in closets, cabinets, and drawers.
You will need:
1 cup baking soda
1/4 cup water
30 drops essential oil
Non stick sandwich cookie pan or ice cube tray
Mix the baking soda and water to form a paste. Stir in your essential oils. Spoon into your cookie pan or ice cube tray, pressing firm. Let dry overnight, and then pop out. Easy peasy! Store the extras in an airtight container until ready to use.
Other ways to use essential oils as an air freshener:
-Drop a few drops onto several cotton balls and strategically stash around the house, works great for trash cans and drawers!
-Drop a few drops onto wooden clothespins and strategically pin around the house, pinning them where air will pass like on a fan or the vent for your ac or heater works great!
-Drop about 5 drops onto the cardboard roll of your toilet paper in the bathroom.
-Drop several drops onto your Kleenex boxes.
-Add a few drops to the filter of either your furnace or air conditioner ducts.
-Carpet deodorizer-Add around 20 drops to 1 cup of baking soda. Sprinkle on your carpet and let sit for a about 5-10 minutes. Then vacuum up.
-Wood, clay, and leather items work well as mini essential oil diffusers, so if you have knick hacks in your house made of these materials, consider dropping some essential oil onto them in inconspicuous places. Keep in mind some essential oils can stain, so add in areas that aren't seen or to items you don't have attachments to. Unfinished wood and clay ornaments work well and then you can hang them around your house.
-Purchase cork stickers, add a few drops of essential oil onto the cork stickers and then stick where needed. (I love to stick a few of these in my horse trailer and then drop Lavender onto them before each trailer ride)
-Make a Coffee Filter Sachet
You will need:
Coffee Filters
Baking Soda
Essential Oils
Add about 20 drops of essential oil to a cup of baking soda in a glass, ceramic, or stainless steel bowl, (essential oils degrade plastic) stir, and mix well. Then add a couple of tablespoons of the baking soda/essential oil mix to a new coffee filter. Pull the coffee filter together at the top and use a twist tie or rubber band to tie shut, then stash in closets, cabinets, and drawers.
-Make a Jar Air Freshener
You will need:
A clean glass jar with a lid that you can poke holes in. I like to recycle my jelly jars. Mason jars, baby food jars, peanut butter jars, pickled ginger jars...you get the idea, any jar will do! Worst case scenario, you can buy jars on Amazon.
Baking soda-enough to fill the jar.
Now simply add baking soda to whatever jar you have, add essential oils (maybe 20 drops to half cup baking soda, but feel free to use less or more, depending on your preference.)
Put the lid on and shake well, then take the lid off and poke several holes in it with an ice-pick...ta-da...now you have an air freshener that you can stash in strategic places in your house.
If you want to get really fancy, you could even decorate your jar! Remember to refresh your oils from time to time or when you feel the aroma is less.
You can see that there are many options for using essential oils as air fresheners. If you are using chemical air fresheners, keep it easy and simple by swapping out one product at a time with a method from above.
For more essential oil recipes, tips, and tricks...join 'The Weekly Oiler' HERE keepin' the "oily lifestyle' simple and easy for you, your horses, and dogs...

Some of my chihuahuas sure are 'nervous nellies'! I'm thankful that I have tools in my toolbox to help calm them down and support their emotions! One of those tools is essential oils and I get asked quite a lot 'what essential oils are best for calming dogs?' Well.. with 7 chihuahuas in the house, let's talk about how I use essential oils to help calm them down when they get nervous and scared or just seem to have some worry.
First, you want to start now...while your dog is calm. Don't wait until your dog is 'sooo nervous' and then dump a bunch of oils on him...thats a recipe for 'not helpful'. You want to introduce essential oils to your dog in a positive way and have them associate positive and loving feelings with them.
Starting now gets your dog used to essential oils in that positive way. If you put on an essential oil and cuddle or diffuse an essential oil during playtime, your dog will associate positive feelings with essential oils. Then when you need them for calming, not only will the essential oil help relax your dog, but it will also bring back the feelings of calmness and love, or fun, that your dog associates with the essential oil, by you anchoring it in during that positive experience. Think about when you smell certain scent and it brings back memories...good or bad!
Next start low and slow....the easiest way is for you to be a walking diffuser for your dog, Dogs have upwards of around 200 million scent receptors and your dog will smell and have benefits just by you wearing essential oils as a perfume. Simply apply a drop of essential oil in your palm, rub your hands together, inhale deeply for at least 5 seconds, (this gets the essential oil into your emotional center so you can remain calm and be a strong leader for your dog) then apply the residue to the back of your neck or wrists. There is also some fun diffuser jewelry on the market that you can google too! You can also apply a drop to leather, clay, or wood jewelry that you already have as well. Just keep in mind some essential oils may darken the area you apply it to...apply the essential oil to an inconspicuous area.
Next, try an essential oil diffuser, that way you can run the diffuser as needed during holidays like the Fourth of July or New Years, when neighbors shoot off those darn fireworks. Or, here, where I live, we have a summer 'monsoon' season. Daily thunderstorms can happen so I usually start the diffuser each afternoon to help with the thunder.
Many essential oil diffusers are on the market, it's best to use one in which the essential oils are dispersed without heat. Essential oils contain many molecules from the plant that it is distilled from, that we can benefit from. Heat degrades essential oils and we want all the benefits from the essential oil! The most common essential oil diffuser that doesn't use heat is an 'ultrasonic diffuser'. You add water and depending on the diffuser usually around 4-8 drops of essential oil. When just staring out, use a low amount, like 2-4 drops, and give your dog an out. Keep in mind, our dogs may choose to be with us even if they are getting uncomfortable, so be sure to watch for signs like watery eyes, scratching, or stumbling that could indicate the essential oil is too much for them. You don't ever want to lock your dog up somewhere with a diffuser running! You can check out one of my favorite diffusers HERE
Sometimes even by wearing an essential oil or having a diffuser going, I have still needed some additional support. In that case, I apply an essential oil topically. Remember, not all essential oils are created equal and if you are going to use them with your dogs, make sure you are using a high quality premium essential oil! Read your labels! You also need to dilute them. My easy button for dilution is to simply add a dollop of a carrier oil to the palm of my hand, add a drop of essential oil, rub my hands together and then pet my dog along the spine. If ya want to follow a certain dilution ( usually 5-10% is adequate for dogs) click HERE for my quick and easy dilution guide). My favorite carrier oil is fractionated coconut oil. It's simply coconut oil processed to stay liquid and it absorbs quickly and doesn't tend to leave an oily residue. I have also used olive oil and regular coconut oil, simply because I already have them in my kitchen.
Now you may be wondering which essential oil to use....Glad you asked:) I'm going to give you a list of my top essential oils to use for calming and relaxation.....Why a list? Because every dog is different and responds to essential oils in different ways. One of my Chihuahuas loves Cedarwood, but another one doesn't, so when he's scared, I bust out the Frankincense, which tends to work well for him. Remember, introduce your dog beforehand to essential oils and associate them with a positive experience. Pick an essential oil from this list and see what happens! If your dog doesn't like it, or it doesn't create the desired effect you're looking for, try another one. Don't be afraid to experiment!
I like to use Young Living Essential Oils™. They have a Seed To Seal™ guarantee (check it out HERE) which insures that I'm using a high quality and premium essential oil that's safe for my dogs. I put an essential oil blend called Valor™ on the list. I find it to be a very grounding and balancing essential oil blend that can work really well for some of my chi's during times of stress. I'm always wearing it during a car ride-haha! One of my chiweenies, JR, loves it.
You can also create a blend for your diffuser or for a perfume for yourself, using the above mentioned essential oils. I would recommend that first you introduce your dog to essential oils one at a time and see how they respond. Remember, you dont want to overwhelm their nose! Then when you have been using them awhile with your dogs, start with the blends. Here is a favorite blend I use in my diffuser for calming
2 Drops Copaiba
1 Drop Cedarwood
1 Drop Lavender
If you need more help using essential oils with your dogs, be sure to subscribe to 'The Weekly Oiler' HERE

Who doesn't love a good summer get together?!
Thinking up unique food ideas, especially for a crowd can be a daunting task. I'm not much of a cook, but I have a secret weapon that can give a store bought food item that wow factor!
Drumroll.......essential oils! Yep, did you know you can use them to uplevel your summer recipes and create a dish with next level flavor fairly simply? I have used them to wow my guests who know I don't cook. They wonder how I can still serve them up something so delicious.
*Make sure you are using essential oils labeled for internal consumption! I like Young Living's Vitality™ Line. You can choose from over 20 different essential oils all specifically labeled for consumption! You can check them out HERE.*
To start the party, drinks are up. This is my absolute favorite summertime drink....a
watermelon slushy. I buy the watermelon in cut up chunks ready to go. Then you simply add it to a blender with the other ingredients. If you want to make it alcoholic...vodka is a great addition :)
Watermelon Lime Slushy
2 cups watermelon
1 cup coconut water
1 cup ice
2 drops Lime essential oil
Then we need some snacks...grilled fruit kabobs are easy and simple and get me rave reviews! I buy a fruit bowl with the fruit already sliced..in some stores you can find them on a skewer already as well. Then simply grill each side to carmelize the sugar and dip in the yogurt dip.. By the way, if that's too complicated for ya-sometimes it is for me too-lol. I simply purchase the fruit bowl and serve with the boosted yogurt dip-no grilling is required!
Grilled Fruit Kabobs
Fruit Slices (Pineapple Slices, Apple Slices, and Cantaloupe chunks are usually found readily in stores)
Bamboo Grill Skewers
Vanilla Yogurt
Arrange slices and chunks, alternating fruit, on a skewer. Then grill 1-2 min each side. Add the container of yogurt to a serving bowl and mix in the essential oil for dipping the fruit in.
I have also simply added 5 drops each of Lemon, Lime, and Orange essential oil to a tablespoon of honey and drizzled over a big store-bought bowl of fruit!
Popcorn makes another great snack. For a 'Margarita Style' popcorn...
Melt 1/4 cup coconut oil, add 6 drops Lime essential oil, and mix well. Then Drizzle over the popped popcorn and sprinkle with salt to taste.
Chips and salsa is an old standby...make them stand out by....
Adding 3 drops of Lime essential oil, 1 drop of Black Pepper essential oil, and 1 drop of Cilantro essential oil to a container of Pico De Gallo.
Being mostly vegetarian, main courses from me are usually a salad. I simply buy pre-made bags of salad and then wow everyone with a yummy dressing. I have simply added a few drops of an essential oil to a purchased salad dressing as well. Look at your ingredients in the salad dressing you buy.....for example, if Basil is on the label try adding a drop of Basil essential oil. If it's a citrus dressing, jazz it up with a drop or 2 of a citrus essential oil. Dill is another great ingredient to look for that you can boost by adding a drop of Dill essential oil. Ginger essential oil is another great one to use that boosts flavor in asian style dressings.
Or making this salad dressing is pretty easy! It's my stand by that I use for myself most of the time.
Citrus Vinaigrette
1/2 cup Olive Oil
1 TBS White Wine Vinegar
3 drops Lime essential oil
3 drops Orange essential oil
3 drops Lemon essential oil
1 drop Black Pepper essential oil
1 TBS honey
2 TBS minced garlic
Mix all ingredients together in a recycled jar and give it a good shake each time you use.
I have also used this to marinade portobello mushrooms and then throw them on the grill for a main course.
I like to make cupcakes for a summer dessert. Single serve and easy to grab. No silverware required, either! It's easy to whip up a store bought batter from a box and use pre made frosting. While the cup cakes are baking, I can whip up the other food items. I like to buy Vanilla, then I add about 10 drops of essential oil to the batter. I usually do Orange, Lemon, or Lime essential oil. I then add 3-5 drops of the same essential oil I used in the batter to the frosting. If you are doing chocolate, use Peppermint...yumm! Orange works well too, tho!
Cooking flavorful dishes can be as easy as adding essential oils to pre made items(..wink, wink)
For more tips in using essential oils with cooking and additional recipes, grab my PDF freebie 'Boost Your Flavor' HERE

Anyone who owns a horse can probably remember a time when they've gotten green or purple hands because their horses hooves needed some extra attention! Or, I can remember getting in trouble with the barn owner 'cause I stained the grooming area with green rings :(
I can also remember paying 30-40$ a can for a moisturizer. With 6 horses, I definitely needed something more economical.
Luckily, now, I can support my horses hooves by making all natural products with essential oils quite easily. The best thing is, I don't need gloves 'cause it's safe for me and my horses! After an initial investment of essential oils, a few application containers, and some carrier oils, I end up saving quite a bit of money too.
Let's say goodbye to purple and green hands, ditch the gloves, and find out how we can promote healthy hooves for our horses in a more natural and cost effective way. Here's how I support my horses hooves with essential oils on a daily basis by making a hoof moisturizer and a few products for 'hoof yuck'.
To put essential oils on our horses hooves, we are going to want to use a carrier oil. A carrier oil is simply a fatty oil that we can mix the essential oils with. This fatty oil is also good for moisturizing and some fatty oils like coconut oil and castor oil are rumored to have antibacterial properties as well.
This also dilutes our oils for safe use and helps cover the whole hoof with a minimal amount of oils. Essential oils are very concentrated so you don't need a huge amount to get the job done.
Now, I'm going to share with you my favorite recipe that I make in batches, but as a horse person with 6 horses on my property, I also know that sometimes we just need an even easier button-lol. If you are overwhelmed and just can't imagine one more thing to do for the barn, I got ya! You too, can ditch the toxic stuff!
Simply purchase a large container of coconut oil and an essential oil from this list:
(Over the years, I have found that these essential oils work well for hoof support)
Then keep the coconut oil at the barn. Grab a scoop when you want to use a moisturizer for your horses hooves, add a couple of drops of essential oil, rub your palms together, then massage into your horses hooves and coronet band. Easy Peasy! No gloves required, in fact, this is good for your skin too!
For my recipe that I premake in batches, I like to use a combination of fractionated coconut oil (coconut oil processed to stay liquid), olive oil, and castor oil ( a thick oil, rich in essential fatty acids that are natural humectants, this effect can promote hoof health, and help with dryness, and contains vitamin E). These fatty oils work well to moisturize the hoof and add shine.
I like to purchase a 32 oz. hoof applicator can with a brush on Amazon. You will reuse this can over and over. Fill it halfway with the fractionated coconut oil, then an additional 1/4 of the way up with castor oil, then finish filling with olive oil. Then I add 10 drops of each of the oils listed above. I use the brush to swirl to mix. I apply about once a week, depending on your horses hooves dryness, you could apply 2-3 times a week. Keep in mind that diet, exercise, and proper trimming all affect your horses hooves and you may need to look at ones of those areas in depth as well.

Now for my "hoof yuck'' product...
If you are super limited on time, and again need a super easy button....you can simply drop a few drops of essential oil onto the bottom of your horses hoof, especially in the bars and on the frog (after you pick out, of course). I find Tea Tree oil works best for this method. I have also used Oregano, and Clove, but make sure you are only using on the bottom of the hoof and not on an area of skin. These 2 essential oils are called 'hot' oils, which simply means they can cause a burning sensation on skin, so you would want to dilute them to use in that way.
I like to make the following spray in an 8 oz spray bottle:
1/2 apple cider vinegar
1/2 distilled water
Add all ingredients into an 8 oz. spray bottle and shake well before each use. Spray on the bottom of the hoof after picking out.

I also like to use this powder recipe if my horses hooves need some drying out and are particularly gunky. I think it drys the bottom of the hoof up well.
I simply take a cup of baking soda and add 20 drops each of Tea Tree, Oregano, and Thyme. I usually mix this up in a bowl and then store in old spice containers with the shaker top. This makes it super easy to sprinkle on the bottom of the hoof after picking out.

Excited to learn even more about getting started using essential oils with your horse? Download my free guide where we go over what you need to know to use essential oils safely and easily with your horse, including safety and dilution, click HERE