Sometimes when I have essential oil get togethers, we like to play this game of....'If you could only have 1 essential oil....which one?' Yikes! Who wants to only have one-right?!-lol! (they are like potato chips :) ) But, it's a fun way to learn about essential oils and how everyone is using them! Today, my pick is Peppermint..so I'd like to share all the ways I use Peppermint Essential Oil for myself and my horses and dogs.
Peppermint Essential Oil is steam distilled from the leaves, stems, and flower buds of the Peppermint plant. A strong oil that has a high concentration of Menthol, it can create a tingling and cooling sensation on the skin. You can use it for your digestive, respiratory, and nervous systems, as well as for skin, muscles and bones. That's why it's one of my faves...you can use it for every body system!
Cooling Spray
This is my favorite 'cause I live in a hot climate. Sometimes it feels like an oven, and having horses, ya can't stop goin' outside even when the temps jump into (and stay) in the 3 digits....It's super simple, grab a glass spray bottle, add 10 drops of Peppermint Essential Oil per 2 ounces, then fill up with water. You can use a high quality chemically resistant plastic spray bottle (PET or HDPE), if you prefer. Shake well before each use and then mist the back of your neck and arms...ahhh... instant air conditioning. You can spray your horses along the lower neck over the jugular vein, along the abdomen, and in-between the back legs to help cool them off. I also love to use this spray to help with those pesky outdoor annoyances in summer months.
Cooling Horse Rinse
After exercise or sometimes even if the horses are sweating just hanging out in the stall, I will make a rinse with peppermint and Epsom Salts. The Epsom Salts can add additional help to relax and soothe muscles and also help the essential oil disperse in the water. Simply add a half a cup of epsom salt to a 2 gallon bucket, add around 10-20 drops of Peppermint essential oil to the Epsom Salt, stir, and then fill the bucket with water. After the Epsom Salts have dissolved, sponge your horse down (then make sure to squeegee them to get the water off the coat, otherwise the water can act as insulation). This can help soothe and relax tired muscles, and be very cooling.
Bath Salts or Foot Soak
Add 10 drops Peppermint Essential Oil to 1/3 cup epsom salt in a 4 oz. glass jar, and mix well. For a foot soak, use 1 TBS in a bowl of hot water that your feet will fit in, or for a bath add 2 TBS to your bath.
Peppermint Tea
Add 1 drop of Peppermint Essential Oil labeled for ingestion, such as Young Living's Peppermint Vitality™ to honey, and then add hot water. Use the desired amount of honey for your sweetness level, I like about a half a teaspoon.
Peppermint Coffee
I love to add a drop of Peppermint Vitality™ to my morning coffee. Not only do you inhale a boosting aroma right off the bat, but then my coffee tastes amazing....a perfect way to start the day!
Boost Your Water
Add a drop of Peppermint Vitality™ to your water bottle....keep in mind you need to use glass or stainless steel-no plastic. Shake well each time you take a swig! This gives you a refreshing boost every time you take a sip and breaks the monotony of plain ol' water. Plus Peppermint Vitality™ can enhance healthy gut function and help calm occasional stomach discomfort.*
Fresh Breath Spray
Add 1-3 drops of Peppermint Essential Oil labeled for ingestion, such as Young Living's Peppermint Vitality™ to a 5ml glass spray bottle (available on Amazon) and fill up with water. Shake each time before you use. You can add a drop directly to the roof of your mouth via your finger for a high powered, breath freshening punch, but it is a super strong whammy in your mouth!
Muscle Rub
Add 10 drops to 1/2 cup coconut oil in a glass jar and mix well. Rub into any area you want to target. This works great for dogs as well and I often like to rub this into my older dogs hips.
Make A Roll On
Make a roll on by adding 10 drops into a 10 ml glass roller bottle (available on Amazon), fill with a carrier oil. I like to use fractionated coconut oil. It is coconut oil processed to stay in liquid form, has no aroma, and absorbs well into the skin without leaving an oily residue. You can simply add a roller fitment to your bottle of Peppermint Essential Oil, but since Peppermint is very strong, I recommend diluting it in a roller bottle. Repeated undiluted use can cause a skin sensitivity.
Use this roll on...
-on the back of your neck during afternoon slumps, or anytime you need a 'pick me up' or some extra energy
-if ya need to focus or be mentally alert.. handy for studying, learning something new, late night driving trips (there have been studies done indicating that inhaling peppermint can increase mental accuracy by up to 24%!)
-roll on your dogs abdomen if car rides are unsettling
-roll on your horses abdomen for digestion
-roll on your chest before or after exercise to support good breathing
-use as a liniment by rolling on your horses tendons after exercise
-roll on any area of discomfort that you, your dog, or horse has
Make Peppermint horse cookies...get the recipe HERE
For more recipes and tips makin' essential oil use easy for the whole family...sign up for 'The Weekly Oiler' HERE
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Young Living products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.