What Are The Benefits of Essential Oils for Horses: A Must-Have for Your Equine Companion!

What Are The Benefits of Essential Oils for Horses: A Must-Have for Your Equine Companion!
In the bustling world of equine care, there's a growing recognition of the profound benefits that essential oils can offer for our horses. With their ability to have a profound impact on equine health and simultaneously affect us through a shared sense of smell, essential oils represent a unique modality unlike any other. Join me as we delve into the captivating realm of essential oils, exploring their multifaceted advantages and why they're swiftly becoming an indispensable component of every horse owner's arsenal. But first, let's delve into the fundamentals: what exactly are essential oils?

Understanding Essential Oils

Essential oils boast a rich history spanning centuries and diverse cultures worldwide. Ancient civilizations, including Egypt, Greece, and Rome, harnessed these plant extracts for their healing properties, utilizing them in embalming, religious ceremonies, cosmetics, and medical treatments. Even the Bible makes numerous references to essential oils. Across time, essential oils have been noted for their multifaceted purposes, from alleviating physical ailments to enriching spiritual well-being.

Lavender, for example, was traditionally used to promote relaxation, relieve headaches, and soothe skin irritations. Interested in how lavender can specifically benefit your horse? Click HERE to delve deeper.

Peppermint was prized for its digestive benefits and ability to invigorate the mind and body. Living in a hot and dry climate, peppermint is one of my go-to essential oils. One of my favorite ways to use it is as a cooling after-exercise brace. Discover my favorite peppermint recipe HERE.

Aboriginal communities used tea tree oil topically as a natural antiseptic to treat wounds, cuts, burns, and infections. Curious about how to use tea tree oil effectively with your horse? Click HERE to learn more.

In addition to their historical medicinal uses, essential oils have played a significant role in cultural and ritualistic practices around the world. Indigenous cultures often used aromatic plants and oils in ceremonies, purification rituals, and spiritual healing. The burning of incense and the application of fragrant oils were believed to evoke divine energies, cleanse the spirit, and promote balance and harmony within the body and soul.

Today, essential oils continue to captivate enthusiasts with their versatility and efficacy in promoting well-being. With advances in scientific research and technology, we have gained a deeper understanding of the biochemical composition and wellness properties of essential oils. From aromatherapy and massage to skincare and household cleaning, essential oils are increasingly recognized for their holistic benefits and integrated into daily routines for enhanced health and wellness.

But what exactly are essential oils? Quite simply, essential oils are plant extracts. Have you ever broken a leaf and witnessed a fluid ooze out, or caught the delicate fragrance of orange blossoms in the air—that's the essence of essential oils at work, safeguarding the plant and contributing to its vitality. These potent extracts are sourced from various parts of plants, from the delicate petals of flowers to the sturdy roots of plants, even the resin from a tree. Each essential oil contains a complex blend of constituents, which imbue it with a unique aroma and a host of potential health benefits. 

Plant Uses and Natural Defenses

Essential oils serve as the plant's frontline defense against pests, pathogens, and environmental stressors. They are synthesized within specialized glands or cells in different plant tissues, where they play a crucial role in protecting the plant from harm and facilitating its growth and development. Whether emitted as a fragrant perfume to attract pollinators or deployed as a potent antimicrobial agent to fend off pathogens, essential oils are integral to the plant's survival and adaptation in its ecosystem. Just as essential oils fortify and nurture plants, they offer similar benefits to us, enhancing our well-being and vitality in profound ways.

Benefits for Horses and Humans

The benefits of essential oils extend beyond mere fragrance—they offer a holistic approach to equine wellness, supporting a myriad of physical and emotional concerns. For our equine companions, these oils can provide relief from discomfort, support immune function, and promote relaxation during periods of stress or tension. Interested in learning how to use essential oils to relax your horse? Click HERE for more information.

Additionally, essential oils can enhance the quality of life for horses with respiratory issues, muscular discomfort, or skin irritations, offering gentle yet effective support for common concerns. Moreover, the positive effects of essential oils aren't limited to our equine friends—humans can also reap the rewards of incorporating essential oils into their daily routines. Whether diffused in the barn to create a calming atmosphere or applied topically during grooming sessions, essential oils can foster a sense of tranquility and connection between horse and rider, deepening the bond between them.

Essential oils have the remarkable ability to anchor positive emotions and memories. By incorporating them into enjoyable and positive experiences with your horse, you can establish strong emotional connections that resurface whenever you use the same essential oil in the future. This phenomenon occurs because the sense of smell is intricately linked to the limbic system of the brain, which governs emotions in both humans and animals. 

This phenomenon is why certain scents can trigger vivid memories and emotions. For instance, the aroma of pumpkin spice may evoke memories of cozy holiday gatherings, while the scent of freshly baked cookies might transport you back to your grandmother's kitchen.

The Equine-Human Connection

At the heart of every successful partnership between horse and human lies a profound connection—one that transcends words. This bond is strengthened by moments of shared understanding, mutual respect, and genuine care. Essential oils, with their innate ability to evoke emotions and evoke memories, can play a role in nurturing this relationship. When applied with intention and mindfulness, essential oils can serve as a bridge between horse and rider, facilitating communication, trust, and harmony. Whether diffused in the barn to create a calming environment or incorporated into massage routines to promote relaxation, essential oils invite us to deepen our connection with our equine companions and celebrate the unique bond we share. To dive deeper into using essential oils with massage for your horse, click HERE.

Practical Application and Cost-Effectiveness

Incorporating essential oils into your equine care routine is simpler than you realize. One easy method is to wear the essential oil as perfume. Given that horses possess a far more acute sense of smell than humans, creating a relaxed atmosphere for yourself translates to a relaxed environment for your horse. By wearing the essential oil as perfume, not only do you effectively shed any emotional baggage before interacting with your horse, but you also promote a positive emotional state for your equine companion. You can simply pick an essential oil you like or experiment and have fun creating a signature perfume scent. To learn how to make your own perfume using essential oils, click HERE

Other easy options to incorporate essential oils into your horse care routine can be as simple as letting your horse smell directly from the bottle, creating a simple spray, or replacing toxic fly sprays and hoof preparations with DIY products made with essential oils. For two of my preferred DIY recipes—one for hooves and another for manes and tails—click HERE. With these techniques, you can even transform your tack room into a pleasantly fragrant space, eliminating that sweaty leather smell for good!

Additionally, essential oils can be cost-effective in the long run—a single bottle of oil can last a month or more, even with regular use. By investing in a few key oils and learning how to use them effectively, you can provide your horse with natural, holistic care while saving money in the process.

When selecting essential oils for your horse, prioritize quality and purity by choosing oils from reputable suppliers certified as pure and premium. Unfortunately, not all essential oils are created equal. Regulation falls under FDA requirements for perfumes, meaning not all ingredients need to be listed on the label. This lack of transparency can lead to common additives and synthetic versions being used to standardize aroma, compromising purity. 

Additionally, essential oils can vary from batch to batch due to environmental factors and growing conditions. Some companies may add fillers and other ingredients to cut costs and standardize aroma, further diminishing purity. 

Distillation, the primary process for obtaining essential oils from plants, is both an art and a science. Factors such as harvest times, distillation times, and the amount of plant material in the distillation equipment can all influence the quality of the oil produced. For example, ylang ylang must be hand-harvested due to the delicate nature of the flower, and specific harvesting times in the morning yield the highest quality oil.

We aim to harness the same benefits from essential oils that they provide to the plants they originate from, which cannot be replicated in a lab.

Safety and Quality Assurance

When it comes to ensuring the safety and efficacy of essential oils for your horse, purity is paramount. Opt for oils that contain only the essential oil from the plants—no fillers, additives, or synthetic substitutes. Problems associated with using essential oils often arise from impurities or adulteration. To safeguard your horse's well-being, it's crucial to start by reading labels.

Reading Labels and Ensuring Purity

Begin by scrutinizing product labels to identify any additives or unnecessary ingredients. Next, choose a reputable company that you know and trust. Ask pertinent questions to verify the purity and quality of their essential oils:

  • Do you own your farms?
  • Can I visit the farms?
  • Do you have fully equipped labs, and is each essential oil tested?
  • Do you have trained staff in aromas?
  • Do you visit suppliers' distilleries?
  • Do you test for peak harvest times?
  • Do you harvest at peak times?
  • Do you discard mistakes?
  • Do you distill without using solvents?
  • Do you bottle your own oils?
By asking these questions and selecting a company committed to transparency and integrity, you can confidently ensure that you're using pure essential oils that prioritize your horse's safety and well-being. If you'd like to check out my go to source for essential oils, click HERE!

Elevating Equine Wellness

Essential oils are more than just fragrant extracts—they're powerful allies in our quest for equine wellness. By understanding their origins, exploring their benefits, and embracing their practical application, we can unlock the transformative potential of these plants extracts for the benefit of our horses and ourselves. Whether diffused in the barn to create a peaceful environment, applied topically to soothe tired muscles, or integrated into grooming routines to promote relaxation, essential oils offer a natural, holistic approach to equine care that honors the innate connection between horse and human. As we continue on our journey of discovery and growth, let us remember the profound impact that essential oils can have on the well-being of our equine companions—and let us celebrate the beauty of this timeless partnership, grounded in love, respect, and the healing power of nature.

Ready to take your equine care to the next level? Join my 'Oily Horse Intro' course and unlock the full potential of essential oils for your horse. Discover the what, why, and where of using essential oils for horses, while learning practical techniques to seamlessly integrate them into your barn life. Gain confidence in nurturing your horse's well-being naturally and join a community of like-minded horse lovers on a journey to holistic equine wellness. Enroll now and embark on a transformative experience for both you and your horse! Click HERE!

Is Orange Oil Safe For Dogs?

Is Orange Oil Safe For Dogs?
I recently received a question from one of my readers: 'Is orange oil safe for dogs?' A quick Google search yields numerous articles warning about its potential danger and toxicity to dogs. However, I've personally used orange essential oil with my 5-pound chihuahua for over 8 years, and he's thriving. When it comes to essential oil safety for pets, quality, purity, and proper usage are paramount. So, let's delve into the truth about orange oil and its safety for our animal companions.

Unveiling Orange Oil:

Orange essential oil, what I like to call 'sunshine in a bottle', is extracted from the peel of oranges through cold pressing the rind. Just a whiff can instantly boost your mood and energy levels. The process of cold pressing involves mechanically pressing the peel to extract the essential oil, ensuring that the aromatic and wellness properties remain intact. Cold pressing is preferred for most citrus oils because it yields the essential oil without using heat or solvent chemicals. 

Did you know that additionally, other parts of orange trees are distilled for a unique essential oil as well? Orange blossoms of the bitter orange tree Citrus aurantium amara, yield neroli oil, known for its floral aroma and calming properties, while the leaves of the same tree produce petitgrain oil, valued for its green and woody scent and uplifting qualities. 

The Benefits Of Orange Essential Oil:

Orange is perfect for banishing feelings of lethargy and uplifting your spirits on even the gloomiest of days. Its fresh aroma can help combat unpleasant odors in your home, making it a popular choice for DIY pet-friendly air fresheners and cleaning solutions. Additionally, it also works well as an adhesive remover from non porous surfaces. Orange oil has also been studied as a flea and tick repellant and for its usefulness to skin health. 

Safety First:

Safely using essential oils with your pets always comes down to the quality and purity of the essential oil you are using and how you use it! When used appropriately, high quality, pure, and premium essential oils can be safe for our dogs! Adulterated essential oils used in the wrong manner or in too large of an amount are dangerous! 

So how do you know you have a pure and high quality essential oil? Ask questions and read your labels. The label should have the botanical name and if it lists any additional ingredients other than the botanical name, it isn't a pure essential oil. Find a supplier and ask them the following questions:

  • Do you own your farms? 
  • Can I visit the farms?
  • Do you have fully equipped labs and is each essential oil tested?
  • Do you have trained staff in aromas?
  • Do you visit suppliers distilleries?
  • Do you test for peak harvest times?
  • Do you harvest at peak times?
  • Do you discard mistakes?
  • Do you distill without using solvents?
  • Do you bottle your own oils?
These questions provide valuable insights into the practices and standards of your essential oil supplier. It's important to note that you will not find a high-quality essential oil from a company that can answer 'yes' to these questions at your local supermarket or drugstore.

If you're in search of high-quality, pure, and premium essential oils, or haven't found a company that can affirmatively answer every question, I invite you to explore my recommended essential oil supplier HERE. Having personally visited their farms and actively participated in the planting and distillation processes, I can attest to their commitment to quality!

Now that we have a pure essential oil, how do we properly use it?

Utilizing essential oils effectively depends on your desired outcome. To uplift your mood, simply inhale directly from the bottle. For a refreshing ambiance throughout your home, diffuse essential oils using a diffuser, providing both odor control and wellness benefits. Replace conventional cleaning products with DIY alternatives infused with essential oils for enhanced cleaning power and a delightful aroma. You can make your own perfume or muscle rub, possibilities abound!

When using essential oils with dogs, a safe and effective approach is to become a 'walking diffuser' by wearing the oil as perfume. Dogs possess a heightened sense of smell, allowing them to detect the aroma even when you're simply wearing it. Alternatively, you can hold the bottle of essential oil near your dog and observe their reaction. It's important to remember that dogs have a much stronger sense of smell than humans, so using oils in this manner can easily avoid overwhelm for them and by positively influencing your own mood with essential oils, you indirectly impact your dog's demeanor.

Using an essential oil diffuser can enhance your home's ambiance while ensuring safe dilution. There are many essential oil diffusers on the market and you can explore different diffuser options HERE to find the best fit for you. I prefer ultrasonic diffusers, which blend water and essential oils. 

Follow your diffusers instructions and start with a quarter to half of the recommended amount of essential oil. Then monitor your dog's reaction. Dogs have a heightened sense of smell and it's important to introduce them gradually to essential oils and avoid overwhelm. Additionally, each dog is unique and may respond differently to essential oils. Also, keep in mind your dogs size, age, and health condition, as this can affect how they react to an essential oil as well. Always leave a way out of the room and the opportunity for your dog to leave if they choose. For safety guidelines on diffusing oils with your dog, click HERE

This is a favorite diffuser recipe that has really helped bring my nervous chi' BooBoo out of his shell. Orange is known as the 'happy' oil and lavender as the 'relax' oil. Pairing them together on days when he seems extra jumpy and wants to hide, definitely seems to help him relax and have a more positive vibe!

2 drops orange essential oil
2 drops lavender essential oil

Topical Use:

Yes, you can apply orange oil topically as well. Properly diluted orange oil can be beneficial and help maintain healthy skin. Orange oil is commonly found in shampoos and conditioners for dogs. You can add a drop to a tablespoon of your natural shampoo for your dog or you can make a roller bottle with a carrier oil and apply to the desired area to support skin. To learn how to make a roller bottle click HERE. I like to add 10 drops of essential oil per 10 ml of carrier oil. For my quick and easy dilution chart, click HERE.

Here's a recipe to try that I like to use to support skin:

3 drops orange essential oil
3 drops lavender essential oil
3 drops copaiba essential oil

Add the above oils to a 10 ml roller bottle (available on Amazon) and fill it with a carrier oil such as fractionated coconut oil, which I prefer for its light, non-greasy, odorless, and fast-absorbing qualities.

Note that most citrus essential oils are 'phototoxic,' meaning they can increase sensitivity to sunlight. To err on the side of caution, consider applying them to areas under clothing or during the evening hours.

Orange essential oil as a supplement:

Ingesting essential oils is a hot topic and you might be wondering if essential oils can be taken internally

When considering ingesting Orange essential oil or any essential oil, it's crucial to read the label carefully. The essential oil should be labeled specifically for ingestion and obtained from reputable sources.

Orange essential oil is also on the GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) list. The GRAS designation is provided by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for substances considered safe for consumption in specific quantities. Many essential oils, including orange, are included on this list. These oils have undergone evaluation, and their safety has been established based on scientific evidence and expert consensus. While this list is published for human consumption and doesn't mean its necessarily safe for dogs, its a good place to start.

You may already be ingesting essential oils unknowingly through various everyday products. Orange essential oil, along with several others, is commonly used to flavor food, enhance beverages, and even flavor chewing gum. One of my favorite antioxidant drinks contains orange essential oil, and yes, I give this drink (in an appropriate amount) to my dogs and horses!

Ultimately, the decision to ingest orange essential oil or any essential oil is a personal one. While these oils may offer potential health benefits, it's essential to assess your comfort level and individual circumstances. If you're unsure or uncomfortable with ingesting essential oils, it's perfectly acceptable to refrain from this practice. There are many other ways you and your animal companions can benefit from using essential oils without taking them internally. You can sign up for my weekly newsletter devoted to safely using essential oils with dogs an horses HERE!

Orange essential oil can be a wonderful addition to your dog's wellness routine when used safely and responsibly. By understanding the quality, purity, and proper usage of essential oils, you can harness their benefits for your animal companions. Whether it's uplifting their mood, supporting their skin health, or creating a fresh ambiance in your home, orange oil has numerous applications. Remember to prioritize your pet's safety by sourcing high-quality pure essential oils and diluting them appropriately.

If you're eager to learn more about safely incorporating essential oils into your dog's wellness routine, consider enrolling in my comprehensive online course, 'Oily Dog Intro'. This course is designed to empower dog parents like you with the knowledge and skills needed to use essential oils safely and effectively for your 'kids'. From understanding quality and dilution to easy and practical ways to use essential oils with your dogs, 'Oily Dog Intro' covers everything you need to know to ensure the well-being of your four-legged friends. Join me on this educational journey to create a toxin-free environment and promote the holistic health of your fur kids. Click HERE to enroll now and never wonder how to use essential oils with your dog again!

Can You Use Rosemary Essential Oil on Horses?

Can You Use Rosemary Essential Oil on Horses?
Unlock the secrets of rosemary essential oil for holistic horse care. From muscle relief to mane and tail maintenance, discover how this versatile essential oil oil enhances your equine companion's well-being. Read more to revolutionize your horse's health care routine with the power of essential oils!


The Dangers of Synthetic Fragrances for Pets: What You Need to Know

The Dangers of Synthetic Fragrances for Pets: What You Need to Know
If you're like me and most pet owners, you want to keep your fur kids safe and healthy. We meticulously select their food, ensure they get enough exercise, and provide them with a loving home. But what about the air they breathe? Have you ever stopped to consider the impact of your indoor air quality on your pets' well-being?

The Impact on Indoor Air Quality

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), "indoor air pollution is often two to five times higher than outdoor air pollution levels, and in some cases, it can be up to 100 times higher." Two major sources of indoor air pollution include synthetic fragrances and cleaning products. 

Synthetic fragrances are ubiquitous in our homes. They're found in air fresheners, cleaning products, candles, and even some pet grooming supplies. While they may make our homes smell pleasant, these fragrances can pose serious risks to us and our pets.

In addition to synthetic fragrances, cleaning products also contribute to indoor air pollution. Many household cleaners contain harsh chemicals such as ammonia, chlorine, and phthalates, which can release harmful fumes into the air. These chemicals can irritate the respiratory system, trigger allergies, and even pose long-term health risks with repeated exposure. Contrary to popular belief, you can clean your home without harsh chemical cleaning products. To easily start swapping out your cleaning products for safer alternatives, click HERE.

The Hidden Dangers

The ingredients used to create synthetic fragrances are often a closely guarded secret. Companies are not required to disclose the specific chemicals used, thanks to lax regulations in the fragrance industry. This lack of transparency means that consumers are largely in the dark about the potential dangers lurking in these products. This article published on ScienceDirect highlights that "fewer than 10% of air freshener ingredients are typically disclosed to the public".

Let's delve deeper into the hidden dangers of synthetic fragrances by highlighting three of the most harmful ingredients commonly found in these products:

  1. Phthalates: Phthalates are a group of chemicals used to enhance the scent of fragrances and prolong their staying power. These chemicals are known endocrine disruptors, meaning they can interfere with hormone production and regulation in both humans and animals. Phthalates have been linked to reproductive issues, developmental abnormalities, and an increased risk of certain cancers. Pets exposed to phthalates may experience hormone imbalances, reproductive problems, and other adverse health effects.
  2. Parabens: Parabens are widely used in a variety of consumer products such as air fresheners, perfumes, cosmetic products, and cleaning supplies, due to their effectiveness as preservatives and their low cost. Parabens are favored by manufacturers because they are inexpensive to produce and highly effective at inhibiting microbial growth, thereby prolonging the shelf life of products. Despite their widespread use, parabens have come under scrutiny in recent years due to mounting evidence suggesting potential health risks associated with their use. Studies have shown that parabens can mimic estrogen in the body, leading to hormone disruption and interference with the endocrine system. This has raised concerns about their possible role in the development of hormone-related cancers, such as breast cancer and prostate cancer.
  3. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): VOCs are a diverse group of chemicals that easily evaporate into the air, contributing to indoor air pollution. Many synthetic fragrances contain VOCs such as benzene, toluene, and xylene, which can have harmful effects on health. These chemicals can irritate the respiratory system, trigger allergic reactions, and contribute to the development of asthma and other respiratory conditions. Long-term exposure to VOCs has been associated with neurological damage, liver and kidney dysfunction, and an increased risk of cancer. This article on ScienceDirect highlights that "Of all VOCs emitted, approximately one-fourth are classified as potentially toxic or hazardous under one or more federal laws in the US, and all air fresheners tested emitted one or more of these compounds."
While much of the research on these ingredients has been focused on their effects on humans, there is reason to be concerned about their impact on pets as well. Dogs and other pets, like humans, have endocrine systems that regulate hormone production and function. Given that pets often have closer contact with these products than humans do, either through direct application or environmental exposure, they may be at increased risk of adverse health effects. 

Additionally, pets have unique physiological differences from humans, such as faster metabolic rates and different detoxification mechanisms, which may influence how they respond to chemical exposures and put them at greater risk. When exposed to these chemicals, pets can experience a wide range of adverse reactions, including respiratory issues, skin irritation, behavioral changes, and toxicity. 

Creating a Safe Environment

Fortunately, there are steps you can take to minimize you and your pets' exposure to synthetic fragrances and create a safer environment for them:

Read Your Labels:

Given the prevalence of synthetic fragrances and harmful chemicals in household products, it's essential for you to become a savvy label reader. If I could only teach one thing, it would be to read your labels on each and every product you buy! Google 'dangers of' in front of any long words you can't pronounce and avoid any product that contains the word 'fragrance' like the plague!

Choose Natural Alternatives: 

Look for products that are fragrance-free or use natural fragrances derived from essential oils. Avoid cleaners that contain fragrance, phthalates, formaldehyde, and other known toxins, opting instead for eco-friendly alternatives that are safer for both your pets and the environment. It's actually super easy to clean your home with natural based products that are also common household ingredients like vinegar and baking soda. For my top natural cleaning hacks, click HERE.

Opt for natural air fresheners, such as essential oil diffusers or homemade room sprays made with pet-safe essential oils. These alternatives can provide a pleasant aroma without the harmful chemicals found in synthetic fragrances. For an in depth article on replacing artificial air fresheners with essential oils, click HERE.

Keep in mind tho, that not all essential oils are created equally either. Quality is a number one safety factor in using essential oils safely in your home. The same trade secret loopholes and lack of disclosure mentioned previously, means that there is significant variation in the quality and purity of essential oils on the market, with some products containing synthetic additives, fillers, or contaminants that may pose risks to you and your pet's health. 

Therefore, it's critical for you to research and choose reputable brands that prioritize transparency, quality control, and product purity. Look for companies that provide detailed information about their sourcing and production processes, own their farms, conduct third-party testing for purity and potency, and adhere to industry standards and best practices. 

I invite you to check out the essential oil company that I've vetted, Young Living™ Essential Oils. Founded over 25 years ago, Young Living™ is a pioneer in the essential oil industry, known for its unwavering commitment to quality, purity, and sustainability. Unlike many other essential oil brands, Young Living™ controls every step of the production process, from Seed To Seal™. 

They carefully select the finest botanicals from their own farms and trusted partner growers around the world, ensuring that each plant is grown in optimal conditions and harvested at the peak of its potency. Young Living™ is also committed to transparency, with an open door policy allowing you to visit the farms firsthand! I've had the pleasure of visiting several farms worldwide and helping to plant and harvest as well. Because of this, I have no doubt that I am only using a 100% pure and premium essential oil safe for me and my pets! 

Join me in experiencing the benefits of Young Living™ Essential Oils and discover the difference that quality essential oils can make in you and your pet's life. Please note that the following link is an affiliate link, which means I earn a commission at no cost to you. 

By ordering through my link, you'll not only receive access to Young Living's™ premium essential oils and oil-infused products, but you'll also be supporting my efforts to provide valuable information and resources to fellow pet owners like yourself. Join me by clicking HERE!

Your home is your oasis and you and your pets deserve a safe and healthy environment where you both can thrive. Synthetic fragrances may make our homes smell nice, but they can have serious consequences for us, our animals, and the environment. By educating yourself about the risks and taking proactive steps, you can create a healthy, thriving home. After all, our health and happiness are worth far more than any artificial scent.

Harnessing the Calming Power of Roman Chamomile for Equine Wellness

Harnessing the Calming Power of Roman Chamomile for Equine Wellness
Relaxing Your Equine Companion: The Wonders of Roman Chamomile

One of my horses, Rolex, is currently on stall rest. He's handling it like a champ, but there's one thing that's caught my attention – his newfound fascination with Roman Chamomile essential oil. I've always loved the aroma of this essential oil and happened to have it in my pocket due to a particular stressful day (Roman Chamomile is renowned for its ability to alleviate feelings of tension). When I got to the barn, I decided to see how he liked it. He definitely perked up, smelled the bottle for a long time, then proceeded to try and eat the bottle-lol. There was definitely a noticeable change in his demeanor, as he can carry some worry even tho he's mostly calm. It's since become a part of our daily routine, a small but significant moment of connection in his stall that really seems to take the edge off. Lets dive in to Roman chamomile and what it can do for your horse!

Understanding Roman Chamomile:

Roman Chamomile, scientifically known as Chamaemelum nobile or Anthemis nobilis, is a perennial herb belonging to the Asteraceae family. It's native to Western Europe and North Africa, where it thrives in sunny, well-drained soils, boasting delicate, daisy-like flowers with white petals and yellow centers, and emitting a distinct apple-like aroma. 

Treasured for centuries for its wellness properties, particularly its calming effects, Roman Chamomile's essential oil contains bioactive compounds like chamazulene, bisabolol, and apigenin, contributing to its soothing and wellness qualities. 

Historically it was valued for its skin-soothing properties and its ability to promote relaxation and ease digestive discomfort. In modern times, Roman Chamomile remains prized for its versatility in aromatherapy, skincare, and digestive support, offering a natural remedy for overall well-being. Chamomile tea has become a staple in households as a bedtime relaxing beverage!

The Roman Connection:

The inclusion of "Roman" in the name "Roman Chamomile" carries with it a blend of historical significance and anecdotal charm. While there's a popular anecdote suggesting that the plant was named after a botanist who discovered it growing near the Roman Coliseum, the veracity of this claim remains uncertain. Instead, it's more likely that the association with Rome stems from the plant's historical usage by ancient Romans, who valued chamomile for its medicinal and aromatic properties. 

The name "Roman Chamomile" may have been chosen to distinguish it from other chamomile species and to emphasize its esteemed status within Roman culture. Today, two popular types of chamomile essential oil used are Roman Chamomile and German Chamomile. While Roman Chamomile is celebrated for its gentle, apple-like aroma and calming properties, German Chamomile is known for its deep blue color. While I like to use use both with horses and dogs, Rolex's interest has Roman chamomile at the top of my list these days. 

Using Roman Chamomile with Your Horse:

To utilize Roman Chamomile for relaxation with your horse:
  • Offer the bottle for them to smell freely and as often as they'd like.
  • Apply a drop to your palms, rub them together, and allow your horse to smell your hands, repeating as desired.
  • Rub any residue on your horse's poll or the back of your neck for enhanced relaxation, recognizing that you are half the partnership with your horse and if you are calm and relaxed, you help them to be calm and relaxed. 
Practical Applications:

Creating a spritzer can also be a great way to use the essential oil to promote calmness, such as before the farrier's visit or during trailering. Make a spritzer and spray the area your horse will be in before you bring the horse to the area. For example the grooming stall or horse trailer. If using chamomile for skin benefits, simply spritz the desired area. For a step by step guide to making a spray with some of my favorite recipes, click HERE.

Making a roller bottle is another easy and fun way to use your essential oils with your horse. You can then roll the oil or blend on your pulse points wearing it as a perfume, you then become a walking diffuser for your horse. By the way, this is one of the easiest ways to get started using essential oils with your horse, to learn more-go HERE.

For my guide to making roll on, click HERE. This method also works well for supporting your horse's digestive system by applying topically to their stomach or rubbing on your hands and massaging their abdomen. 

Recipes for Relaxation:

Here are some of my favorite recipes for relaxation:

Roman Chamomile Massage Blend:
  • 10 drops Roman Chamomile
  • 5 drops Lavender
  • 5 drops Frankincense
  • 2 oz carrier oil (Like fractionated coconut oil, which is my fave. It's light, non greasy and absorbs quickly!)
Relaxation Spray:
  • 15 drops Roman Chamomile
  • 10 drops Cedarwood
  • 5 drops Vetiver
  • 2 oz spray bottle
  • distilled water and vodka ( or witch hazel)
Add the essential oils to the spray bottle then fill up halfway with vodka and halfway with water. The vodka helps mix the essential oil with water. Swap the vodka out for alcohol free witch hazel if you are using it on wounds. Remember to shake well each time you spray.

Relaxer Roller:
  • 10 drops Roman Chamomile
  • 5 drops Cedarwood
  • 5 drops frankincense
  • 10 ml roller bottle
  • carrier oil  (Like fractionated coconut oil, which is my fave. It's light, non greasy and absorbs quickly!)
By the way frankincense is another powerhouse essential oil I use all the time with my horses. It's a fabulous addition to blends you are using to calm or balance emotions. To read more about using frankincense with your horses, click HERE.

Nurturing Your Bond

With Roman Chamomile by your side, every moment with your equine companion can become an opportunity for relaxation and deeper connection. Incorporating Roman Chamomile into a horse care routine can yield numerous benefits for equine health and well-being. From aromatherapy to topical application, its gentle yet potent properties offer a natural solution for promoting relaxation, comfort, and overall wellness in horses. So, whether it’s a soothing massage or a calming aroma, let the power of nature nurture your horse's well-being and enrich your bond together.

Quality Matters:

When it comes to essential oils, quality matters. Not all oils are created equal, and it's crucial to choose trusted suppliers who prioritize purity and authenticity. A recent study, published in the Journal of Essential Oil Research (JEOR), found that over 75% of lavender oils tested were adulterated, underscoring the importance of sourcing from reputable companies.

One such company I trust is Young Living™, renowned for their Seed to Seal® commitment. Their rigorous quality control measures ensure that every bottle of essential oil meets the highest standards of purity and potency. If you're looking for premium quality oil you can trust, safe for your four legged family, I invite you to explore Young Living's™ offerings. Click HERE to learn more and grab a bottle of Roman chamomile for your horse!

(Please note that the provided link is an affiliate link, and I may earn a small commission from your order at no additional cost to you. Your support is greatly appreciated as it helps support my small business!) 
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