Have you ever got to the barn, went to grab your horse and found the mane tied up in knots?
Ancient legend has it that the fairies have come thru the stable at dusk. They twist the mane up in knots to use for stirrups and then gallop thru the night.
It's a fun legend and we all need a little magic in our lives, right!?
However, I have a mini and a pony that those darn fairies just overuse, and I get tired of combing the mane out all the time!
So , I started using an all natural mane detangler that I like to make, and it makes it so much easier to A) comb the mane out and B) keep the fairies at bay throughout the week.
With only 3 ingredients, it's quick, easy, and cost effective. I generally spray and comb thru the mane twice per week to make it hard on the fairies!
So grab an all natural conditioner ( I like to use Young Living's Copaiba & Vanilla Conditioner), a glass spray bottle-8 oz. works well, and the essential oils ya want to use.
If you'd rather use a plastic spray bottle, just make sure its a high quality PET chemical resistant spray bottle as essential oils degrade plastic.
My fave essential oil combo is equal drops Rosemary, Cedarwood, and Lavender. All good essential oils for the hair and it gives the spray a nice calming aroma. Equal drops Frankincense and Cedarwood work well too and give the hair a nice shine.

If ya wanna catch the video I did on Youtube and see it made in action,
click HERE
Be sure to grab my free guide where we go over what you need to know to use essential oils safely and easily with your horse, including safety and dilution, click HERE